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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

The only reason Morris ended up with 18 points was because Ohio State started switching in the last 10 minutes but before that

Darius Morris, the Wolverines' leading scorer and offensive engineer (think Evan Turner), was kept in check for 30 minutes by Ohio State guard Aaron Craft. Morris had two field goals and six points.
"He can hurt you in so many different ways," Ohio State coach Thad Matta said. "You?re not going to hold him scoreless or stop him from passing or anything like that. (We were) just trying to disrupt him as much as we could."

It worked for 30 minutes. But Morris attacked the lane with abandon after that and scored 12 points in the last 9:34 in rallying the Wolverines from a 12-point deficit.
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I'm a little afraid of an NCAA investigation.. in blood transfers...
cuz I watched this kid on defense last night...
and there's a lot of David Lighty in this kid...
coincidence? I think not

future All-Glue team?
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LitlBuck;1856728; said:
The only reason Morris ended up with 18 points was because Ohio State started switching in the last 10 minutes but before that

craft does need to learn how to balance on the line between tenacious defense and being foul-prone. i'm all for him finishing each game with four fouls. i think craft has so far maximized his defense under the limitations of five fouls.

i don't think craft is one of our three best players, but i do think he's one of our three most important (sullinger, lighty, and craft). then again, without buford's 19 and 9, the team would have lost, and there have been a number of games that diebler's production directly led to a victory. i guess that is what makes our team so good. we have so many weapons and crucial players.
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He stepped up huge again last night, he made State Penn pay by sagging off him when doubling Sully. His shooting as well as that of the upperclassmen was what allowed Sully to have the two and ones at the end, State Penn picked their poison, and lost :biggrin:

I continue to be impressed with his play. I heard on an earlier broadcast, I think from Jim Jackson that Craft has elite lateral quickness. It sure looks like it to my untrained eye. It is rare to have someone so strong, quick and gritty and a Freshman to boot. It's great to have him in S&G, he plays so tough and smart, great get by Coach Matta.
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