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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

early prediction: craft will be a 44-50% three-point shooter his sophomore, junior, and senior seasons.
I feel by his senior season, Craft won't do anything wrong.

100% 3pt, 10 assists, 0 turnovers. Every game.

He's that much of a competitor and his freshman performance has been remarkable. He's doing all this as a frosh...can't believe it's going to get better.
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How do you guys think Matta will handle the Craft/Scott situation next year? I do like Craft coming off the bench, just not sure if he would want to. He has earned the opportunity to start next year. Craft is already one of my favorite Buckeyes of all time. I must say though, what a great problem to have...
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bucknut502;1841641; said:
How do you guys think Matta will handle the Craft/Scott situation next year? I do like Craft coming off the bench, just not sure if he would want to. He has earned the opportunity to start next year. Craft is already one of my favorite Buckeyes of all time. I must say though, what a great problem to have...
i think the craft/scott situation largely depends on who returns. there are too many unknowns right now.
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OSU_Buckguy;1841623; said:
early prediction: craft will be a 44-50% three-point shooter his sophomore, junior, and senior seasons.

Another early prediction: Craft will break the career steals record at tOSU, which is currently 204 by Jay Burson.

The single-season record is 87 (by Mike Conley, Jr. in 2006-07), I'm not sure that he'll get that one.
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BB73;1841842; said:
Another early prediction: Craft will break the career steals record at tOSU, which is currently 204 by Jay Burson.

The single-season record is 87 (by Mike Conley, Jr. in 2006-07), I'm not sure that he'll get that one.
agreed. i made the same prediction elsewhere. heck, as long as craft stays healthy, i think he'll obliterate the career steals record. i also agree that conley's single season record likely won't be broken.
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Freshman getting 'Crafty' on the court
By Tim Shoemaker
[email protected]
Published: Monday, January 10, 2011


Cody Cousino / Lantern photographer
Guard Aaron Craft drives to the basket during OSU's win over Miami (Ohio) on Friday.

Nobody knows what the X-factor truly is, but Ohio State freshman Aaron Craft's tenacious defense and hustle on the court makes him the closest thing the No. 2-ranked OSU men's basketball team has to it.

The budding point guard has already been in pressure situations.

His 27.1 minutes per game put him behind only seniors Jon Diebler and David Lighty and freshman Jared Sullinger in minutes played for OSU this season.

Fellow Buckeyes say Craft's poise on the court makes him a strong player.

"The thing about Aaron, he's so mature for his age," Diebler said. "He doesn't play like a freshman."

Adjusting from high school to college is usually difficult for freshmen, but with the support of his teammates, Craft has successfully made a name for himself at OSU.

"It definitely helps having the teammates' confidence behind me every time I step up to the free-throw line and trusting me with the ball at the end of the game," Craft said.

Experience Craft has gained playing at the collegiate level prepared him to be a leader for the Buckeyes. He scored 11 points and had seven assists in OSU's 67-64 victory over Minnesota on Sunday.

For the first 16 games of the season, Craft has averaged 5.5 points, 1.7 steals and 5.1 assists per game. He is leading the team in assists. Though his other numbers might not be staggering, Craft's effect on his team's performance extends far beyond the box score.

"You can count on him to ? do the right things in games," Diebler said. "To see someone, at his age, be able to do that everyday is extremely impressive."


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Is he a freshman......Yeah
Is he going to make some "freshman mistakes"...... Yeah
In 4 years will he be recognized as one of the best point guards ever at Ohio State ...... (my guess is) another Yeah.

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