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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

Bringing Craft off the bench for Lauderdale does a couple of things. Most importantly it forces the other team to adjust to Ohio State. Instead of a 3 around 2 offense it can (and does) become a 4 around 1 attack. It also can change the tempo of the game to a more upbeat style.
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lord vegas;1834948; said:
I would love to know what the teams efficiency is with Craft on the floor and what it is without him. Just wondering if it confirm what my eyes are telling me.
diebler is 42 points ahead of craft in plus/minus. we're working with a small sample size against lackluster competition, so this statistic has yet to to express worthwhile validity. that being stated, both diebler and craft have played considerable minutes with starters. comparing each other via plus/minus will be much more meaningful as the season progresses. a better comparison of plus/minus is craft versus lauderdale, as dallas is the player that aaron has been replacing. craft is currently 53 points ahead of lauderdale, which can be largely explained by craft accounting for 33% more minutes than lauderdale.

by the way, diebler leads the team in plus/minus, barely edging out lighty. yes, the team is just a quarter of the way through the season, but i expect that diebler will be right there at or near the top in the plus/minus category for the remainder.
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The only time Diebler hasn't been hot was the Florida State game. Other than that game he is shooting 54.7% from three point range for the season. Arguing that Diebler shouldn't start is absurd. His range creates opening for other players on offense simply because he IS on the court and he HAS to be accounted for when he's there.

Back to Aaron Craft. I'm tired of the Diebler shouldn't start crap which is just what it is.
My point was that Craft has played very well this season not starting. There is no reason to start him.

Both guys are playing well and we are undefeated...let's not turn this into something it's not...
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korchiki;1835875; said:
My point was that Craft has played very well this season not starting. There is no reason to start him.

Both guys are playing well and we are undefeated...let's not turn this into something it's not...

I was pointing out that Diebler has been hot all season. That's why I quoted you.

My comment about being tired of the Craft not starting posts was directed at another poster, not you.

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more love from an opposing coach for our non-true point guard:

Sullinger is not the only impact freshman at Ohio State, though, and that?s one of this season?s biggest secrets. Freshman point guard Aaron Craft?s passing ability has energized the OSU attack. He?s not the playmaker Turner was, but his control of the basketball and his team makes him a better pure point.

When Craft is in the game, Matta can line him up with Sullinger?s power inside and three 1,000-point scorers along the 3-point line: seniors David Lighty and Jon Diebler and junior William Buford. With Craft distributing the ball like he?s Peyton Manning, that?s a lot for any opponent to handle.

?Aaron?s biggest difference is on the defensive end,? Sullinger said, both to correct our observations and to expand our knowledge. ?When he steps into the game, our intensity goes to another level. The way he starts on the point guard with defensive pressure, it just really builds our defensive mindset.?

When Matta sent Craft into the game early in the second half, after USC had scored five quick points, it was with the instruction to ignite the defense.

The passing, then, was just a fringe benefit. He finished with only three assists because some of his best feeds resulted in fouls rather than buckets. But he did get credit for one ridiculous backhanded dart he threw from the left wing to Sullinger in the post. He scored and was fouled and lifted Ohio State?s lead to 60-35.

?I think he?s a great fit for their team,? Horn said. ?I think the best thing they do, and I don?t know why nobody talks about this: They don?t turn the ball over. At all. He fits in well with that. He plays like a veteran because of who he?s out there with and what his role is, more so than a normal freshman would.?

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Did that read writer my post before he wrote the article?

Bringing Craft off the bench for Lauderdale does a couple of things. Most importantly it forces the other team to adjust to Ohio State. Instead of a 3 around 2 offense it can (and does) become a 4 around 1 attack. It also can change the tempo of the game to a more upbeat style.

Pats self on the back. :)
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Craft reminds me of Steve Nash from his college career. craft is a better passer then, Conley was. Some of those passes across the field to find a shooter lined up for a 3 pointer keeps popping up over and over,,,. That twist move he did but, missed the lay-up was a Conley move. I remember Conley had problems hitting Oden down low cause he was double teamed a lot but, Craft fines Sullinger or anyone down low very easily plus, he can penetrate like its easy.

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akronbuck;1836492; said:
Craft reminds me of Steve Nash from his college career. craft is a better passer then, Conley was. Some of those passes across the field to find a shooter lined up for a 3 pointer keeps popping up over and over,,,. That twist move he did but, missed the lay-up was a Conley move. I remember Conley had problems hitting Oden down low cause he was double teamed a lot but, Craft fines Sullinger or anyone down low very easily plus, he can penetrate like its easy.


Good points. Conley's MO at Ohio State was to drive as far to the basket as possible and dump it off when he dished. Craft makes crisp accurate passes. Two completely different but highly effective players.
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Good point guards come in a variety of flavors, colors and styles. Magic Johnson, Bob Cousy, Steve Nash and Chris Paul could hardly look more different one from the other, yet they're all among the top 10 of all time. The key is that they recognized their skill sets, maximized their strengths and minimized their weaknesses. Craft has his own set that I'm looking forward to seeing him develop over the next few years.

With that said, I can't say I see much Steve Nash in his game.
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Max Buck;1836513; said:
Good point guards come in a variety of flavors, colors and styles. Magic Johnson, Bob Cousy, Steve Nash and Chris Paul could hardly look more different one from the other, yet they're all among the top 10 of all time. The key is that they recognized their skill sets, maximized their strengths and minimized their weaknesses. Craft has his own set that I'm looking forward to seeing him develop over the next few years.

With that said, I can't say I see much Steve Nash in his game.

my bad, not the Steve Nash MVP but, the early Nash , He did't start for a few years but, kept improving his game. To me thats an NBA history story. From back-up to MVP. Can't name another that did that. If I'm missing someone let me know.
With Craft it kinda explains itself. Starting QB and PG in high school and that tells me born leader. If he ever becomes, a more consistent shooter from outside, watch out cause he has all the other parts already.
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OSU_Buckguy;1652771; said:
there should be no doubt what position craft plays. he is a pure point guard. he doesn't possess the athleticism of conley, the natural outside shot of butler, or the driving ability of turner. however, he is a smart player with a confident handle. he makes few mistakes with the ball in his hands. furthermore, craft is one of the best on-the-ball defenders in his class.

This was posted back on Feb. 1.

Now all we need to do is figure out if OSU_Buckguy is Coach Matta's s/n or Coach Major's. :wink: Great evaluation! :highfive:
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Aaron Craft picked up a new fan last night.

"I like their team. I like (Jared) Sullinger," Oakland coach Greg Kampe said after the Buckeyes' victory over his team.

"But I?ll tell you the guy I like is Aaron Craft. Man, does that kid make that team go."

Craft scored a career-high 12 points and had seven assists and four steals in 27 minutes.

"When they?re playing big like that (in their starting lineup), I think some teams on their level can come out and get them maybe and disrupt them offensively," Kampe said. "But when (Craft was) in the game, we couldn?t. He went by us so easy."

Ohio State coach Thad Matta said Craft taking the ball to the basket was an in-game adjustment.

"As I told our guys, I think the thing we?re going to find as we continue to move forward in the season is there?s going to be different dynamics to the game throughout the course of the game. We have to recognize them as coaches and as players and really try to exploit that," he said.

"When (Craft) drives, he?s showing he can really finish now. But by the same token, he?s always got one eye on somebody and finding guys. That?s big for us."

The Buckeyes consistently challenged Oakland's 6-foot-11, shot-blocking big man, Keith Benson, with penetration. Benson finished with only one block in 27 minutes before fouling out.

Fifty-three of Ohio State's 71 shots were two-point attempts.

"We knew they were going to get up and try to pressure us," Craft said. "They were doing a great job staying on our shooters, so it kind of opened up gaps and things. When it came down to it, we just started setting ball screens and letting me make decisions. I just happened to make the right ones."

- Craft was helped from the floor with 7:21 left and did not return but said later he was only suffering from cramps in his calves.

"I'm fine," he said during a postgame interview.

"Soft," David Lighty whispered with a smile from two seats away.

As Lighty, Craft and Jon Diebler got up to leave the interview room, Craft implored them to "slow down" as he hobbled toward the exit behind them.

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- Craft was helped from the floor with 7:21 left and did not return but said later he was only suffering from cramps in his calves.

"I'm fine," he said during a postgame interview.

"Soft," David Lighty whispered with a smile from two seats away.

As Lighty, Craft and Jon Diebler got up to leave the interview room, Craft implored them to "slow down" as he hobbled toward the exit behind them.
:lol: Gotta love the fun this group shows in public, it just goes to reinforce the 'team' sense they all give off.
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