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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

what someone here fails to understand is there is a marked difference between stating that craft will best serve the team by playing the 2-guard when scott arrives and claiming that craft, who should be content just shirting up, is not a true point guard. then again, this person saw just one of craft's high school games and decided that he knew craft's game.
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I have to admit, taking a spin off an old John Cooper line, that some players do not pass the look test, when they get off the bus. However, the longer I am on this Earth, the more I learn not to judge a book by its cover.

If you catch a guy on an off day, and see that he isn't the fastest, nor is he a great shooter, and he doesn't jump out of the gym, I can see how doubt can creep in. That is why we trust the coaches, and why they get the big Bucks (pun intended)

The things that are harder to see when a guy has an off day, is his heart, how hard he plays, how he never gives up on a play. How he decides to forgo his senior year as the starting QB (and a lot of adoration from teenage girls, I'm sure he did alright anyway) to concentrate on improving his game, even after he has opted to play for one of the top programs in the country. You can't necessarily see how smart he plays, or his basketball IQ. You definitely cannot see, what he does on the practice floor, or the locker room, that make him and his teamates better.

With what I have seen so far from Craft, it is obvious why he was offerred by Tennecheat, and why tOSU was happy he changed his mind and decided to come play for the good guys. He may not be one of the most physically gifted to play PG for the Buckeyes, but it's possible, he'll go down as one of the best.
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GrizzlyBuck;1822938; said:
I have to admit, taking a spin off an old John Cooper line, that some players do not pass the look test, when they get off the bus. However, the longer I am on this Earth, the more I learn not to judge a book by its cover.

If you catch a guy on an off day, and see that he isn't the fastest, nor is he a great shooter, and he doesn't jump out of the gym, I can see how doubt can creep in. That is why we trust the coaches, and why they get the big Bucks (pun intended)

The things that are harder to see when a guy has an off day, is his heart, how hard he plays, how he never gives up on a play. How he decides to forgo his senior year as the starting QB (and a lot of adoration from teenage girls, I'm sure he did alright anyway) to concentrate on improving his game, even after he has opted to play for one of the top programs in the country. You can't necessarily see how smart he plays, or his basketball IQ. You definitely cannot see, what he does on the practice floor, or the locker room, that make him and his teamates better.

With what I have seen so far from Craft, it is obvious why he was offerred by Tennecheat, and why tOSU was happy he changed his mind and decided to come play for the good guys. He may not be one of the most physically gifted to play PG for the Buckeyes, but it's possible, he'll go down as one of the best.

There is something good in the water in NW OH, Intangibles. They said the same thing about a certain WR who got off the Ted Ginn Sr bus tour 4 years ago. Craft has it too. Now we get to see and enjoy it. Man it's good to be a Buckeye!
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lord vegas;1833734; said:
I'm sure Matta has his reasons but Craft should be starting by now. Its obvious that the team plays better on both ends when he's out there.

i agree but i have a feeling he might stick with lauderdale starting for awhile since he is a senior
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I think we'll see him start against certain lineups, especially ones that would cause match-up issues with Lauderdale (ex. 4 guard starting lineups). I think that Matta likes bringing him off the bench to provide a spark to the team too... not in terms of scoring but in running the offense and setting up the playmakers.
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Aaron Craft approves this message.

y0yoyoin;1833736; said:
i agree but i have a feeling he might stick with lauderdale starting for awhile since he is a senior
I'm guessing that Matta won't have a choice soon if he keeps it up. Craft just makes the team better when he's on the court to my non-coaching eyes.

Who's the 6th man is actually a nice issue for Matta to have. Maybe have Diebs come off the bench with the green light to torch from deep.
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lord vegas;1833768; said:
Who's the 6th man is actually a nice issue for Matta to have. Maybe have Diebs come off the bench with the green light to torch from deep.
I would be shocked if Diebler was not in the starting lineup after starting for 2 years. You just don't do that to a senior. I think that is one of the major reasons that Matta still starts Dallas for a few minutes.
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LitlBuck;1833799; said:
I would be shocked if Diebler was not in the starting lineup after starting for 2 years. You just don't do that to a senior. I think that is one of the major reasons that Matta still starts Dallas for a few minutes.

there is no way thad benches Diebler which is the same reason why Kraft probably wont end up starting this year with Lauderdale being a Senior...I can see certain matchups where Kraft could get the start but i believe thad likes the idea of being able to bring Kraft in as a spark...Lauderdale has already essentially lost his starting gig to Kraft so the least thad could do is let the guy start the game for 4 minutes before he goes to the bench
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All that matters is the team that scores the most points, wins.


a wise, wise man...
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lord vegas;1833768; said:
Who's the 6th man is actually a nice issue for Matta to have. Maybe have Diebs come off the bench with the green light to torch from deep.

Diebs led the team with 36.7 minutes per game in 2008, 37.2 minutes per game last year and is leading the team with 32.5 minutes per game this year. You don't play more minutes than the national POTY and then come off the bench the next season. Besides, Diebs already has "the green light to torch from deep" whenever he touches the ball.
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BengalsAndBucks;1833970; said:
Diebs led the team with 36.7 minutes per game in 2008, 37.2 minutes per game last year and is leading the team with 32.5 minutes per game this year. You don't play more minutes than the national POTY and then come off the bench the next season. Besides, Diebs already has "the green light to torch from deep" whenever he touches the ball.

I wish Jon would shoot it more. I see him pass up semi open shots all the time. Meanwhile Bufford will jack it up whether he is open or not.
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Tlangs;1833985; said:
I wish Jon would shoot it more. I see him pass up semi open shots all the time. Meanwhile Bufford will jack it up whether he is open or not.

my pet peeve with deibler is his pump fake...he loves to catch the pass and pump fake the defender to hopefully get them to leave their feet so he can go underneath or step to the side for a open 3...problem is defenders aren't leaving their feet 90% of the time...i wish he would catch and then just shoot...as long as he shoots the ball within 2 seconds of him catching it he can get the shot off no problem and he wont have to pump fake
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