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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

Had a great offensive game yesterday, but the number he did defensively on Talor Battle was fantastic. PSU ran him through a bazillion screens, but almost every time Battle caught and turned to shoot, Craft was right on him. To chase a guy as quick as Battle for 35 minutes and do it as well as he did...outstanding.
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MaxBuck;1857802; said:
I think I finally understand the idea that he's not a true point guard. I mean, he scored 19, so he must be a shooting guard, right?
Combo guard. PSU was playing off of Craft to help on Sullinger for most of the night, so Craft had a lot of wide open shots. Shannon Scott will start at PG next season. Craft will start at 2 and be the backup PG, similar to what Jamar Butler did in the '07 season.
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DZ83CK;1858022; said:
Combo guard. PSU was playing off of Craft to help on Sullinger for most of the night, so Craft had a lot of wide open shots. Shannon Scott will start at PG next season. Craft will start at 2 and be the backup PG, similar to what Jamar Butler did in the '07 season.
Hard for a freshman to become a starting PG at a big-time program and where is Buford going to play:huh: I will admit there are very good reports coming out of Milton from this past weekend so we shall see. Let's play this one out first.
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DZ83CK;1858022; said:
Combo guard. PSU was playing off of Craft to help on Sullinger for most of the night, so Craft had a lot of wide open shots.
on this team right now, craft is a true point guard. if you can't see that, you are clueless. it is really that simple.

but congratulations on downplaying craft's performance yesterday by noting that his shots were apparently so easy to make. i guess it makes sense for a poster to take veiled shots at a player who, according to you, should be happy just shirting up for the buckeyes.
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DZ83CK;1858022; said:
Combo guard. PSU was playing off of Craft to help on Sullinger for most of the night, so Craft had a lot of wide open shots. Shannon Scott will start at PG next season. Craft will start at 2 and be the backup PG, similar to what Jamar Butler did in the '07 season.
Who cares about next season right now? The Bucks are 18-0, most likely ranked #1 after yesterday's win and are finding ways to win the close games they would lose the past few seasons. Craft is the main point guard for this team and is showing he can be a threat on both sides of the ball. He did a terrific job guarding Battle and did more than hold his own on the offensive side... 7 assists against 1 turnover to go along with his 19 points, I'll take that in a point guard any game.
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LitlBuck;1858025; said:
Hard for a freshman to become a starting PG at a big-time program and where is Buford going to play:huh: I will admit there are very good reports coming out of Milton from this past weekend so we shall see. Let's play this one out first.

Scott-Craft-Buford-Thomas-Sullinger/Williams is what I think the starting lineup will be, again the Scott-Craft duo would be similar to the Conley-Butler one in '07. I use the "/" because I don't expect Sullinger to be around next year, so most likely it will be Williams but Sully's not gone until he's gone.

Craft had great numbers against PSU, but again, they weren't really guarding him & both coaches commented on that. He did a good job of taking advantage of opportunities - hopefully he keeps it up if and when other teams do similar things.
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Who cares about next season right now?
Because pride is more important than admitting a prediction was faulty.

It's a shame that we can't just celebrate how well Aaron Craft is playing.
Craft had great numbers against PSU, but again, they weren't really guarding him & both coaches commented on that. He did a good job of taking advantage of opportunities - hopefully he keeps it up if and when other teams do similar things.
Teams didn't usually guard Conley on the perimeter either.

Is it that hard to just give Craft credit for playing well? Why do you have to put in so many asterisks and excuses for it?

We aren't trying to sell him as the greatest PG around, just a wonderful steal at the position. If Smith comes and takes his PG position away, that says more about the freshman's ability than Craft's.
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jwinslow;1858072; said:
Because pride is more important than admitting a prediction was faulty.

It's a shame that we can't just celebrate how well Aaron Craft is playing.

So you're saying calling him a combo guard is a faulty prediction? He's playing PG a lot because there are no prototypical PGs on the team. He's doing a good job of playing the position that this team needs him to play this season & I never said he wasn't.

I keep making my point because OSU_Buckguy has been a dbag about it & won't stop being a dbag. Which is why he/she is on ignore for me.
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So you're saying calling him a combo guard is a faulty prediction?
It's well established what your prediction was for Craft, and why you keep finding reasons to downplay his accomplishments.

You dumped on the kid and thought he should just be happy being on the squad. That's been the foundation of this entire squabble, and rather than just admit you grossly underestimated what he would bring to the table, you keep extending the argument in an attempt to save face (when instead the exact opposite is happening).

Many people questioned the offer to Zach Boren. Almost no one predicted that he would be the force he was from day 1. Some disrespected him saying he was just getting offered because of his brother. Most owned up to the mistake or were overjoyed in how much he has exceeded their accomplishments.

He is playing point guard quite well for the #1 team in the land. That doesn't mean he is an NBA prospect at the position or necessarily good enough to hold off the next great PG prospect at OSU, but why can't you just celebrate his play as a PG even if he has flaws?
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I admitted I was wrong about how much he would play this season. Some people didn't care/pay attention & won't let it go, kept attacking me, and still keep attacking me. So I will make a point of the things I said that I think are still accurate. I'm not arguing with myself. Once your other posters let it go, I'll let it go.
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All I care is Craft is playing much better than I thought he would for his freshman year and glad he didn't become a Volunteer. Let's move on and Go Bucks !!!


DZ83CK just ignore the comments and it will stop. It's only fun if they know you are reading it and getting a reaction from you. As a sidenote maybe it's fun for them either way as the Mark May thread stays rather busy :)
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DZ83CK;1858079; said:
I admitted I was wrong about how much he would play this season. Some people didn't care/pay attention & won't let it go, kept attacking me, and still keep attacking me. So I will make a point of the things I said that I think are still accurate. I'm not arguing with myself. Once your other posters let it go, I'll let it go.

Hoping that your less-than-stellar predictions in this thread won't ever be mentioned by other posters during the course of Craft's career won't prevent that from happenning.

And portraying yourself as a victim most likely won't help your situation in this thread. Personally, I'm looking forward to you letting it go, no matter what causes that to happen.
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