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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

DZ83CK;1858508; said:
Yet all you folks here think I'm anti-Craft or something. Anything short of effusive praise is not enough for some people here. I admitted I was wrong, yet people keep attacking for some strange reason, including someone saying "I know people like you, you can never admit you're wrong," after I clearly said I was wrong about how much he would play, and I said before in this very thread that Craft was underrated by the recruiting services. There are a lot of bitter people on this website. Go ahead and keep criticizing me, I'll keep posting in this thread and defending myself.
Please save the victim routine.

This isn't an ambush over you predicting the wrong numeral for Craft's minutes in 2010 where you can play the victim card over a trivial disagreement.

You chose to insult the kid's ability & potential, saying he should just be happy to be on the squad and that he wouldn't be playing much if at all this year. Many buckeye fans such as myself defended Aaron from that level of criticism.

When you stoop to that level and pair it with a slew of 'yeah buts' when he does well, then this isn't really enough of a concession, particularly when your "I was wrong" includes a loud "but" right after it :lol:

You continue to confuse

Admitting you were wrong about Craft, particularly the 'happy' insult
He plays more/better than I expected but I was right about him overall, just wait until X happens.

X = D1 play begins
OR tougher competition than Florida arrives
OR the real PG for OSU arrives in 2011

We've had a front row seat to this stubborn squabble
DZ83CK on 1/02/10;1633013; said:
I think it's best to view Aaron as a program guy who should be a solid role player for the team once he gets a year under his belt. If we look at Aaron as taking over the spot PJ leaves, then I think you look at him as a step in the right direction. I agree that people shouldn't expect a lot next year.
DZ83CK 1/31/10;1652705; said:
Craft is solid defensively, has some skill about him and is a heady player, but he shouldn't be asked to handle the ball against pressure D or do a lot of creating for teammates.
When he played well in the exhibition, you challenged folks to show you how you were wrong
DZ83CK;1807538; said:
I didn't say I've never been wrong, but what was I wrong about?
A day later you admitted he might play more and better than you expected, but still wanted to wait and see if it was a fluke based on competition. That's not a concession, and definitely not strong enough to make up for the 'happy' slam.
DZ83CK on 11/9/10;1808090; said:
I didn't say the team couldn't be very good if he played PG.

I didn't think he would start at PG because I don't think he quite fits the prototype of the PG that Matta seems to prefer, and I cautioned against expecting him to play a lot given those things among a variety of other reasons (including how little TM has used the bench in some years). Some people were expecting big things from him. There have been zero 3* players that have done big things as freshmen at OSU in prior years under Matta. Certainly the likes of Crater and Offutt, guards who were similarly regarded coming out of HS, did not live up to the hype and did not pan out.

Now it looks like my concerns regarding his playing time were largely invalid, as the odds are pretty good for him to play a lot (and play well) even if he doesn't start this season. After one game I'll admit he did better than I expected (and it looks like the recruiting services may have underrated him somewhat), but let's wait and see how he does when the competition steps up in Big Ten play before revisiting these issues.

I still think he should be the backup point guard this season. If anything, what I've seen so far makes me think it would be best to have him start at the 2 next season when Scott comes in. Craft would play a Butler circa '07 role (i.e., starting 2 guard, backup PG).
That is the alleged concession, which doesn't touch on what started all of this (happy).

When he played well in the early season, you started out positive
DZ83CK on 11/25/10;1813011; said:
Great game by Lighty. It looks like OSU will have NO PROBLEM replacing Turner with the combination of Craft and Sullinger.
but then downplayed it again
DZ83CK on 11/25/10;1819984; said:
Excuse me if I don't want people to get expectations too high for a kid who's only played 4 college games and didn't come in with the reputation of a Sullinger or Thomas.
which was in response to this
jwinslow;1819983; said:
Not just saying he won't play much, but that he should just be happy to be on the team. That's where this blowback comes from.
and continuing to argue how right you were overall
DZ83CK on 11/26/10;1820017; said:
I still think he'd be a better fit in a Jamar Butler circa '07 combo guard role than just playing PG. Scott probably should start at PG next year.

I observed Craft enough to know he is in my opinion a combo guard. I still don't think he's quite the type of player Matta prefers to run the point. No one should believe that any of his competitors for minutes at PG this year fits the prototype for a Matta PG. He's been a very good role player so far, but its still been only 4 games, half of them being complete mismatches - I don't believe that justifies all of your crowing, buckguy.
DZ83CK;1820528; said:
There are different points to be made. Playing time is just one. Others are about what type of player he is, and what his position should be. I am not backing off my claims that IMO he is a combo guard, and I think it would make more sense next year for him to be in a role similar to what Butler played in '07, starting off the ball and being the backup PG, with Scott starting at PG. I admitted I was wrong about one thing - an important thing, but certainly not everything.
And when he wins Frosh of the week for scoring 19, having a 7:1 A/T ratio and covering Battle like glue, he still has to be put into your box
DZ83CK;1858022; said:
Combo guard. PSU was playing off of Craft to help on Sullinger for most of the night, so Craft had a lot of wide open shots. Shannon Scott will start at PG next season. Craft will start at 2 and be the backup PG, similar to what Jamar Butler did in the '07 season.
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LitlBuck;1858518; said:
DZ, I have forgiven you but I also posted something last fall that Caryer wrote over at BN which specifically said that Crater would be the starting PG this year and would be a very good player yet you dismiss that. There are some people who post on different sites that know much more about basketball than me, you, and the majority of the rest of the posters here. Two of those are OSU_Buckeye and Lee Caryer . When I see things that these individuals have written, I read them for the knowledge because I know a little bit about them. You refuse to acknowledge that either of these individuals might know a little bit more about basketball than yourself. You should get a grip and perhaps read a little more than you write.
you give me waaaaaay too much credit, litl. i take into consideration your posts probably just as much as you take into consideration my posts. but enough of this circle-(lurch)..

i think we all have steadfastly held to a buckeye-related belief or statement purely out of pride. i probably don't admit an error as often as i should. to the matter at hand, though, i just don't understand how someone can't embrace the fact that craft is a true point guard. he is the team's primary ballhandler. he guards the opponent's point guard. he leads the team in assists and is 3rd in the big ten in overall assists, while having an assist-to-turnover ratio of almost 2.5. he is 4th in the big ten in steal percentage and tied for 3rd in overall steals. and, of course, he has accumulated those outstanding stats as a non-starting true freshman.

next year will sort its self out. whether craft assumes the role as the point guard of next year's team has nothing at all to do with his role on this year's team. not a damn thing.

i'll finish the post with this point:

if one were to ask the opposing coaches that ohio state has so far faced whether craft is a true point guard or a combo guard fulfilling the role of point guard out of necessity, that person would receive this look:

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Dryden;1858332; said:
I think it's very thoughtful of Sullinger to share the Freshman of the Week award with his team mates once a month or so.

He's probably relieved to have some company to share it with too. Was having a similar thought, Craft will have a few more "players of the week" recognitions to add to his news paper clippings IMO.
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Listen, Craft has been a good role player, was underrated somewhat, better than I expected. I did say (about six or so months ago) I hoped he would be happy just being on the team, in the context of discussing the possibility that he might not play a lot, as is true with most freshmen who the recruiting services rank in the same ballpark since Matta's been getting his recruits. But I feel the same way towards Sibert and Smith now (i.e., I hope they're happy just being on the team this year such that they don't leave after the season), so it's not like what I was saying was a claim that he'd never contribute in four years, or that he didn't belong on the team. Some people take these comments too far, & keep rehashing and taking them out of context.

The reality is Craft, while being a solid regular contributor, is not one of the top few players on the team this year and is benefitting a lot from the quality of the players around him. In spite of all the accolades and praise he's gotten this past week, the game before his very good game against PSU, he guarded a 15 ppg scorer who scored 18 points in the game, mistakenly committed a foul on a 3-pointer in the final minute, and was 3-7 from the field with 1 assist and 2 turnovers against one of the worst teams in the Big Ten. As Bob Baptist likes to point out, OSU hasn't played a team ranked in the AP poll at the time of the game since the Florida game, so even though Big Ten play has arrived, the competition hasn't stepped up as much as it will. He's had ups and downs. It seems like some people here think he's the best player on the team or that he is perfect or something. He's done about as well as you can expect him to. I'd be lying if I said I had no concerns about how he would hold up down the stretch against the better teams. I truly hope he does well, doesn't make mistakes, and helps lead the team to wins.
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DZ83CK;1859214; said:
Listen, Craft has been a good role player, was underrated somewhat, better than I expected. I did say (about six or so months ago) I hoped he would be happy just being on the team, in the context of discussing the possibility that he might not play a lot, as is true with most freshmen who the recruiting services rank in the same ballpark since Matta's been getting his recruits. But I feel the same way towards Sibert and Smith now (i.e., I hope they're happy just being on the team this year such that they don't leave after the season), so it's not like what I was saying was a claim that he'd never contribute in four years, or that he didn't belong on the team. Some people take these comments too far, & keep rehashing and taking them out of context.

The reality is Craft, while being a solid regular contributor, is not one of the top few players on the team this year and is benefitting a lot from the quality of the players around him. In spite of all the accolades and praise he's gotten this past week, the game before his very good game against PSU, he guarded a 15 ppg scorer who scored 18 points in the game, mistakenly committed a foul on a 3-pointer in the final minute, and was 3-7 from the field with 1 assist and 2 turnovers against one of the worst teams in the Big Ten. As Bob Baptist likes to point out, OSU hasn't played a team ranked in the AP poll at the time of the game since the Florida game, so even though Big Ten play has arrived, the competition hasn't stepped up as much as it will. He's had ups and downs. It seems like some people here think he's the best player on the team or that he is perfect or something. He's done about as well as you can expect him to. I'd be lying if I said I had no concerns about how he would hold up down the stretch against the better teams. I truly hope he does well, doesn't make mistakes, and helps lead the team to wins.

The reality is that Craft is 5th on the teams in minutes played, tied for 4th in shooting percentage, 3rd in 3-pt FG%, leads the team in assists, is 1 steal behind Lighty for the team lead, and is 2nd to Diebler in assist/turnover ratio (not counting Eddie Days 1/0). Team.stats.todate

Those are facts. Your interpretation of them continues to be a minority opinion, and appears to be a fine example of someone struggling with cognitive dissonance.
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DZ83CK;1859214; said:
Listen, Craft has been a good role player, was underrated somewhat, better than I expected. I did say (about six or so months ago) I hoped he would be happy just being on the team, in the context of discussing the possibility that he might not play a lot, as is true with most freshmen who the recruiting services rank in the same ballpark since Matta's been getting his recruits. But I feel the same way towards Sibert and Smith now (i.e., I hope they're happy just being on the team this year such that they don't leave after the season), so it's not like what I was saying was a claim that he'd never contribute in four years, or that he didn't belong on the team. Some people take these comments too far, & keep rehashing and taking them out of context.

The reality is Craft, while being a solid regular contributor, is not one of the top few players on the team this year and is benefitting a lot from the quality of the players around him. In spite of all the accolades and praise he's gotten this past week, the game before his very good game against PSU, he guarded a 15 ppg scorer who scored 18 points in the game, mistakenly committed a foul on a 3-pointer in the final minute, and was 3-7 from the field with 1 assist and 2 turnovers against one of the worst teams in the Big Ten. As Bob Baptist likes to point out, OSU hasn't played a team ranked in the AP poll at the time of the game since the Florida game, so even though Big Ten play has arrived, the competition hasn't stepped up as much as it will. He's had ups and downs. It seems like some people here think he's the best player on the team or that he is perfect or something. He's done about as well as you can expect him to. I'd be lying if I said I had no concerns about how he would hold up down the stretch against the better teams. I truly hope he does well, doesn't make mistakes, and helps lead the team to wins.
Serious question: Do you root for him to play well when you watch the Bucks play?
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DZ83CK;1859214; said:
Listen, Craft has been a good role player...
first, well done with your opening statement that is an insult veiled as a backhanded compliment.

second, just like you don't understand the characteristics of a combo or point guard, you also don't understand what the characteristics of a role player are. a role player generally -- but not always -- is a bench player who has a specific job, whether it is providing stifling defense, shooting from distance, or, say, handling the ball against a press. a role player is less often a player who gets starter's minutes. an example of such a player would be diebler. jon does one thing and does it very well. we all know what it is. he is good in most areas, but he is truly outstanding in just one. he fulfills one specific and vital role. diebler is technically a sound defender and passer; however, if he were a non-starter, matta would never put him into the game if he needed a defensive stopper or an offensive creator.

craft, on the other hand, does multiple things while earning starter's minutes. he is an excellent on-the-ball defender. he forces turnovers. he leads the team in assists while having a good assist-to-turnover ratio. he shoots the ball well behind the arc, albeit facing no pressure. he handles the ball and rarely turns over the ball in the back three-quarters of the court. finally, though not exhaustively, craft exhibits a tremendous amount of hustle, which is contagious.

craft: a role player? please. quit couching your compliments in insults.

colobuck79;1859220; said:
Serious question: Do you root for him to play well when you watch the Bucks play?
some posters would rather the team win by 25 with a particular player performing poorly or with mediocrity than the team win by 25 with a particular player performing well.
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I'm not saying he's third best but he will be 3rd most valuable by the Big 10 tournament.....NCAA basketball is a guard oriented game..Sullinger Lighty Craft because of his defense..he'll be going up against Lucas McCamey Jackson ..
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DZ83CK;1859214; said:
The reality is Craft, while being a solid regular contributor, is not one of the top few players on the team this year and is benefitting a lot from the quality of the players around him.
Give it a rest, would you? Craft has been really excellent this season. It's pretty sorry that you can't even give objective announcers or opposing coaches any credibility when they praise Craft.

I've seen ego problems, but this is getting ridiculous.
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Methinks that everyone on the team is benefiting from having a bunch of quality around them, not just Craft... that's usually what happens on great teams. Would this team be undefeated if it was just Sullinger and a bunch of 30% shooters on the perimeter? Or just Diebler with no interior or playmakers like Buford and Lighty? Highly doubtful in both cases. This is a special TEAM, in which Craft is playing a large part. Will he make mistakes? Sure, but so has 17th year senior Lighty. Does his play make those around him better? I'd say he has similar impact as Diebler, Lighty and Buford. It's another person on the floor who will hurt you in one way or another, whether it be shooting, passing or playing good defense.

And I think whomever put the 'craft = underappreciated' tag on this thread can probably remove it, he's certainly appreciated by a majority of Buckeye Nation.
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DZ83CK;1859214; said:
Listen, Craft has been a good role player, was underrated somewhat, better than I expected. I did say (about six or so months ago) I hoped he would be happy just being on the team, in the context of discussing the possibility that he might not play a lot, as is true with most freshmen who the recruiting services rank in the same ballpark since Matta's been getting his recruits. But I feel the same way towards Sibert and Smith now (i.e., I hope they're happy just being on the team this year such that they don't leave after the season), so it's not like what I was saying was a claim that he'd never contribute in four years, or that he didn't belong on the team. Some people take these comments too far, & keep rehashing and taking them out of context.

The reality is Craft, while being a solid regular contributor, is not one of the top few players on the team this year and is benefitting a lot from the quality of the players around him. In spite of all the accolades and praise he's gotten this past week, the game before his very good game against PSU, he guarded a 15 ppg scorer who scored 18 points in the game, mistakenly committed a foul on a 3-pointer in the final minute, and was 3-7 from the field with 1 assist and 2 turnovers against one of the worst teams in the Big Ten. As Bob Baptist likes to point out, OSU hasn't played a team ranked in the AP poll at the time of the game since the Florida game, so even though Big Ten play has arrived, the competition hasn't stepped up as much as it will. He's had ups and downs. It seems like some people here think he's the best player on the team or that he is perfect or something. He's done about as well as you can expect him to. I'd be lying if I said I had no concerns about how he would hold up down the stretch against the better teams. I truly hope he does well, doesn't make mistakes, and helps lead the team to wins.

If I expressed to you what I thought about your posting history in this thread, I would also be history.

Get a grip man.

DZ83CK said:

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A young craftsman at the point: Ohio State's Aaron Craft a vital cog of undefeated Buckeyes as a freshman
Published: Tuesday, January 18, 2011
By Doug Lesmerises, The Plain Dealer


COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The question made a bit of sense in the off-season but sounds so silly now, like asking which type of nut Ohio State should choose as a mascot.

The Buckeyes were losing their leading scorer and primary ball-handler in national player of the year Evan Turner. So, who was going to play point guard for Ohio State?

Freshman Aaron Craft has answered that question so completely, 18 games into the season, it's difficult to imagine the No. 1-ranked Buckeyes without him, as strange as if the big-headed guy clapping with the cheerleaders was Brutus Pistachio.

It's something even the OSU coaching staff contemplated Sunday, one day after Craft played his best game as a collegian, scoring 19 points while locking onto Penn State star Talor Battle.

"If we didn't have Aaron Craft, what a different basketball team we would be," coach Thad Matta said Tuesday. "We'd be playing a completely different way."

Craft is averaging 9.6 points and 5.2 assists in Big Ten play going into Wednesday night's game with Iowa. Integrating him into the rotation (he has started just once, usually entering the game after four minutes) to run the offense and clamp down on defense has been the easy part.

Matta said the veteran OSU players told him over the summer "you're going to have a hard time keeping that kid off the court."



Buckeyes glad Craft had change of heart
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
By Bob Baptist


Neal C. Lauron | Dispatch

Ohio State point guard Aaron Craft initially committed to Tennessee.
Thad Matta remembers sitting at a countless number of Jared Sullinger's basketball games with All-Ohio Red during the summer of 2008, "securing," he said with a smile, the stud recruit who had been committed to Ohio State for more than a year but who still had to be shown the love regardless.

But as he watched Sullinger, Matta said, he couldn't help but notice the team's point guard.

"It was one of these deals that, 'There's something about that kid,'" Matta said. "We were recruiting, on paper, better guards. But I remember telling the coaches, 'Hey, let's watch him through his junior year and get a better feel for him.'"

Before that could happen, Aaron Craft received a scholarship offer from Tennessee and, after visiting the campus, made an oral commitment to the Volunteers.

"I liked it a lot down there. It was a lot of fun, a great place to be," Craft said yesterday. "It was something I hadn't experienced before, and it kind of felt good.

"If they weren't 61/2 hours away (from home), I might still be there.

Craft Expanding Role for Top-Ranked Buckeyes
By Brandon Castel

COLUMBUS, Ohio ? At first glance, there isn?t a whole lot that stands out about Ohio State freshman Aaron Craft.

The Findlay native looks more like someone you would see on a pickup basketball court than as the point guard for the No. 1-ranked team in college basketball.

Even Head Coach Thad Matta wasn?t sure what he was getting when the 6-foot-2, 195-pound Craft switched his commitment from Tennessee to Ohio State during the summer of 2009. A year later, Matta still wasn?t sure he was ready to turn the offense over to a rookie.

?In June, I didn't know if Aaron would be ready,? Matta said.

?But our veteran players told me, 'He's going to be hard to keep off the court,' and he has been.?


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