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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

For what it's worth, people with pretty close ties to Aaron didn't know what to expect, this year. He's a small school kid on a SUPER talented and successful AAU team. Even the can't-miss prospects aren't always projected well to the college game...Aaron Craft was an enigma wrapped in a mystery.

There are pockets of individuals, who expected this. I label them as "homers" that happened to get it right. Most of the reasonable people expected eventual success, and figured his tenacity and defense would get him a few minutes. We did NOT think he'd be what amounts to the starting PG for the #1 team in the country, as a freshman.

Considering him anything but wildly successful, at this point, is a foolish consistency with preseason expectations. If he is a role player, his role just happens to be the EXACT shape of the hole that remained in this team's puzzle.
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DZ83CK;1859214; said:
Listen, Craft has been a good role player,.
I've just started reading this post and I cannot believe that you are going back to almost where you started from when Craft committed. Please close your pie hole about him because everything you say is just plain stupid when reference to Craft.

I don't need to point out all the mistakes you have made in your posts because they have been made by other posters above this one.
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OilerBuck;1859415; said:
For what it's worth, people with pretty close ties to Aaron didn't know what to expect, this year. He's a small school kid on a SUPER talented and successful AAU team. Even the can't-miss prospects aren't always projected well to the college game...Aaron Craft was an enigma wrapped in a mystery.

There are pockets of individuals, who expected this. I label them as "homers" that happened to get it right. Most of the reasonable people expected eventual success, and figured his tenacity and defense would get him a few minutes. We did NOT think he'd be what amounts to the starting PG for the #1 team in the country, as a freshman.

Considering him anything but wildly successful, at this point, is a foolish consistency with preseason expectations. If he is a role player, his role just happens to be the EXACT shape of the hole that remained in this team's puzzle.

I hear what you're saying. I was one of those that expected a lot of Craft coming in.

The only counter I offer to your statements is that Craft HAS proven himself already on that elite AAU team he played on. He's played the best in the country in his age group for a couple of years and already more than held his own against them. He's succeeding because the competition he's facing now is no better than the elite competition he's faced in the spring and summer over the past few years. They're just older.

My son has played AAU for years and high school basketball is nowhere near the level of competition he plays in the spring and summer and we live in the Washington, DC area where there is a TON of basketball talent. Sure, there are exceptions on the high school level but the vast majority of teams would be run off the court by a decent AAU team. Craft already performed at a high level before he hit Ohio State. That's why so many of us have taken exception to the comments of a certain poster.
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Kid took on the challenge of guarding Mike Conley this past summer to get ready for the season. I think it's awesome that Mike came back to Ohio State and trained with the team. I definitely see a coaching future for him.

Conley> any opposing PG Craft will face.

Still can't believe he's only going to get better....this will be fun.
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craft will have a tough test this saturday. mccamey may present the hardest challenge that craft will face this year. no conference point guard tries to break down his defender like mccamey does. i will be surprised if craft finishes with fewer than four fouls. i hope aaron keeps his hands a bit "quiet" until the second half, provided that he's not already in foul trouble. the team won't afford his cheap fouls.
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OSU_Buckguy;1859845; said:
craft will have a tough test this saturday. mccamey may present the hardest challenge that craft will face this year. no conference point guard tries to break down his defender like mccamey does. i will be surprised if craft finishes with fewer than four fouls. i hope aaron keeps his hands a bit "quiet" until the second half, provided that he's not already in foul trouble. the team won't afford his cheap fouls.

Agree. Craft will have his hands full (pun intended). It depends on how the refs call the game. If Hightower is there and let's the home crowd get to him, it might be a struggle. But AC seems smart enough to know when to back off. He took a lot of chances tonight, but he knew he had some discrepancy. We'll see how it plays out (role players seem to know their role in all).
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TDunk;1859852; said:
If Hightower is there and let's the home crowd get to him, it might be a struggle.

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having Craft AND Scott on the team next year at PG is going to be insane...as much as i loved conley and oden in their time here, i have to say i will take craft and sullinger over them at this point
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y0yoyoin;1859966; said:
having Craft AND Scott on the team next year at PG is going to be insane...as much as i loved conley and oden in their time here, i have to say i will take craft and sullinger over them at this point

agreed and that is no slam on mike and greg

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