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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

OSU_Buckguy;1859845; said:
craft will have a tough test this saturday. mccamey may present the hardest challenge that craft will face this year. no conference point guard tries to break down his defender like mccamey does. i will be surprised if craft finishes with fewer than four fouls. i hope aaron keeps his hands a bit "quiet" until the second half, provided that he's not already in foul trouble. the team won't afford his cheap fouls.
craft held mccamey to 5 points on 2/11 shooting. aaron also forced mccamey into 4 turnovers (to cheese's 1).

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MaxBuck;1861320; said:
That wouldn't have been the conclusion of an alien visitor seeing him today for the first time. Rough game for Dave balanced by an otherworldly defensive performance by Craft.
yeah, i can count on more than one hand how many times lighty has lost his man on defense this year, which is very surprising. nonetheless, i love lighty as a defender and would go into battle with him. that being stated, craft would likely lead the charge.
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colobuck79;1861340; said:
Show of hands for anyone left who thinks the kid can't play the point. :tongue2:

LOL..I was just about to write that before I saw your post. :biggrin:

But seriously, what an absolutely pleasant surprise of the class. This kid just gets basketball. He's a competitor, a hustler, a leader. Kid just does whatever needs to be done...and he's only a freshman.

And how about those two big free throws he knocked down toward the end? I haven't felt this good about a freshman PG since Mike Conley. Not saying that Craft will be that good, but there's no doubt that he's the answer for this team.
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colobuck79;1861340; said:
Show of hands for anyone left who thinks the kid can't play the point. :tongue2:

I'm not sure people understand that when I call him a combo guard, that's the same as saying he's a player that can play PG and the 2. I never said he couldn't play the point. He has been a good/great role player at the PG position this year. Defense has been his most important contribution to this team.
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DZ83CK;1861415; said:
I'm not sure people understand that when I call him a combo guard, that's the same as saying he's a player that can play PG and the 2. I never said he couldn't play the point. He has been a good/great role player at the PG position this year. Defense has been his most important contribution to this team.
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