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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

my favorite series of events 1) Craft misses a jumpshot from the foul line wide to the left 2) He then comes down and plays great D on Brandon Paul, steals the ball from him 3) dribbles down the court and assists Diebler with a 3

this kid is awesome
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Favorite defensive play from the Illinois game by Craft was in the second half in front of the Illinois bench when he let Demetrius give the ball up and then try to get it back again put Craft would not let him out of the corner. Very subtle play but probably his best of the game. DM might want Turner to come back and defend him :)
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With hustle and defense, OSU's Aaron Craft gives No. 1 Buckeyes a winning edge: Bill Livingston
Published: Monday, January 24, 2011
By Bill Livingston, The Plain Dealer


Chris Russell / Columbus Dispatch
Aaron Craft's dedication to defense as a freshman is what has made him an indispensable cog in the undefeated Buckeyes this season, writes Bill Livingston.

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Basketball is full of point guards who can make hocus-pocus plays with the ball. It becomes a different game without the ball. On defense, the stardust is gone, and only the grit and the irritation defense can cause remain.

Not many can make it their role to obstruct, pester, deny, annoy, fluster, nullify and otherwise make life bothersome to stylish opposing scorers with more maturity and press notices.

Ohio State freshman Aaron Craft, all 6-2, 195 pounds of him, is one of the best defensive players, other than big men who guard the basket and swat shots away, that the Buckeyes have ever had at such a precocious age.

He has great lateral movement. A great defender's feet can keep him in front of the ballhandler in basketball, like a roadblock he can't evade. Coach Thad Matta also said Craft is stronger than OSU coaches thought, which allows him to body bigger players in the low post.

"He reminds me of Dave Lighty when he was a freshman," Matta said, referring to the fifth-year senior from Villa Angela-St. Joseph. "David Lighty came here intending to play defense. Craft wants to play defense too."


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DZ83CK;1734210; said:
There are three errors in just one paragraph of the column Buckskin posted a link to. It says Craft is a "true" point guard, which is inaccurate. People should be putting stock in Buford's comparison of Craft to Chris Kramer because that is the type of player Craft is, he is a combo guard who will play tough D and can play some point. I don't think he has all the skills he needs to be a full time PG at OSU. But the events of this summer (injuries to potential PG competitors Lighty and Smith) couldn't do anything but help Craft's chances to get more PT there this fall. Two more errors come since they say Craft switched his commitment from UT to OSU because of his relationship with AAU teammates Sullinger and Thomas. First of all, Thomas was not an AAU teammate of Craft. Secondly, Craft was saying it was because he wanted to play closer to home, that Tennessee was just too far away when he could go somewhere else closer. I wouldn't read too much into these columns, though, since Offutt was lauded by his teammates (and even the coaches) in the offseason for his defense and effort (similar to what we're seeing with Craft), yet we all saw how much PT Offutt got.

I'm glad Craft is playing so well as Ohio State's true point guard.

Sorry if you can't handle that.
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