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scooter1369;1307885; said:
5 OL < 8 man fronts.

I can't put a whole lot of crap on the line when three of them were expected to block 2 people. Penn State spent almost the entire game with 8 in the box, and like lemmings at a cliff, we kept running right for it.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

But it was in the gameplan!!!!!! What do you expect them to do?!?! Change that during the game?!?! :wink2:
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xcrunner;1307874; said:
6) I'm fine with his decision to take it to the outside. Granted, I'm not a football expert- quite the contrary- but in my opinion, that was just a great play by the safety. 99/100 times it doesn't result in a fumble. Most of those 99 result in a first down. A lot of the others might result in 6 points. It seems like we love to talk about how we shouldn't sit on a 3 point lead, and then when we don't, we criticize it...

8) I liked the playcalling.
There, I said it. I liked the playcalling. Someone else said 12/25 first down plays were passes. It didn't seem like that to me, but either way, I didn't notice running plays on first down every single time like some people have said. Someone else said that Pryor passed to 8 different receivers. Again, it seems like it was a little less than that.. I can't think of all 8... But he definitely passed to quite a few.

Regarding the playcalling/those who think we should open it up more... Seriously? You think we should have Pryor try to do more? Again, not a football expert, but it seems to me like we're having Pryor do just the right amount. It also seems to me that throwing Pryor into a scenario where he might throw 4 picks in a game and ruin his confidence isn't the best idea.

11) Our secondary... Wow. Aside from one blown coverage... Which hurt... very impressive. Penn St. has a great QB and 3 GREAT WR's, and we shut them down pretty darn effectively.

12) Hey, Brandon Saine got a nice catch. I like using him as a WR. He's got talent but it isn't really showing up on the football field. Using him the way we did today is, in my opinion, the best way to start at least. I continue to hope (with less confidence as the season goes on) that he can have a breakout game. I'm starting to think he's going to end up being the type of player that has 1 or 2 pretty good plays a game. I'd be fine with that.

Now the cons...

2) OLine. I don't know what the problem is exactly... But it's obvious there is one... Talent? Doesn't seem like it can be. Effort? Possibly. Lack of depth? Certainly doesn't help. Coaching? Again, possibly, I hope whatever it is, we can fix it, because... Wow. Pre-season, I was not expecting the line to be this bad.

edit- Regarding the point that the defense played poorly because they allowed points at the end. This is an honest question- does this mean that you expect them to try harder when it's more important? That's what it comes across to me... In my opinion the D played just as well all day, the points just happened to be scored at the end. Maybe I'm wrong,

6. Well, he had to take a step to his right due to the lack of push the O-line got, but then he should have got his pads low, tucked the ball away, cut inside the safety and pushed through him for a yard and we have a new set of downs. It appeared their D-line was finally wearing down a little on that drive.

8. You have to ralize that the passing on first down stat is totally skewed by the end of the game, right? Plus, it's the type of passes on first down.
It's mainly the playcalling (and field position) that had us in third and long all night.
Regarding "opening up the playbook". I think we have it "opened up" enough - just not utilizing it correctly regarding down and distance. It's plays vs situations that needs to be opened up. I think most people are just calling for less predictability in each situation.

11. Our secondary played great. The only thing I was surprised with is that in this game for some reason, their ball skills deserted them. Most of the time they had no clue where the ball was. that was one thing they had definitely improved on this year.

12. Brandon Saine is about 50%. After one play I saw him go off to the sideline, and he could hardly run at all.
Even at 100%, I don't know how much of a contributor he will be, but hoping for a comeback next year.

2. There is a lack of physical talent on the O-line with this bunch. It's pretty obvious. But I don't think Bollman/Tressel do enough to help them wehre they are weak sometimes.

defense - once again, like last year's IL game at the end, Heacock didn't get aggrressive enough after our last punt, especially when they sent out the backup QB. We didn't bring a safety down into the box until they had gotten three first downs and were deep in our territory. Of course, the facemask penalty was the second-most disastrous play in the game, too. But if we hold them to 3 and out, or hold them after the penalty, we have plenty of time on the clock.
Of course, I was against us punting ther at the end anyway. But that's just me.

Sportsbuck28;1307879; said:
See: Beanie. 2007. scUM.

Comparing scUM's defense in any way whatsoever to this PSU defense just doesn't work. Yeah, we can beat them running 39 times into the teeth of their defense, because it's relatively toothless, but that wasn't going to work against PSU.
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the arrogance occasionally displayed by ohio state fans sickens me and i haven't seen arrogance to this degree around here since the month leading up to the 06 nc game.

"we're ohio state, we don't have moral victories"

"we're ohio state, we don't have good losses"

"we're ohio state, when we return more than 3 starters we should win every game by 150 including the nc game"

"we lost a game, the season is over"

"we're ohio state, we should win 80 to 90% of our games every year"

can anyone tell me what the win/loss % is on an 11-2 season? oh and just for the record, if the season is over... stop watching the fucking games. don't watch them on tv, don't go to the stadium. if you have tickets, feel free to sell them to someone who seems to be under the misguided delusion that there are still a few more games left on the schedule. i realize your contribution and impact to the team is absolutely vital and all. but i suspect that pryor and the boys won't even realize your gone.

take a step back from the ledge people. or one giant step forward. whichever suits you best *shrug*.
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I feel that the arrogance of Ohio State fans is mainly due to the fact that living in a 200 miles radius of the "Shoe", they have feeling of being so close
to the Buckeyes. Reading the "Dispatch", listening to the "Fan" and looking forward to "tailgating" and going to the "Skull Sessions" is juat a way of life for them. And without all those Priveledges, what would they have to look forward too. I don't think that all ohio state have that feeling of arrogance...... its just a certain percentage that appear that way. Jim Tressel has been responsible for generating a great feeling of sucess game after game.

And leading up to the Michigan game the hype produced is so incredible. It's expected that we will (and should) win every game . When that does not happen a different feeling begins to settle in. Its especially even harder losing a game in the "Shoe". This place is an "Icon" even to the teams coming in to play there. Certainly for the visiting players who hail from the great state of OHio who were overlooked by the Buckeyes. I have seen that scenario over 50 times now. Alof ot Buckeyes fans are spoiled rotten and they don't mean to be that way. Its just a figment of thier imagination.
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martinss01;1308280; said:
the arrogance occasionally displayed by ohio state fans sickens me and i haven't seen arrogance to this degree around here since the month leading up to the 06 nc game.

"we're ohio state, we don't have moral victories"

"we're ohio state, we don't have good losses"

"we're ohio state, when we return more than 3 starters we should win every game by 150 including the nc game"

"we lost a game, the season is over"

"we're ohio state, we should win 80 to 90% of our games every year"

can anyone tell me what the win/loss % is on an 11-2 season? oh and just for the record, if the season is over... stop watching the [censored]ing games. don't watch them on tv, don't go to the stadium. if you have tickets, feel free to sell them to someone who seems to be under the misguided delusion that there are still a few more games left on the schedule. i realize your contribution and impact to the team is absolutely vital and all. but i suspect that pryor and the boys won't even realize your gone.

take a step back from the ledge people. or one giant step forward. whichever suits you best *shrug*.

Actually, that would cover most of the major programs, except Michigan, because they now expect to lose.
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kippy1040;1308414; said:
I feel that the arrogance of Ohio State fans is mainly due to the fact that living in a 200 miles radius of the "Shoe", they have feeling of being so close
to the Buckeyes. Reading the "Dispatch", listening to the "Fan" and looking forward to "tailgating" and going to the "Skull Sessions" is juat a way of life for them. And without all those Priveledges, what would they have to look forward too. I don't think that all ohio state have that feeling of arrogance...... its just a certain percentage that appear that way. Jim Tressel has been responsible for generating a great feeling of sucess game after game.

i certainly understand what your saying and for the most part agree. but for any tOSU fan to say "the season is over" before the scum game... it absolutely blows my mind. the thought that any tOSU fan would see the scum game as meaningless for any reason... i just don't have a response for that.
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Brutus1;1308430; said:
Actually, that would cover most of the major programs, except Michigan, because they now expect to lose.

Sounds like what Ohio State felt like under Coopers Era. Now we can beat Michigan but hard to win an N/C. Go figure cause i sure can't.

I read all the posts in this thread. I thought it was damn good and it offerered alot of "constructive criticism" as far as the O/line and its coaches were concerned.

Still all in all we have a great fan base. The Buckeye Nation is one of the best even in a loss as the one saturday night. It was a very good game with some mistakes. Hopefully we can recover - regroup and remain "The Ohio State University" for a long time to come. GO BUCKS.
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OH10;1307886; said:
And more to the point, what did it cost Ohio State? A National Title? No. A Big Ten Championship? Probably. A trip to the Rose Bowl? Maybe not.

It cost us the chance at being the first team ever to win the Big Ten outright three years in a row. Now we have to hope for the highly improbable (PSU loss) for us to even tie for the title. And it's not like we didn't have a chance to win the game...we had that game pretty much in ccontrol when we had the ball third-and-one at midfield. No fumble means at worst giving PSU the ball at their 20 yard line vice our 35 and not giving them a huge spike in momentum.
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It's still a great day and a great time to be a Buckeye!


The Kid is going to get better, get smarter and get comfortable.
We WILL be powerful offensively.

We're stacked deep and the young kids will be hungry.
This season and the previous losses on the national stage will make them hungry like the 68 class,they will and can bring back our national rep, not that it means much anyway,since who cares what Mark May thinks?

I don't feel there will be much drop off next year.
Sabino,Spittler,Klein,so much talent.

Coach Tress is going to learn from this season.
I feel safe in saying the board and boosters will make sure of it.


Our coaching staff needs some new blood.
The o line is just inconsistent, and I think that's a function of some guys looking at the pros and Coach Bollman not having a clear idea of what he wants to do.Coach Heacock was and is a good coach. But he's not a d. coordinator. Let's give Luke a shot at running the show.

Offensive Philosophy
If you're the opposing coach, you've seen all our games after you've seen one. We need intermediate routes.
We need more pistol.
We need 5 wide sets and jumbo sets.
Run a spread with Big Ten highlights.
Get nasty on the o line and punch people in the mouth.
Play Ohio State Football as Woody intended, with a few things that would make Woody's head spin.

In sum, we're about a year or two away from being really good. I mean, really fun to watch and really good. We lost to PSU, which sucks beyond measure, but once the lessons from this year are applied, we'll be fine and fun and nasty at the same time.

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I see all sorts of descriptions of the problem with this team and the reason we lost to PSU. I see numerous suggestions on what must change. But the answer is really quite simple:

Somebody needs to FIX IT!

Somebody needs to look at what is wrong with this offense and FIX IT!

It Pryor is being misused somebody needs to FIX IT!

And when they fix that they need to find the next problem and FIX IT!

And the next time I log on it better be FIXED!
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Oh8ch;1308691; said:
I see all sorts of descriptions of the problem with this team and the reason we lost to PSU. I see numerous suggestions on what must change. But the answer is really quite simple:

Somebody needs to FIX IT!

Somebody needs to look at what is wrong with this offense and FIX IT!

It Pryor is being misused somebody needs to FIX IT!

And when they fix that they need to find the next problem and FIX IT!

And the next time I log on it better be FIXED!

Saturday Night Live - Update Thursday: Part 2 - Video - NBC.com

go to 4:29
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MililaniBuckeye;1308593; said:
It cost us the chance at being the first team ever to win the Big Ten outright three years in a row. Now we have to hope for the highly improbable (PSU loss) for us to even tie for the title. And it's not like we didn't have a chance to win the game...we had that game pretty much in ccontrol when we had the ball third-and-one at midfield. No fumble means at worst giving PSU the ball at their 20 yard line vice our 35 and not giving them a huge spike in momentum.

Yeah, it did cost us that...fortunately, stats like that aren't worth much.

Let's just try to get to the Rose Bowl...and win it.
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