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She already had the biggest bullseye on her. The GOAT stuff is overblown because she is the GOAT and it's not a debate. Having swagger isn't what causes a breakdown or mental health issues. I think the Nassar stuff combined with this probably being her last Olympics has led her to thinking only a perfect performance is worth it. And when you try and be perfect and get in your head with the moves she does, you have a solid chance of tearing ligaments or breaking your back.
IMO people are making too much of this... she fell on the balance beam and from there she wasn't the same. She had a really bad day of performances on the day she couldn't have a bad day. It happens and it sucks but these things happen.

Personally I thought her competing again at the Olympics was a mistake. She'd already won gold last time and she had a ton more to lose.
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Biles withdrew for mental reasons..? Maybe don’t go putting a bullseye on yourself with ‘Goat’ earring me and slippers.
The USA softball team was poorly put together. Can’t hit. Can’t win. That they made the gold medal game, to me, was a major accomplishment.
I saw how they won their last two games.

Getting to the gold match was as much a miracle as an accomplishment.
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Glad that US Water Polo is on otherwise I fear I’d not see the Stars and Stripes do anything beyond pissing down the leg.
shit you jinxed them. Pissing down the leg shows up in the pool now. US women’s water polo hadn’t even lost a match since 2008. Upset this morning by Hungary.

Struggles all around. Still leading medals though.
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My take on Biles. I think if she was having mental or health issues she should have not gone to the Olympics. By going she cost her teammates all the medals they would have won as a team. She also cost another gymnast a place on the team.
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My take on Biles. I think if she was having mental or health issues she should have not gone to the Olympics. By going she cost her teammates all the medals they would have won as a team. She also cost another gymnast a place on the team.

They have reserves specifically for this reason. Nobody lost their place on the team as a result of her and the team ended up being virtually identical to what it would have been without her. And exactly how do you know when these issues even came up?
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They have reserves specifically for this reason. Nobody lost their place on the team as a result of her and the team ended up being virtually identical to what it would have been without her. And exactly how do you know when these issues even came up?

The issues came up in the middle of that vault.

Look, it is what it is. We certainly can all still be Simone Biles fans. We can also acknowledge that the people cheering for her because she pulled out are idiots. Its. Competition, you're here to compete and the measure of her performance is still the outcome of the competition.

That's not the measure of who she is however, and not competing doesn't make her a bad person. I don't have any reason to believe that if she felt like she could compete at a high level she wouldn't be out there.

To me its like any other medical issue, and if its serious enough, she shouldn't be a go. She's not a hero for that either.
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That’s pretty much my point. If she sprains an ankle and pulls out, no one bats an eye. But she pulls out because her head is a mess and now she’s a selfish quitter? Nah.
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That’s pretty much my point. If she sprains an ankle and pulls out, no one bats an eye. But she pulls out because her head is a mess and now she’s a selfish quitter? Nah.

Which if it had been an ankle, the story would be how the rest of the group rallied for silver. (PS the rest of the group rallied for silver.)
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That’s pretty much my point. If she sprains an ankle and pulls out, no one bats an eye. But she pulls out because her head is a mess and now she’s a selfish quitter? Nah.

I give her credit for recognizing the fact that she wasn't "mentally into it", and the team would be better off if she pulls out and lets her replacement play in her place. Name a star NFL QB or MLB pitcher that ever did that.
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I give her credit for recognizing the fact that she wasn't "mentally into it", and the team would be better off if she pulls out and lets her replacement play in her place. Name a star NFL QB or MLB pitcher that ever did that.

Maybe not in such an urgent (lack of vocabulary, I didn't want to say dramatic) fashion, but pitchers and golfers have dealt with similar things and stepped away for quite some time.

I don't have a qb example off the top of my head.... But dak Prescott has discussed it a lot
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