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That might be true (probably isn't), but it's not fair to suggest the reason is bc of their political beliefs. Sweden, btw, is ranked 5th in the world.

I never said:

1) the loss was because of their political beliefs. It was too much focus on non soccer stuff (that includes their political beliefs/agenda, etc.) and the lack of focus on the game at hand. Their political beliefs (and other non soccer distractions) should have been a "no factor" here and I don't think it was. As Becky Sauerbrunn said...

As captain of the United States, Sauerbrunn is tasked with keeping her side focused.
“It’s a skill that I think everyone needs to learn, especially in these major tournaments, because they’re not easy,” Sauerbrunn said about compartmentalizing. “There’s a lot of stress, there’s a lot of noise and so learning to knock that out, block that out, is really important.”


2) that Sweden wasn't a very good team; but regardless, wasn't the US team ranked #1 in the world? The US team sure didn't play like the #1 team in the world against Sweden. So the question is: Why didn't they?
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Ohio State Buckeyes at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Current student-athlete unless noted; *Former student-athlete; #Incoming freshmen

United States
  • Adelaide Aquilla – Track & Field
  • Hunter Armstrong – Swimming
  • Anavia Battle – Track & Field
  • *Christine Clemons – Track & Field
  • Henry Leverett – Shooting
  • Jackson Leverett – Shooting
  • #Ruby Remati – Synchronized Swimming
  • *Kyle Snyder – Wrestling
  • *Alec Yoder – Gymnastics
Also: Joe Kovacs, who is coached by and married to Ohio State throws coach Ashley Kovacs and who trains with Adelaide Aquilla, made the U.S. Olympic track and field team in the shot put.

  • *Marc-Antoine Blais Belanger – Fencing
    #Emily Armstrong – Synchronized Swimming
  • Ruslan Gaziev – Swimming
  • *Alanna Goldie – Fencing
    *Eleanor Harvey – Fencing
  • *Nichelle Prince – Soccer
  • *Elodie Ravera – Rowing
  • #Anneta Kyridou – Rowing
  • #Maria Kyridou – Rowing
  • Alessandra Montesano – Rowing
  • Diego Cervantes – Fencing
  • *Ilse Paulis – Rowing
New Zealand
  • *Misha Koudinov – Gymnastics
Sierra Leone
  • *Maggie Barrie – Track & Field
  • *Aina Cid Centelles – Rowing
Sri Lanka
  • *Matthew Abeysinghe – Swimming
Trinidad & Tobago
  • Eric Harrison – Track & Field

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That USWNT team is just old. And the young ones (Mewis, Horan) stopped developing.

They were barely favorites to win gold, where years back they would walk away with it.

This right here, I mean I was really kinda shocked at how little turnover there was, you can't just expect Rose to be the only source of energy.... and its hard for 35 year old to be hungry all the time.

Couple that with, and this is just soccer that Rapinoe almost single handedly got them to the last WC final.... if you look dispassionately at it, that performance by her was the exception, not the rule.

As to the other things they may want, you don't get to raise your fist on the gold medal stand... unless you get on the gold medal stand.

The pedigree is obviously there, but they're gonna have to go balls to the wall now.
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