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Get your stuff together, Japan. That’s a shame for all the athletes.

also, motion to make this an offical Tokyo Olympics thread? We have a pretty active Euro/Football thread going now. And I’m sure the next World Cup will get its own.
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Ohio State Buckeyes at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Current student-athlete unless noted; *Former student-athlete; #Incoming freshmen

United States
  • Adelaide Aquilla – Track & Field
  • Hunter Armstrong – Swimming
  • Anavia Battle – Track & Field
  • *Christine Clemons – Track & Field
  • Henry Leverett – Shooting
  • Jackson Leverett – Shooting
  • #Ruby Remati – Synchronized Swimming
  • *Kyle Snyder – Wrestling
  • *Alec Yoder – Gymnastics
Also: Joe Kovacs, who is coached by and married to Ohio State throws coach Ashley Kovacs and who trains with Adelaide Aquilla, made the U.S. Olympic track and field team in the shot put.

  • *Marc-Antoine Blais Belanger – Fencing
    #Emily Armstrong – Synchronized Swimming
  • Ruslan Gaziev – Swimming
  • *Alanna Goldie – Fencing
    *Eleanor Harvey – Fencing
  • *Nichelle Prince – Soccer
  • *Elodie Ravera – Rowing
  • #Anneta Kyridou – Rowing
  • #Maria Kyridou – Rowing
  • Alessandra Montesano – Rowing
  • Diego Cervantes – Fencing
  • *Ilse Paulis – Rowing
New Zealand
  • *Misha Koudinov – Gymnastics
Sierra Leone
  • *Maggie Barrie – Track & Field
  • *Aina Cid Centelles – Rowing
Sri Lanka
  • *Matthew Abeysinghe – Swimming
Trinidad & Tobago
  • Eric Harrison – Track & Field
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The Olympics want to make sure athletes use their free condoms for socially-distanced sex only

This plan will absolutely, definitely work....:lol:

The incredible sex exploits of the Olympic village are well known. Hundreds of the world’s best-conditioned athletes, housed together away from prying eyes, know they can have as much no-strings-attached sex as they want before returning to their countries.

It’s like Big Brother, but without the drama over who won’t wash the dishes.

However, Tokyo will be a little different. Organizers are trying to marry the reality of Tinder-based location boning with a global pandemic. So, in what might be the funniest scenario of all time, the IOC is supplying 150,000 condoms to the Olympic village, but begging athletes to only use them when they’ve returned home, NOT to protect themselves during an Olympic hookup.

“The distribution of condoms is not for use at the athlete’s village, but to have athletes take them back to their home countries to raise awareness” of HIV and AIDS issues, said Tokyo 2020 in an emailed response to questions by Reuters.

There is so much amazing information packed in one statement issued to Reuters. If I’m following the logic here, they want the athletes NOT to have glorious, unfettered, hot athlete sex at the village, but take them home and start condom awareness campaigns.

Instead of there being Olympic bed talk, they want a TED Talk.

Instead of getting their Tokyo bone on, they want pro-condom songs.....:lol:

Entire article: https://www.sbnation.com/2021/6/14/22533739/free-condoms-olympics-covid
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As an American I suppose I should be disappointed in this result, and yet I find it amusing. If ever a bunch needed a dose of humility...

nope...I find it more than amusing. I am rooting against them. they just aren't a likable group. want to kneel to protest. ok. turning your back on a 100 year old WWII veteran playing the anthem before a home match? go fuck yourselves.
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I've heard they are boycotting scoring goals until racism is banned.


All the news articles that I've read on the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team recently have concerned equal pay/benefits with the men's team, social injustice, political agendas, NIL (personal financial gain, i.e. commercials/appearances), and/or Megan Rapinoe's personnel life and hair color.

It's not a stretch to say this team wasn't just focused on soccer and ready to play Sweden.

As captain of the United States, Sauerbrunn is tasked with keeping her side focused.
“It’s a skill that I think everyone needs to learn, especially in these major tournaments, because they’re not easy,” Sauerbrunn said about compartmentalizing. “There’s a lot of stress, there’s a lot of noise and so learning to knock that out, block that out, is really important.”

Entire article: http://www.dailyjournal.net/2021/07/20/ap-oly-soc-inside-the-bubble/
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