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If you lit cycling, the road race was worth watching.

(If you pay close attention it was bring your own bike, and if bike porn is your thing, Pinarello did not miss with the silver Dogmas they worked up for the Ineos guys)
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If you lit cycling, the road race was worth watching.

(If you pay close attention it was bring your own bike, and if bike porn is your thing, Pinarello did not miss with the silver Dogmas they worked up for the Ineos guys)

If you watched any of the recent Tour De France, these are very familiar names:
Tokyo Olympics: Cycling - Men's Road Race results - BBC Sport
https://www.bbc.com › sport › olympics

Rank Country Name Time
Gold ECU CARAPAZ Richard 06:05:26
Silver BEL van AERT Wout 06:06:33
Bronze SLO POGACAR Tadej 06:06:33
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If you watched any of the recent Tour De France, these are very familiar names:
Tokyo Olympics: Cycling - Men's Road Race results - BBC Sport
https://www.bbc.com › sport › olympics

Rank Country Name Time
Gold ECU CARAPAZ Richard 06:05:26
Silver BEL van AERT Wout 06:06:33
Bronze SLO POGACAR Tadej 06:06:33

So much for the drama. :lol:
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Snoozefest…mentioned in the basketball thread that something just seems off this year - obviously a whole year is off about it - but even more it seems like for US athletes, going from “back to normal” to the strict, lockdown/bubble in Japan seems like a crap situation.

Japan is still being hit hard with Covid. And then there’s the usual Olympic protests from citizens that don’t even want it there. It’s all seemed half-assed and dangerous.

Oh and the US really seemed to send a lot of over-the-hill athletes. I mean, across the board I’m looking and saying “wait, he/she is still on this team?!”

Diana Tuarasi, Sue Bird (basketball) , Rapinoe, Press, Lloyd (soccer), Lilly King, Ledecky (swimming)*. They’ve all been passed by in their sports and we’ve seen that in other world competitions leading up but apparently we don’t have any young stars to replace them??

(okay, I know Ledecky is still going to lap the field in the 1500m but Titmus from Australia has her number in a lot of other events it seems)

also, NBC putting a lot of live stuff behind a paywall…*middle finger*
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Biles withdrew for mental reasons..? Maybe don’t go putting a bullseye on yourself with ‘Goat’ earring me and slippers.
The USA softball team was poorly put together. Can’t hit. Can’t win. That they made the gold medal game, to me, was a major accomplishment.

She already had the biggest bullseye on her. The GOAT stuff is overblown because she is the GOAT and it's not a debate. Having swagger isn't what causes a breakdown or mental health issues. I think the Nassar stuff combined with this probably being her last Olympics has led her to thinking only a perfect performance is worth it. And when you try and be perfect and get in your head with the moves she does, you have a solid chance of tearing ligaments or breaking your back.
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