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Biles quit on her team and everyone thinks she made a great decision - comical. She performed poorly which caused her to quit. If she was throwing up epic performances she never would have quit. The “pressure” wouldn’t have been too much.
Great example for kids too. Hey boys n girls - if you are playing badly, it’s ok to quit. Yes. Walk away from your baseball team or football team or basketball team. Yes. It’s ok child. Just walk off the court and leave your teammates behind.

She is the best we’ve ever seen at her sport but she will always be remembered for quitting.

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Say Curry or Lebron were on the basketball team, gets the yips and brick their way to 0-20 in the first half. Would you rather they stay on the court and try to shoot out of it or take themselves out and let someone that will likely perform better take their place? I don't think a coach would pull one of those guys so it would be on them to make the call. None of us know what Biles is dealing with, but a gymnast with her ability could get seriously injured if she tries to push through a case of the yips. She is geriatric in gymnast years so I'm fine with her dealing with her own shit and being appreciative of what she's done for Team USA over the years. I just hate to see the closet racist coming after her (not calling out anyone in particular just comments I've seen on FB).
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Biles quit on her team and everyone thinks she made a great decision - comical. She performed poorly which caused her to quit. If she was throwing up epic performances she never would have quit. The “pressure” wouldn’t have been too much.
Great example for kids too. Hey boys n girls - if you are playing badly, it’s ok to quit. Yes. Walk away from your baseball team or football team or basketball team. Yes. It’s ok child. Just walk off the court and leave your teammates behind.

She is the best we’ve ever seen at her sport but she will always be remembered for quitting.

Yes. If she was performing well, she would have kept performing. I think that makes sense. She was not performing well and hurting the team. If she kept up the scores she was getting, the team never medals.

Plus, getting the “twisties” or yips in gymnastics is really bad. And dangerous.

She doesn’t need to be a hero for not performing but it’s fine she stepped out of the way. It’s for her and her teammates to judge and their support is overwhelming - the actual athletes get it. Message board warriors do not. We’d be calling for an athlete’s head to bench themselves if they were playing that badly and losing the game (just wait until a Stroud 2 INT first half).

USA took home gold in all-around anyway and maybe we have a new star, Suni Lee. Awesome for her.

(also, not for nothing but I think we’re going to keep finding that this past year has us all really really [more] messed in the head than we realize. I find myself struggling at times too.)
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Say Curry or Lebron were on the basketball team, gets the yips and brick their way to 0-20 in the first half. Would you rather they stay on the court and try to shoot out of it or take themselves out and let someone that will likely perform better take their place? I don't think a coach would pull one of those guys so it would be on them to make the call. None of us know what Biles is dealing with, but a gymnast with her ability could get seriously injured if she tries to push through a case of the yips. She is geriatric in gymnast years so I'm fine with her dealing with her own shit and being appreciative of what she's done for Team USA over the years. I just hate to see the closet racist coming after her (not calling out anyone in particular just comments I've seen on FB).

Amazing. Yet predictable. Anyone that disagrees with her quitting is a “racist”. Typical and shameful.
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Did anyone happen to see an explanation on the last offside (it was on Morgan) where zhe was off, the ball goes by and then the dutch defender and GK kind of flake and the defender makes that bad play on the ball, then Morgan scores.
There was a replay that showed she was off on the initial pass before the defender forked it up. I'm assuming her being there counts as making a play on the ball.
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There was a replay that showed she was off on the initial pass before the defender forked it up. I'm assuming her being there counts as making a play on the ball.

I mean, I guess? (I certainly saw that she was off as the ball went through) But, my goodness I felt like the fork up happened all on its own.... but I guess the idea is that her presence there created pressure on the defender as a result of her being offside?

I mean, that's fine, but this isn't one of those, I'm gonna wait to put my flag up moments (as we watch the asst referee run down the line as the moment passes), there's a really specific moment that the offside occurs, and it IS an infraction regardless of the outcome of the dutch player forking the ball up. Otherwise, why hasn't Morgan re-established on-side and/or the Dutch player judged to be making an intentional play on the ball? Its certainly long before Morgan touches the ball or puts it in the net, and there's no reason for the asst referee to be making that long ass run to get a better look.

(@BuckeyeNation27 - this is obviously just me ranting, I'm not expecting you to have answers, and I kinda think it was off, but I don't like how it gets called a lot of the time over the last, oh, 5 years and this is one where the offside to me was a short moment where she was off which began as Rapinoe flicked it to her and went till the ball went by her)
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