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Good last 12 hours for Team USA. Maligned teams like Men’s Basketball goes to gold medal game, Women’s Soccer gets a bronze and Baseball now close to moving to Gold medal game (up 7-1 on South Korea).

Nelly Korda killing it on golf (that family is the Bosa’s of athletics and you’ll see their names a lot - sisters in golf and brother in tennis).

Plus some track and field medals and wrestling.

Ignore the 4x100 Men screwing things up again.
Beach Volleyball “A-Team” Alix Klineman/April Ross going on a tear in set 2. Looking to walk away with gold.
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So I am watching the women’s basketball team win gold and I think Sue Bird might be a lesbian. Not that it matters, just observing.

Also, watching a sport whet the men of Spain and the Netherlands are dusting off some hundreds of year old hate and throwing the ball in to a net on a hard wood floor while beating the shit out of each other…..But mostly beating the shit out of each other.

I am both entertained and perplexed by both venues but 100% “U…S..A” if it’s just fucking marbles.

Maybe more to follow. Maybe not.
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Beach volleyball is nice.





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Obviously not nearly the same, but two years ago my son was in a tournament championship match and scored 3 takedowns in 33 seconds to win it. I literally thought the world was spinning being both his dad and his coach.

I cannot imagine what Gable Steveson, his coaches or all of his family and fans went through but damn that's awesome!

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