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women kicked ass … men seemed to struggle this year

If every university in the US didn't have 85 full scholarships for a non-Olympic sport I bet the men's numbers would be better. That's my theory anyway. I bet for most colleges football gets more than half of the total men's scholarships since it is usually the one of 2 sports that makes money. US women's scholarships are more evenly divided across mostly Olympic sports and we dominate. Noted I love football and don't want to see it change, but the US men are fighting with 1 hand tied behind their back.
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If every university in the US didn't have 85 full scholarships for a non-Olympic sport I bet the men's numbers would be better. That's my theory anyway. I bet for most colleges football gets more than half of the total men's scholarships since it is usually the one of 2 sports that makes money. US women's scholarships are more evenly divided across mostly Olympic sports and we dominate. Noted I love football and don't want to see it change, but the US men are fighting with 1 hand tied behind their back.

That's definitely part of it.

Part of it was this years squad just didn't do as well. The swimming wasn't as dominant, the runners on the men's side certainly weren't up to form and this country is hopeless in sports like soccer and Tennis right now. I think the focus in our country on football/basketball/baseball (and I know those later two are Olympic sports again) really hurts us in swimming/track/tennis/etc...
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Well, also, basketball is one medal per sex. How many track cycling medals are there (though I think we got one of those to put us over the top on the last day)

So, if you care about medal count you need a cycling program like the brits have, get back into the game in diving and shit like that
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That's definitely part of it.

Part of it was this years squad just didn't do as well. The swimming wasn't as dominant, the runners on the men's side certainly weren't up to form and this country is hopeless in sports like soccer and Tennis right now. I think the focus in our country on football/basketball/baseball (and I know those later two are Olympic sports again) really hurts us in swimming/track/tennis/etc...

I'm thankful for a sport like football where an oversized person with below average eye-hand coordination like myself was able to get college paid for because I had reasonably quick feet and could do a decent job of preventing the QB from getting sacked. After my original post I tried to think what would I have done other than football since I don't really have skills needed for other sports. The only one I came up with was swimming if I could have shed all of the OL weight. If the US cared about Olympic sports as much as China we would probably have 80 swimming scholarships per university since there are so many medals to be won. Same for track.
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Russian officials accuse United States, other countries of rigging 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Russians are not taking their fifth place finish in the medal count of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics well. Both commentators and officials from the country are accusing the United States and others of rigging the Games. This comes after the Russian Olympic Committee finish fifth in the medal count.

If you include the Russian Olympic Committee results as part of Russia's Olympic history, it is the lowest finish since the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm. Russian-born athletes competed under the Russian Olympic Committee name at the 2020 Games due to penalties Russia was handed after it was discovered the country was running a doping program.

Russian lawmaker Aleksei Zhuravlyov, according to The Daily Beast, described other competing countries at the Games as "a pack of Russophobic beasts, headed by the United States."
"These Olympic Games stink," Skabeeva said. "Global sports forever ceased being an honest competition, turning into a cheap political farce. At the behest of Americans, the International Olympic Committee took away two gold medals from Russian."

Entire article: https://www.cbssports.com/olympics/...her-countries-of-rigging-2020-tokyo-olympics/

This sure is a case of the kettle calling the pot black. The reason that the Russian athletes had to compete under the ROC instead of Russia is because Russia was caught cheating*, etc.

*Athletes aren't competing under the Russian flag because of a punishment handed down by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Originally, Russia had been suspended for four years of Olympic action, but in late 2020, that punishment was reduced to two years.

During that two-year period, athletes that weren't involved in the Russian doping scandal are still able to compete in Olympic competition. That's why there are 335 Russians competing in the 2021 Olympics. However, they have to do it as neutrals.
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Russian officials accuse United States, other countries of rigging 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Russians are not taking their fifth place finish in the medal count of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics well. Both commentators and officials from the country are accusing the United States and others of rigging the Games. This comes after the Russian Olympic Committee finish fifth in the medal count.

If you include the Russian Olympic Committee results as part of Russia's Olympic history, it is the lowest finish since the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm. Russian-born athletes competed under the Russian Olympic Committee name at the 2020 Games due to penalties Russia was handed after it was discovered the country was running a doping program.

Russian lawmaker Aleksei Zhuravlyov, according to The Daily Beast, described other competing countries at the Games as "a pack of Russophobic beasts, headed by the United States."
"These Olympic Games stink," Skabeeva said. "Global sports forever ceased being an honest competition, turning into a cheap political farce. At the behest of Americans, the International Olympic Committee took away two gold medals from Russian."

Entire article: https://www.cbssports.com/olympics/...her-countries-of-rigging-2020-tokyo-olympics/

This sure is a case of the kettle calling the pot black. The reason that the Russian athletes had to compete under the ROC instead of Russia is because Russia was caught cheating*, etc.

*Athletes aren't competing under the Russian flag because of a punishment handed down by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Originally, Russia had been suspended for four years of Olympic action, but in late 2020, that punishment was reduced to two years.

During that two-year period, athletes that weren't involved in the Russian doping scandal are still able to compete in Olympic competition. That's why there are 335 Russians competing in the 2021 Olympics. However, they have to do it as neutrals.

The country operating under the Russian Olympic Committee because of a state sponsored doping scheme accusing another country of cheating? That’s RICH.
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Simone Biles gives powerful, emotional testimony on FBI's Larry Nassar investigation

Simone Biles testified in front of Congress on Wednesday (along with Aly Raisman, McKayla Maroney, and Maggie Nichols) about the comprehensive failures of the FBI's investigation into Larry Nassar, the former Team USA doctor who sexually abused hundreds of girls and women under the guise of treatment.

Biles, six weeks removed from the Tokyo Olympics, gave powerful, personal testimony about being failed, ignored, and brushed aside by the institutions that were supposed to protect her and many others from Nassar's abuse. Biles was admirably composed while talking about such horrific trauma, but got emotional when she spoke about why she felt compelled to testify.

Biles has been through a lot over the past several years. She publicly admitted that she was abused by Nassar. COVID-19 delayed the Tokyo Olympics and derailed her practice schedule. At the Olympics, she had a bout of the "twisties," which led her to pull out of most of the events. Following that, she continued a public conversation about athletes' mental health.

It's another sign of her incredible bravery and strength that she was able to testify in front of Congress about some of the worst things that have happened to her, and do it with such composure.

Entire article: https://sports.yahoo.com/simone-bil...-is-larry-nassar-investigation-154634329.html
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Simone Biles named Time's Athlete of the Year for 'raising the volume' on mental health

Simone Biles is Time's 2021 Athlete of the Year, the magazine announced Thursday.

Biles, the most decorated athlete in gymnastics history, received the honor for propelling the conversation on mental health to the forefront of the cultural zeitgeist. In withdrawing from events at the Tokyo Olympics she "made clear the importance of prioritizing oneself and refusing to succumb to external expectations," Alice Park and Sean Gregory wrote for Time Magazine.

Entire article: https://sports.yahoo.com/olympics-s...lete-of-the-year-mental-health-170752035.html
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Jamaica's 4-Man Bobsled Team Qualifies for 1st Winter Olympics in 24 Years

Jamaica has qualified for the four-man bobsled event at the Winter Olympics for the first time in 24 years.

Per OlympicTalk, Jamaica got the 28-sled field's final spot based on this season's international results.

In addition, Jamaica has also qualified for three bobsled events for the first time. The country will be competing in the two-man bobsled event as well as the women's monobob, which is making its Olympic debut.

Benjamin Alexander will also make Olympic history as Jamaica's first ever competitor in Alpine skiing.

Jamaica made its first Winter Olympic appearance in 1988, when the Games were held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Entire article: https://bleacherreport.com/articles...qualifies-for-1st-winter-olympics-in-24-years

Jamaica’s bobsleigh team train for the winter Olympics – by pushing a mini cooper around Peterborough


Entire article: https://www.the-sun.com/sport/879693/jamaicas-bobsleigh-team-pushing-mini-cooper/
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