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Suni Lee is 'one of the best stories' in Minnesota history - period


She smiled wryly after her vault, as if she knew a secret.

She clapped, once, after her floor exercise, as if she knew what she had done.

Moments later, Suni Lee of St. Paul, an 18-year-old born to immigrant parents, became the best story in America, one of the best stories Minnesota has ever been able to claim.

Her Hmong family insisted on seeing the United States as the land of hope and dreams.

But who dares to dream this big?

"My Dad said do what I normally do, and go out and do my best,'' Lee said. "He said not to focus on the score because in their heart I was already a winner.''

Entire article: https://www.startribune.com/suni-lee-st-paul-gold-medal-best-story-minnesota/600082878/

A father's love and the embrace of an immigrant community: the improbable story of Sunisa Lee's gold medal


Sunisa Lee was standing in the middle of Ariake Gymnastics Centre, standing on the verge of Olympic glory, standing 90 seconds from fulfilling a goal that seemed impossible from her first tumbles as a 6-year-old daughter of immigrants in Minnesota until, well, about 48 hours ago.

John Lee was sitting half a world away watching his 18-year-old daughter on television, sitting in the wheelchair that has mostly confined him since an accident left him partially paralyzed, sitting in the middle of a watch party for the local Hmong community where moments like this — Olympic greatness — simply don’t happen.

They were separated, father and daughter. Yet, somehow, they couldn’t have been closer.

“This,” Suni Lee said, a gold medal draped around her neck after coming through on floor and winning the women's all-around competition, “is our dream.”

It was an improbable one. Oh, Suni had talent from Day 1, but what did her family know about elite gymnastics? Besides, she said, within the Hmongs exists a cultural hesitation to push toward big goals, to even step too far outside their close-knit families.

The Hmongs are a people from Southeast Asia who fought alongside the United States during the Vietnam War, got left behind and had to flee as refugees. Some made it to America, only to struggle for recognition, let alone acceptance.

They tend to stay within, Suni said, leaning on brothers and sisters and cousins and grandparents. Yet here was John Lee, who had come from Laos, not only never holding his bold, fearless daughter back, but also pushing her to consider even unthinkable heights — American heights.

You come so your children can have a better life. Why not the best life?

Why not you, he’d say? Why not us, he’d ask?

Entire article: https://sports.yahoo.com/a-fathers-...tory-of-sunisa-lees-gold-medal-172432761.html
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Xander Schauffele has big finish and 1-shot lead in Olympic golf


Xander Schauffele has been pointing to the Olympics ever since he began his rise into the elite of American golf three years ago.

Now that he's here, in the country where his mother was raised and enjoying an Olympic experience his father could only dream about, he is trying to treat this like any other week.

His play Friday indicated otherwise. Already with two eagles on his card, Schauffele surged into the 36-hole lead at Kasumigaseki Country Club by finishing with three straight birdies to tie the Olympic record with an 8-under 63.

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/olympics/story...chauffele-big-finish-1-shot-lead-olympic-golf

This was live on the NBC Golf channel this AM. That's channel 223 on WOW!

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Xander Schauffele has big finish and 1-shot lead in Olympic golf


Xander Schauffele has been pointing to the Olympics ever since he began his rise into the elite of American golf three years ago.

Now that he's here, in the country where his mother was raised and enjoying an Olympic experience his father could only dream about, he is trying to treat this like any other week.

His play Friday indicated otherwise. Already with two eagles on his card, Schauffele surged into the 36-hole lead at Kasumigaseki Country Club by finishing with three straight birdies to tie the Olympic record with an 8-under 63.

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/olympics/story...chauffele-big-finish-1-shot-lead-olympic-golf

This was live on the NBC Golf channel this AM. That's channel 223 on WOW!


After 3 rounds:

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2021 Olympics - USA Baseball, a team of has-beens and not-yets, aiming for gold


Any hardcore hardball fan who has perused the rosters of the six Olympic baseball teams competing in Tokyo, particularly USA Baseball, has probably felt more than a little like the characters in the 1989 cinematic classic "Major League."

"I never heard of half of these guys, and the ones I do know are way past their prime."

And like the fictional Cleveland team of the silver screen, this lineup of seeming has-beens and not-yets is an easy group to support, representing the United States for baseball's return to the Olympics from a 13-year absence.

Team USA, which has posted back-to-back wins against Israel and South Korea in the opening round of the Olympic tournament, consists of an even 12 pitchers and 12 position players. That list includes four former MLB All-Stars, including infielder Todd "The Toddfather" Frazier, who last pitched for his hometown team, the independent Sussex County Miners of the Frontier League. The night after he left for pre-Olympic training camp, some Miners got into a brawl with fans who poured beer on them during a hot dog eating contest ("Got out of there in the nick of time.") He's joined by hurlers Edwin Jackson, who threw a no-hitter for the Arizona Diamondbacks in 2010, David Robertson, who won a World Series in 2009 and the World Baseball Classic in 2017 and ageless lefty Scott Kazmir.

Kazmir started this season with the San Francisco Giants, the first time the 37-year-old had appeared in a big-league game in five years. After two weeks and three appearances, the Giants designated Kazmir for assignment. With Triple-A Sacramento, he rediscovered his groove and immediately called USA Baseball. Making that call had been in the back of his mind since summer 2020, when during a simple game of catch with Seattle Mariners pitcher Kendall Graveman, Kazmir sensed he still had some pop in an arm that hadn't seen action since 2016. When he started a push to pitch again, most assumed the focus was on an MLB comeback.

In reality, he always had one eye looking at Tokyo.

"I was retired and happy one year ago, but I thought about it last year and when the Olympics got postponed. I kept that in the back of my head and kept at it," Kazmir said two weeks ago as the team gathered at the USA Baseball complex in Cary, North Carolina. "I still kept that in the back of my head, knowing that I would love the opportunity. I needed to get a lot of reps to get back in the swing of things in pro ball, and I feel like that set me up pretty well for this opportunity that I have now.

"To be able to represent my country in the Olympics, it's something that you dream about as a kid."

The rest of the 24-man team is made up of minor leaguers, though 14 members of the team have made it up to the Show for a cup of coffee at least. They're all hungry to reach the next level, and their manager Mike Scioscia hopes to tap into that hunger over the next week.

"What I love about these guys is that every single one of them want to be on this team," Scioscia explained in mid-July from the USA Baseball complex, just as those guys were reporting to the Raleigh suburb for a one-week camp that included a three-game warmup series with the USA collegiate team. "We have 24 ballplayers with 24 different stories, all at their own place in their baseball lives. It's been what I really love most about a clubhouse, getting veterans and young guys and guys in between, all in the same place with the same goal: to win a gold medal. We have guys who have won World Series and college championships and you name it.

"But not a one of us has an Olympic gold medal."

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/olympics/story...-usa-baseball-team-beens-not-yets-aiming-gold

Any hardcore hardball fan who has perused the rosters of the six Olympic baseball teams competing in Tokyo, particularly USA Baseball, has probably felt more than a little like the characters in the 1989 cinematic classic "Major League."

"I never heard of half of these guys, and the ones I do know are way past their prime."


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I’m at a bar in Seattle watching women’s volleyball and fencing where the American is,as one would expect, dispensing vicious judgement on the Nazi menace/hun cocksucker they put in the pit with him

my only advise to this gay ass sport is to ditch all the gear and give them both real swords. It would quickly become my second favorite sport.

(and sooner or later some cockpolisher from tsun would enter the pit)
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Xander Schauffele gives U.S. gold in Olympic golf with 2 clutch putts


Four feet between his golf ball and the cup was all that separated American Xander Schauffele from an Olympic gold medal, and he couldn't help but let his mind wander.

For Schauffele, it would be as special as a major, the championships that have eluded him far too many times, most recently at the Masters. For his father, an Olympic medal to share after his own aspirations ended in a horrific car accident that cost him his left eye.

Schauffele bowed his head and closed his eyes to snap back into the present.

"I just reminded myself, this is just a 4-footer," he said Sunday. "All you have to do is make it. No big deal."

He made it. It was a big deal.

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/olympics/story...ch-putts-xander-schauffele-gives-us-gold-golf
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Good last 12 hours for Team USA. Maligned teams like Men’s Basketball goes to gold medal game, Women’s Soccer gets a bronze and Baseball now close to moving to Gold medal game (up 7-1 on South Korea).

Nelly Korda killing it on golf (that family is the Bosa’s of athletics and you’ll see their names a lot - sisters in golf and brother in tennis).

Plus some track and field medals and wrestling.

Ignore the 4x100 Men screwing things up again.
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