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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

Looks like you should mind the quote beneath your avatar before you act like a little kid on a message board. Never mind that you can't find someone that owned 4 world records in T&F after participating in a single meet (let alone the fact that he wore an Ohio State singlet while doing it).


No excuses here, only apologies.

Bad judgement and certainly not "thinking before speaking."

Not gonna blame it on the:beer:

My mindset at the time was that I just had a golden bowl of Corn Flakes set in front of me with Logan's win, and then somebody went and pissed all over them. Certainly wrong on my part.

Again, apologies to all that I offended. We're all Buckeye fans here of all the teams and athletes that represent Ohio State athletics. And, by the way, I just "google-searched" the word "dickhead" and my face showed up. Certainly have learned from this one.

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No excuses here, only apologies.

Bad judgement and certainly not "thinking before speaking."

Not gonna blame it on the:beer:

My mindset at the time was that I just had a golden bowl of Corn Flakes set in front of me with Logan's win, and then somebody went and pissed all over them. Certainly wrong on my part.

Again, apologies to all that I offended. We're all Buckeye fans here of all the teams and athletes that represent Ohio State athletics. And, by the way, I just "google-searched" the word "dickhead" and my face showed up. Certainly have learned from this one.

Hats off to the 2015 National Champions in Wrestling, The Ohio State Buckeyes!:cheers:

Hope to see the whole thing on BTN in the coming week.
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No excuses here, only apologies.

Bad judgement and certainly not "thinking before speaking."

Not gonna blame it on the:beer:

My mindset at the time was that I just had a golden bowl of Corn Flakes set in front of me with Logan's win, and then somebody went and pissed all over them. Certainly wrong on my part.

Again, apologies to all that I offended. We're all Buckeye fans here of all the teams and athletes that represent Ohio State athletics. And, by the way, I just "google-searched" the word "dickhead" and my face showed up. Certainly have learned from this one.


Just remember that a Buckeye on his worst day is still better than one if those assholes from TSUN at his best.

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And this is what makes us Buckeyes. I am so damn proud of Logan Stieber, as I am Jesse Owens, Archie Griffin, or any one athlete that we were fortunate enough to have worn the S&G. Logan worked his tail off to EARN his way into that elite society...once you reach that status, there should only be applause and zero trifling. THE Ohio State University just won their first national title in wrestling and most in this thread realize how hard it was earned. Just go back and read all the posts. I am smiling from ear to ear. GO BUCKS!
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And this is what makes us Buckeyes. I am so damn proud of Logan Stieber, as I am Jesse Owens, Archie Griffin, or any one athlete that we were fortunate enough to have worn the S&G. Logan worked his tail off to EARN his way into that elite society...once you reach that status, there should only be applause and zero trifling. THE Ohio State University just won their first national title in wrestling and most in this thread realize how hard it was earned. Just go back and read all the posts. I am smiling from ear to ear. GO BUCKS!

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in the 70s.. Akron Ellet HS had a wrestler named Jimmy Brown... beyond dominating... he either pinned his opponent immediately.. or played with them/experimented w moves for a bit.. then pinned them... no one touched him his entire HS career.. so when he went to college, I was sure he'd go undefeated and dominate the world... he went to scUM and first year, got pealed... not even a winning record.. which showed me how much better the college tier is... so it's almost mind boggling to win 4 NCs and go undefeated
After Script pointed out my errors on Stieber, I decided to do more homework on Jim Brown... and I owe him a HUGE apology... Jim Brown was a 2-time All American with a 2nd & 3rd place in the NCAAs.. 72-14 career record.. Big Ten champ as a SR and 3 time B1G finalist.. I feel better... he did have a rough freshman year where the majority of those losses occurred.. kid was awesome.. best I have ever seen in person
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in the 70s.. Akron Ellet HS had a wrestler named Jimmy Brown... beyond dominating... he either pinned his opponent immediately.. or played with them/experimented w moves for a bit.. then pinned them... no one touched him his entire HS career.. so when he went to college, I was sure he'd go undefeated and dominate the world... he went to scUM and first year, got pealed... not even a winning record.. never really was elite .. which showed me how much better the college tier is... so it's almost mind boggling to win 4 NCs and go undefeated

Re: Stieber finished his college career with a 119-3 record for Ohio State’s best all-time winning percentage (.975) — and the four national titles only three others have won.

Officially he only lost 3 matches over the 4 years at Ohio State; actually he did lose 3 more in his "actual freshman year" when he ended up redshirting so these apparently don't count....:slappy:
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Junior High state tournament was last weekend and two guys I know to watch coming up for Graham are 126 lb. Connor Brady (2x state champ and took 3rd his 6th grade year, killed everyone at states his 7th and 8th grade year...hopefully he will stay at that weight since there is an opening there) and 98 lb. Jordan Crace (2x champ 6th and 8th grade year but didn't wrestle at states his 7th grade year, should wrestle varsity 106 next year). Also had a champ at 176 in Johnny Shafer, who is going to be a serious stud...not sure what weight he will fill in but I am thinking 182/195 to start and could grow into a heavyweight.

Coach Ryan might be living in Graham's wrestling room this offseason...there have been some great teams in the past but this is looking to be the best.
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Coach Ryan might be living in Graham's wrestling room this offseason...there have been some great teams in the past but this is looking to be the best.

Hopefully with OSU (and PSU winning) we won't see too many Ohio kids have Iowa as their 'dream school' anymore. I don't begrudge Alex for making his decision, just hoping to have the best go to OSU.
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