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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

Just got home from work and am I JACKED!!! Gongrats to the champs! Great win for Nathan, tough for Kyle. But, Logan is up right now, this is like watching the football championship game. A win here puts Logan right there with Archie as greatest ahtlete ever at THE Ohio State University!

Let's Go Logan!

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Just got home from work and am I JACKED!!! Gongrats to the champs! Great win for Nathan, tough for Kyle. But, Logan is up right now, this is like watching the football championship game. A win here puts Logan right there with Archie as greatest ahtlete ever at THE Ohio State University!

Let's Go Logan!


I think Jesse Owens might have something to say about that.
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What a great night in the history of Ohio State Athletics!

So much I could say, but I'll let the trophy speak for itself. So damn proud of these kids and for Logan in particular.

On a sidenote, so sad that "KK" wasn't here to enjoy both the football and wrestling titles.

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Ohio State's Logan Stieber becomes 4-time NCAA wrestling champion


Logan Stieber is now a four-time NCAA champion.

Ohio State senior Logan Stieber made history here on Saturday night to close out the 2015 NCAA Championships, winning his fourth career national championship.

Stieber defeated Edinboro's Mitchell Port, 11-5, in the 141-pound final to become just the fourth man in history to accomplish the feat, joining Cornell's Kyle Dake, Iowa State's Cael Sanderson and Oklahoma State's Pat Smith.

Entire article: http://highschoolsports.nj.com/news...ieber-becomes-4-time-ncaa-wrestling-champion/
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Last cap of the night with the semis over. Stieber's match will be the last of the night tomorrow.



Ohio Stateis Logan Stieber, top, wrestles North Carolina State's Kevin Jack during their 141-pound semifinal match Friday, March 20, 2015, at the NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships in St. Louis.

1-Ohio State, 102
2-Iowa, 84
3-Edinboro, 75.5
4-Missouri, 73.5
5-Cornell, 71.5
The Buckeyes finished STRONG, topped 2nd place Iowa by 18 points.

Entire article: http://highschoolsports.nj.com/news...wrestling-championships-final-round-pairings/

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