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Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

BUCKYLE;1298374; said:
I would never frivilously invoke the name of Beanie.

I know. I thought it was a little extreme to be betting Beanie's head on this game. You're not THAT big of a d-bag. :biggrin:

Anyways, I'm going to give my thoughts about this game. I think we need to come out and play aggressively and physical like we did in East Lansing. Getting Pryor going early on his feet seems to be a good thing (obvious). He was running well against MSU and Minnesota early in the game, and look how that turned out. I think teams might sense his confidence and play more tentative football, instead of trying to make plays. Ironically, I think our defense was thinking too much instead of trying to make plays earlier in the year, which resulted in average play. It appears that this is not the case anymore.

Even if we play great defense, I think PSU is going to score some points. They're very balanced and appear to have very good line play on both sides. We need to put the ball in the endzone.

Our offensive line needs to come to the game. PSU has a DE (can't remember his name) that looks pretty quick. I saw some highlights of him yesterday and he looked quite impressive. Luckily, I think he's on Boone's side, and I have no doubt that if Boone is fired up he'll block well.

AJ needs to keep doing well with the punts, and we need to keep getting yardage on returns. Flash and Small could very well be the two most important players in this game if they keep getting us in good field position.

To the fans, MAKE SOME FUCKING NOISE! The Shoe has been a huge disappointment to me this year.
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Bucknut24;1298383; said:
about how early should i get to gameday if I want a good spot?

Depends on what kind of spot you're talking about. Parking, seating, tailgating, what?

I always get there a couple hours early, but I live within walking distance of a shuttle, so parking isn't an issue for me.
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This team has been given a rare second chance in season to show the nation what it's made of. We need everyone in attendance to be loud!
We need the team to give it's biggest effort. No off sides! No dropped passes. No fumbles. We can do this! :oh:
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The atmosphere will be a great one! I cannot wait for kickoff. We win this game, and we control our destiny to the Rose Bowl. This is for the 4th straight Big Ten Championship. Lets do it boys! GO BUCKS!
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Tresselbeliever;1298583; said:
Stop the run and make Clarke beat us with his arm. He's a poor man's Michael Robinson, no comparison to Troy or Terrelle whatsoever. If we stop their inside game, we'll be fine. And oh yea, we should also focus on scoring more points than they do.

I disagree.. have you watched him? He makes great decisions, is mobile, and has accuracy. We're going to have to force him into making mistakes, which is possible if we play aggressively and disguise our defense well. I thought we did a great job of both of those against Purdue and MSU. Helps that we played with a ton of emotion and our defensive line got consistent pressure, as well.
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