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Notre Dame (football only discussion)

The winds were nasty in the Chicago area from last night until this afternoon, with a huge low pressure system that's had winds swirling around Lake Michigan the last 2 days. It it had been over the ocean, it would have been a Category 3 Hurricane.

My thoughts are with his family.
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BB73;1800709; said:
The winds were nasty in the Chicago area from last night until this afternoon, with a huge low pressure system that's had winds swirling around Lake Michigan the last 2 days. It it had been over the ocean, it would have been a Category 3 Hurricane.

My thoughts are with his family.

Man, the wind was really hitting south-western Ohio yesterday. I thought the worst had past, but word is that strong winds still persisted after the initial storm passed. Sorry to hear about the loss of this student, they were in the same class as one of my cousins on campus.
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BB73;1800709; said:
The winds were nasty in the Chicago area from last night until this afternoon, with a huge low pressure system that's had winds swirling around Lake Michigan the last 2 days. It it had been over the ocean, it would have been a Category 3 Hurricane.

We're calling it Hurricane Ditka.
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jwinslow;1800663; said:
If they're eligible the bcs sends an invite. They don't have to sell the second quarter of those laughers, they just want all of the tickets purchased .those first two teams are not relevant to the bowls who would be looking at ND. Iowa is headed for orlando, and a 3 loss sc squad would also be in a different realm from nd.

Michigan is a very rare abomination that would be pumped for a terrible bowl game, unlike most years. If they weren't tied to an automatic bowl selection, which is likely with that record, they could always play nd in the bowl. It would be more interesting than a soeful bcs team or average mid major.

The bowls that pick 6-6 squads generally get garbage. A disinterested nd fanbase will still fill more seats than the typical participants of the papa johns bowl.

My understanding is that USC can't go anywhere. True?

The Hula Bowl seems to like some marginal ND teams. I think the local Chamber of Commerce probably looks at that as a tax deductible PR campaign.
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My understanding is that USC can't go anywhere. True?
They're trying to get that reduced, and I think there's a chance the sanctions get delayed until after the appeal is finished.
The Hula Bowl seems to like some marginal ND teams. I think the local Chamber of Commerce probably looks at that as a tax deductible PR campaign.
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MililaniBuckeye;1800616; said:
4-4 right now, with sure losses against Utah and at USC. What bowl would take a 6-6 Notre Dame?

Army has gone to the triple option and so far this season they are out rushing Navy. Their defense isn't as solid as the Middies but if they can run it down ND's throats we could have a 5-7 Notre Dame this year. :evil:
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NFBuck;1800815; said:
The question is, who is the irresponsible boob that had a human being up in a hydraulic lift with 40-45 knot winds? I hope the lawsuits come quick and heavy because that is beyond idiotic.

i was thinking the same thing. I swear I saw on the Today Show where the kid that died was facebooking or tweeting that he was scared to death because the winds were so strong up there. Honestly, if the kid is up there taping practice, that almost falls on the Head Coach doesn't it? Who else would be instructing someone to video tape practices?
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WolverineMike;1800850; said:
i was thinking the same thing. I swear I saw on the Today Show where the kid that died was facebooking or tweeting that he was scared to death because the winds were so strong up there. Honestly, if the kid is up there taping practice, that almost falls on the Head Coach doesn't it? Who else would be instructing someone to video tape practices?

Ty Willingham?
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Jake;1800759; said:
Army has gone to the triple option and so far this season they are out rushing Navy. Their defense isn't as solid as the Middies but if they can run it down ND's throats we could have a 5-7 Notre Dame this year. :evil:

And they'd finish dead last in the Commanders Cup race. How sweet would that be?
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WolverineMike;1800850; said:
i was thinking the same thing. I swear I saw on the Today Show where the kid that died was facebooking or tweeting that he was scared to death because the winds were so strong up there. Honestly, if the kid is up there taping practice, that almost falls on the Head Coach doesn't it? Who else would be instructing someone to video tape practices?

I totally agree. Brian Kelly has the burden to explain exactly why this kid was up there during that kind of weather, and why he should be allowed to keep his job. I'm not usually one to pass judgment before all the facts are in, but this seems to go beyond negligence and into recklessness just on its face. Tragic and pointlessly so.
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JohnnyCockfight;1800940; said:
I totally agree. Brian Kelly has the burden to explain exactly why this kid was up there during that kind of weather, and why he should be allowed to keep his job. I'm not usually one to pass judgment before all the facts are in, but this seems to go beyond negligence and into recklessness just on its face. Tragic and pointlessly so.
i definitely think that kelly will lose some face on this. i don't know any of the events that led to this tragic event, but it can't be good for kelly. I just hope this kid's family ends ok after a while.

obviously kelly knew that the wind was dangerous but he might not have known that they were that high of a category. however, if he still had that kid up there knowing how strong they really were, he should be fired and brought up on charges. we will see what becomes of this.
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The most disgusting fact about it is that they continued practicing after the fact.

Hooley is lighting into the ND program right now, and I don't blame him. I hope they got the secret to beating mighty Tulsa this weekend for the kids life...evidently it was worth it for them. They could have practiced inside, because they practiced inside the day before. Hell, practice outside if you want...just don't tape it sending a kid up there.

This is [censored]ing me off the more I think about it, completely avoidable. We are losing touch on the minute importance of football...its not nearly as important as one single kids life or livelihood.
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