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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

OSUsushichic;607171; said:
Look at OSU basketball. A program can certainly be penalized after the fact.

Whether USC will be penalized is another story.

Ya, but the OSU immediately admitted guilt to the NCAA. The former coach (what's his name) went to court and WON. I believe that if OSU had challenged the NCAA sanctions, they would've won in court. Whether we wanted to do it is another issue altogether.

If USC is behind PC, I doubt there's going to be much penalizing beyond a slap on the wrist.
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Man I dunno. They have reciepts for Limos and Hotes along with an athlete using an agents cc card? The agent had side line passes and full access to the locker room by the USC Staff and compliance.

I do not know the rules but it sure looks like you could make a pretty strong case the the Administration should have known.
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In the eyes of the NCAA rulers which is worse, Agents or Booster???

If it is a booster the school is in trouble even if they didn't know.

If it is an outside agent acting in their own behalf the school has to have knowledge of what was going on to be in trouble.

This is an excerpt from the article I linked earlier:

It's damning enough that two sources claim USC assistant Todd McNair knew of New Era's relationship with Bush, that Bush himself believed Carroll was going to investigate the situation and began covering it up and that New Era representatives were welcome in the Trojan locker room during the 2005 season.

Waiting.... for ..... all.... the ... facts....

If the above are indeed 'facts' USC is in doo doo.

But half the fun of this stuff (so long as it is not happening to you) is speculating in front of the facts.

Oh, and while trolling the USC board I picked up a couple of gems. One was a thread asking why the Yahoo reporters were not banned from USC practice. (I could not find a thread asking why agents were not banned from practice.)

But my favorite post simply states: "The real villain here is the NCAA."
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Ok thanks, but if he is found that even some of the allegations are true, you would have to believe that the NCAA would have some knowledge seeing as how this guy was talking to Bush in the locker room on two occasions and it seemed to be public knowledge that this house was owned by this Michaels guy.

Also I would like to give props to FOX. They didnt just come with garbage hearsay from one side and try and slander the article to trash the school.

They came with facts, actual documents(even tho they are not shown, they claim to have them). They also gave information on what both sides of the situation are saying, even tho Reggie didnt commit, they gave all the details as to why Reggie was using the card and how he afforded all the stuff.

But to me the thing that would get them in trouble is the fact that they were using someone elses credit card, even if they didnt have their own. It was from an agent and would be looked at as a loan and it clearly states in the NCAA rules that you can not receive a loan from an agent, and pay them back later.
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These type of articles like to mention the possibilities of the program being cited for "lack of institutional control"; the loss of a Heisman Trophy and the like, since the worst-case scenarios sensationalize the story.

It does seem like they have some hard evidence that Bush was receiving benefits directly from the agent prior to the 2005 season. It will be interesting to see this develop, but I would be surprised if he ever has the Heisman taken away.

I also do not expect USC to get hit with the "lack of institutional control", but I think the lesser situation of "failure to monitor" is a real possibility. I have been surprised that USC has avoided any NCAA repercussions to date (for the house Bush's parents were in, and the Jarrett rent situation).

All of those opinions are pure speculation on my part.
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Correct me if I am wrong, but even if the NCAA finds no fault with USC, if they determine that Bush received extra benefits and was therefore ineligible USC forfeits any games he played while in that status.

Isn't that what happened to our and Michigan's NCAA banners?
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