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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

I think the Jarrett situation is typical of how the NCAA works- the situation is seemingly cut and dry, the potential penalty is seemingly straight forward, yet the actual penalty differs from past occurances. I don't think Jarrett was trying to defraud anybody or trying to gain extra benefit, or doing anything here as nefarious as taking money from a booster (no matter the definition of a booster including a parent). It was a seemingly innocent mistake that I could understand happening.

Hell, when I went to OSU, my roommates dad supplemented the overall cost of the rent for all 3 of us because he wanted to and was/is filthy rich. That would have made me ineligible if I was on the football team. HOWEVER... It seems the NCAA just thought well, it was minor- no harm no foul (which I think is great), but they failed to apply the same standards and penalties in this case as they have in the past- which is wrong. I don't blame Jarrett for that. I blame the NCAA.

I also want to say that it would probably go a long way towards better compliance if the NCAA was easier to work with; easier to translate; easier to know their expectations; easier to predict thier punishments and penalties-i.e. TRANSPARENT.

Understanding compliance requirements- either on a student-athlete level or on a school level- is so ambiguous yet at the same time so hard-line that it is no wonder to me that parents, boosters, athletes, coaches, schools, etc. have a difficult time towing the line.

I know I'm preaching to the choir with you guys, but its just so frustrating!!
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Odd situation for Jarrett today. No word on whether the woman driving the car was wearing a bulletproof vest.


Two Trojans detained, released after accepting ride to practice
Aug. 15, 2006

LOS ANGELES -- USC receiver Dwayne Jarrett and lineman Thomas Herring were briefly detained by police early Tuesday after they were picked up by a female driver in a car that officers were investigating, school officials said.

Both players were walking to morning practice about 8 a.m. when a woman offered them a ride, said coach Pete Carroll. As the players were being dropped off, police swarmed the vehicle and handcuffed the woman, Jarrett and Herring.

Saying there was an "investigation on the car," Carroll said the players were released after it was determined they weren't involved.

"Our guys were let go, but for a moment it was quite a scare," Carroll said.
"LAPD realized our guys were not involved. The lesson is don't take rides from strangers."

Carroll said the woman was taken into custody, but police officials did not immediately confirm an arrest.

Jarrett and Herring both attended practice, said USC spokesman Tim Tessalone.
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More USC Trouble? (This time Bush)


Cash and carry

An eight-month probe uncovers evidence that Reggie Bush and his family appear to have accepted improper benefits from prospective agents while at USC.
By Charles Robinson and Jason Cole, Yahoo! Sports September 14, 2006
An eight-month Yahoo! Sports investigation has revealed that Heisman Trophy-winning running back Reggie Bush and his family appear to have accepted financial benefits worth more than $100,000 from marketing agents while Bush was playing at the University of Southern California.
The benefits, which could lead to NCAA sanctions for USC and retroactively cost Bush his college eligibility and Heisman, were supplied by two groups attempting to woo Bush as a client. Current Bush marketing agent Mike Ornstein and one of Ornstein's employees were involved. So were Michael Michaels and Lloyd Lake, who attempted to launch an agency called New Era Sports & Entertainment, pursuing Bush as their first client.

This is only the first 2 paragraphs...it is a long article.
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Talk about folks with their head in the sand. The Trojan fans are blowing this off and saying nothing new.

I think I might enjoy watching this unfold. Whether USC knew or not an ineligible player is an ineligible player. And if the benefits were large enough and frequent enough at some point the argument becomse strong that school should have known.
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I think we are in need of some merged threads - as this is likely a story that will continue to be on the headlines - well at least in an on and off manner.

Right now the whole thing is confusing, contradictory, it does help that the Yahoo sport story features a Timeline section. Even so, this is far from being a straightforward story.
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OhioState8496;607156; said:
what will happen?

Most probably nothing that can affect current football. PC will claim that he knew nothing about it. My understanding is that unless someone can prove PC and the coaching staff explicitly knew about the violations, SC can't be forced to forfeit any of it games. Most that can happen is Bush being "designated" "ineligibility" (which is really BS because you can't affect the past games that he played) and perhaps stripping him of the Heisman.

Perhaps someone more knowledgable with the rules can clarify...
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