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jwinslow;1498100; said:
I'm pretty excited about this release.

1) They've addressed gameplay, physics, and gameplanning/playcalling in a big way. Big step in the right direction after years of lateral or backwards movement.

2) There are a lot of blunders with this release. I'm hoping this will hurt their image and/or wallet enough to step up their game even further enxt year. Most of the problems seem to be ones that I can live with also.

My thoughts exactly. I have been reading alot of great things from the people that got the game early. I was really starting to worry leading up to the release.

And the blunders while stupid and annoying, are going to be fixed via the rosters in the locker and the quick patch that should be out within a week or two.

I cannot wait to get the online dynasties up and running!
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My first game was Ohio State vs. my Army team from Piney's dynasty. I only played on All-American so I can toy around with the new plays and try them out. I already like the gameplay more. I tried calling 09's famous "WR Twins HB Toss against Man Coverage = TD" play and I only got five yards out of it. The LB actually took a rational route to the ball carrier and made the play.

Oh, and Barbato TORCHED me for two long TDs. I'm going to have to try my guys out.

I also started a dynasty to see what that would be like. The two fastes recruits ran a 4.3something. Unfortunately for me, I have a crappy TV, so I can't tell how much recruiting phone time I have left as I go along. The digits are red and the blur together on my crappy Hitachi. I did a couple negative pitches, but I just started so I'll see how that effects everything.
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TeddyHeisman;1497955; said:
Do you guys still have a "Stadium Sounds" file somewhere on here? I did a search, but found nothing. I'm pretty sure someone had them all on here last year...

Incase anyone else is looking for some of the stadium sounds for the Buckeyes I have uploaded them onto rapidshare. Here are the links to each song.

EDIT: Mods how can I make it so that the HTML link(Has file name in it) isn't changed to what it is?)


RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting
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Just got my copy. Love the gameplay so far, great balance, realism, mistakes (particularly with called defenses/blitzes), deep safeties tracking down RBs 40 yards downfield when they have an angle.

I wouldn't recommend the italic text for teambuilder mode. The letter edges are all jagged.

My tiny, historically accurate set of heights & weights (read: tiny) for TC Williams has not stopped them from playing well.

LL Cool J is a power back for the Miami Sharks, and he's a powerful bruiser despite his mediocre speed. I was concerned with the demo that the running game was too slow, they've adjusted it nicely since that release.
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I went ahead and rented the game to see if there was any improvement from the demo, gotta say, I liked how my first game turned out, won 31-24, and even though i gave up 24 pts (one was a garb td at the end) I felt like the defense was better, my blitzes were finally getting to the QB more often. I may have to buy this game after all :(
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Bucknut24;1498217; said:
I felt like the defense was better, my blitzes were finally getting to the QB more often. I may have to buy this game after all :(

This is one of my favorite aspects of this years game. You can acctually have a rush that does something. I played a game with some of our teambuilder teams(Permian and Hoover). My DE for Permian was abusing the LT of Hoover.
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My first two vids from the game. Both of these are from my game against Indiana in my offline dynasty. It was raining in the game so the video unfortunately looks grainy.

Video 1: Pryor breaks off a loooong run for a TD. The WRs and TEs are just laying dudes out down field. Check out Stoneburner just killing some dude as Pryor was weaving along the sideline.

Video 2: This shows the new break tackle technique. Boom gets stood up in the middle of the field yet is able to break the tackle and streak to the endzone.
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THEWOOD;1498869; said:
How does one put a team into the game? Do I have to buy something?

You have to enter the code on the back of the instruction booklet to 'unlock' your slots. Then it is just searching and downloading the team. I already downloaded your team, along with olaf's and fanatics.
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Also, the 'pre-order code' is for people who pre-ordered from gamestop. If you bought it elsewhere, you only get the 12 free slots from your instruction manual.
Oneshot;1498874; said:
What are people's favorite create-a-teams?

I'm WAY too lazy to make my own.
I'm rather partial to my created teams, a dozen movie/tv football teams, and a few custom ones. I'm working on an all-time glenville team (mostly done), and an all-time florida buckeye teams under st thomas aquinas (only partially done). search by author for ups7
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