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osucollegebuck;1497650; said:
Do we have a listing of player #'s for those players who aren't on the roster list yet?
(example: Duron Carter and Jamaal Berry (4), )

I have the updated numbers in my Ohio State team on TB. Look up TaylorBuck (PS3) and check the Buckeyes. I don't remember everybody off the top of my head, but I know Carter is #9.

Edit: I did the leg work after all.

QB Guyton: 13
RB Berry: 4
RB Hyde: 34 (I'm going to change him into someone else)
RB Hall: 25
WR Carter: 9
WR Jackson: 15
C Mehort: 74
RG Hall: 79
LE Fellows: 91
DT Simon: 54
LOLB Bell: 1
LOLB Klein: 32
MLB Homan: 49
CB Brown: 3
CB Barnett: 14
CB Clarke: 28
SS Wood: 23
Last edited:
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Smooth Olaf;1497704; said:
I have the updated numbers in my Ohio State team on TB. Look up TaylorBuck (PS3) and check the Buckeyes. I don't remember everybody off the top of my head, but I know Carter is #9.

Edit: I did the leg work after all.

QB Guyton: 13
RB Berry: 4
RB Hyde: 34 (I'm going to change him into someone else)
RB Hall: 25
WR Carter: 9
WR Jackson: 15
C Mehort: 74
RG Hall: 79
LE Fellows: 91
DT Simon: 54
LOLB Bell: 1
LOLB Klein: 32
MLB Homan: 49
CB Brown: 3
CB Barnett: 14
CB Clarke: 28
SS Wood: 23

Thanks!!!! (good call on Hyde)

Sabino also changed numbers I dont know if this was corrected on the game, he went from 11 to 6
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Here are the EA Lockers with the roster fixes. For those that may not be aware, the wrong rosters were sent out on the games and with the teambuilder. These are the corrected rosters provided by EA. With this late release, named rosters aren't likely to be available until the end of this week.

Xbox 360 - EASCncaa10
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BrutuStrength;1497844; said:
Here are the EA Lockers with the roster fixes. For those that may not be aware, the wrong rosters were sent out on the games and with the teambuilder. These are the corrected rosters provided by EA. With this late release, named rosters aren't likely to be available until the end of this week.

Xbox 360 - EASCncaa10
PS3 roster download isn't working right now. EA says that they're working on it.
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jwinslow;1497846; said:
Any idea whether they are going to incorporate these into teambuilder?
Earlier report was that it was supposed to be ready when the other rosters went live. I'd think it would be done by release.

Also, Xbox 360 users can download my roster with the OSU players named. I started to do scUM's roster but I'm getting tired and want to play a game.

My gamertag is Millikin.
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IronBuckI;1497463; said:
It wasn't where it normally was (strategy menu), or in any other place in the pause menu. I couldn't check to see what happened to anyone or if/when they would be back.

I just started another game against Michigan, and it's still no where on the pause menu.
I just started a game and I couldn't find it. Minor just got injured, and it now shows up under "strategy" as "injury report." So maybe someone has to be injured on either team for it to show up.
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