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When using instant replay on numbered helmets, the numbers appear as you zoom closer. From the initial far off view, they are not visible. I also ended up just using alabama's helmets for the Titans because somehow my custom numbered helmets had the numbers stacked on top of the TCW logo.
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Progression makes dynasty mode unplayable - Page 2 - Operation Sports Forums
Every off season each player gains anywhere from 3 to 10 points in his overall rating. This makes it nearly impossible to distinguish one player from another a few seasons into dynasty mode. I was simming to see what the rosters look like after a few years and found that after 3 full seasons--- there were 18 players with a 99 rating and over 100 in the 90's. Each team boasted at least 10 players in the 90s (barring the lower tier teams, but even they looked stacked.)

It is no fun to play a game where every player is within 7 points of each other.
I think the problem is that they weren't consistent with their changes to dynasty mode.

They said that they changed it so that recruits come in rated much lower than in the past years but progression is much quicker. However, the freshmen on the default roster(by that I mean the one off of EA Locker) are just as highly rated, if not higher, than in the past. My theory is that many of the freshmen on the default roster progress as quickly as the generated recruits are supposed to; however, most of them are more highly rated than future generated recruits will be. Because of this, there will be many 90's in the first few years of dynasty.
Yeah this is how it works. Once someone creates a custom roster and lowers the ratings of the default roster across the board, the problem we see with 30+ 99 OVR players 4 years into Dynasty won't be a problem. I simmed 3 or 4 dynasties 4 years into the future and all of these guys were highly rated freshmen from the default roster not new recruits, unless they were JUCO transfers, I had no way of tracking that.
At the start of year six in Dynasty, here are some player rating facts to address the question of player progression from earlier in the thread:

- 29 players have ratings of 99 OVR
- Every school has three QBs


One thing that people on there were confused about is that when you change a player's position from say HB to FB on the PS3, the player's AGI and BTK decrease in addition to their AWR. On the 360 however, only the AWR decreases (this is how it should work).
And now for some glitchy fun:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUDASPBL5xk]YouTube - NCAA '10 Slip and Slide effect[/ame]
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jwinslow;1499213; said:
And now for some glitchy fun:

He was dogging how his player was "running in place", but it looked to me like he was trying to keep his balance. Sure the CB on a slip n' slide is very odd though.

I was running an option earlier and went to pitch it while being tackled and it should have been a fumble. Instead it was called an incomplete pass, wtf? My dynasty team is a team built around the option. At least I won't have to worry about fumbles in that situation!
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I was running an option earlier and went to pitch it while being tackled and it should have been a fumble. Instead it was called an incomplete pass, wtf? My dynasty team is a team built around the option. At least I won't have to worry about fumbles in that situation!
I had that happen once, but with getting jacked up my pitch flew slightly forward in its haphazard manner. I'm guessing the same thing happened to you.
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Hoover (avg B) & Miami (avg B-) just faced off for a half. This game is in desperate need of sliders. It is definitely on the right track, but we need to be able to tone done some stuff.

Tipped balls happen way too often. Two consecutive passes were tipped 20 feet in the air and intercepted. If the game is going to make playaction passing such a long windup, it can't have them throw up a hapless duck every time the defense closes in on the QB. I enjoy this addition to the game, but it needs to be dialed back a little bit.

Way too many turnovers. We had 11 in about 2.5 quarters of play (he had to go to work). We also had 65 points combined by halftime.

The AI defenders don't seem to intercept the ball for you unless they are set to aggressive. They sit back and wait for the guy to catch it. The pass D overall is certainly a lot better, however, and there's a lot of variety in how players jostle for the ball. A safety scrambling over to a fly route can't always come slicing across like Jenkins and pick it off, but if he's running step for step deep he can become the WR at times.
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jwinslow;1499379; said:
Hoover (avg B) & Miami (avg B-) just faced off for a half. This game is in desperate need of sliders. It is definitely on the right track, but we need to be able to tone done some stuff.

Tipped balls happen way too often. Two consecutive passes were tipped 20 feet in the air and intercepted. If the game is going to make playaction passing such a long windup, it can't have them throw up a hapless duck every time the defense closes in on the QB. I enjoy this addition to the game, but it needs to be dialed back a little bit.

Way too many turnovers. We had 11 in about 2.5 quarters of play (he had to go to work). We also had 65 points combined by halftime.

The AI defenders don't seem to intercept the ball for you unless they are set to aggressive. They sit back and wait for the guy to catch it. The pass D overall is certainly a lot better, however, and there's a lot of variety in how players jostle for the ball. A safety scrambling over to a fly route can't always come slicing across like Jenkins and pick it off, but if he's running step for step deep he can become the WR at times.

Plus the option pitch mechanics...while better...still need sometuning. You had a very late pitch for your first TD. I love how they fixed the ball trajectory when passing. This was just one of those games where it was too full of big plays...its happened once so far this year which is way better than 09 where everygame was full of big plays.
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