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Michigan Coaching Speculation

WolverineTX;1007744; said:
Well, that short-lived buzz was put out to pasture quickly last week when Stoops sneered at the very mention -- I was just dismayed that anyone even briefly considered it a possibility.

The most ridiculous fan "suggestions" I've seen thus far:

Bobby Ross
Marty Schottenheimer
Terry Bowden

Yeehaw. :shake:

I just regurgitated that because the media is still teasing with it a bit. Its ridiculous...

My gut feeling is that it won't be Miles or Ferentz, but that's about all I've got.
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WolverineTX;1007744; said:
Well, that short-lived buzz was put out to pasture quickly last week when Stoops sneered at the very mention -- I was just dismayed that anyone even briefly considered it a possibility.

The most ridiculous fan "suggestions" I've seen thus far:

Bobby Ross
Marty Schottenheimer
Terry Bowden

Yeehaw. :shake:

Bobby Ross? That would make me angry because I love Bobby Ross. Marty? :slappy: we'll at least you'd win every game except the big games.
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WolverineTX;1007744; said:
Marty Schottenheimer

How do you feel about thugs on the Michigan sidelines and wearing maize and blue?
Not a good fit.

You haven't beaten Ohio State primarily because your defense hasn't been able to stop their offense. So why would you promote Ron English?

Tressel was just about the last name on everyone's lips here. I was shocked that OSU couldn't name just about who ever they wanted? Michigan may be in the same situation and they may make a surprise choice of someone relatively obscure. But it's going to have to be someone who can work with a solid academic program, run a clean program and win. Not an easy task.
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Go to mgoblue.com right now. It is amazing. They are the graduate school of stalkers.

They are tracking a Private jet that went from AA to Cedar Rapids, picked up a passenger and left in 15 min on the way back to AA.

Classic stuff.
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HailToMichigan;1007600; said:
I'd take Bellotti any day. Hell yes I would.

As for Bowling Green, I had to look up the head coach (apparently it's Gregg Brandon) and I don't really think he's had any more success against the Big Ten than any other MAC coach. He beat Minnesota this year, but who didn't? He started off great because Urban Meyer left him a foundation.

Oh....and ESPN reported that Ron English is a candidate? Huh. Who'd have guessed that? Glad we have ESPN to tell us these things. The only thing I take away from that is that Ferentz (thank God) isn't the shoo-in candidate after all.
Wasn't it Bellotti that, when interviewed for the OSU job, asked if we missed scUM on some years?
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Folanator;1007951; said:
Go to mgoblue.com right now. It is amazing. They are the graduate school of stalkers.

They are tracking a Private jet that went from AA to Cedar Rapids, picked up a passenger and left in 15 min on the way back to AA.

Classic stuff.

Mgoblue.com? UM's official website? Didn't see anything. It got a pretty sweet facelift though
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