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Michigan Coaching Speculation

ant80;1007952; said:
Wasn't it Bellotti that, when interviewed for the OSU job, asked if we missed scUM on some years?
Did he? One of you Buckeye fans is probably a bit better situated to answer that, 'cause I don't know. But if that's true, Bellotti probably fails the "would you rather sleep in a cage with 100 angry scorpions, or a Buckeye?" test. Not a deal-breaker, Bellotti's still an excellent coach, but it'd be nice to have someone who knows a little something about the rivalry.
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Folanator;1007951; said:
Go to mgoblue.com right now. It is amazing. They are the graduate school of stalkers.

They are tracking a Private jet that went from AA to Cedar Rapids, picked up a passenger and left in 15 min on the way back to AA.

Classic stuff.

We had plenty of flight tracking posts on various OSU sites after Cooper was fired.
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HailToMichigan;1008009; said:
Did he? One of you Buckeye fans is probably a bit better situated to answer that, 'cause I don't know. But if that's true, Bellotti probably fails the "would you rather sleep in a cage with 100 angry scorpions, or a Buckeye?" test. Not a deal-breaker, Bellotti's still an excellent coach, but it'd be nice to have someone who knows a little something about the rivalry.

I realize that you're a fellow West Coaster, but I have to admit that I don't know if I'm as enamored with Belotti as you are. Granted, the man is limited in who he can recruit; however, he has Phil Knight's open wallet when it comes to facilities and expenditures. All things considered, Belotti still isn't doesn't field a consistent team. There have been flashes of excellence, but ultimately, it's nothing more than a flash and then comes the year-end decline.
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Folanator;1008025; said:
My bad, that's it. Go to the comments. It is well worth it. Trust me.

thanks OC

To stop Lloyd's dead hand reaching from the grave and prevent the Horror redux, sign the No Kirk Firentz petition:

Please No Kirk Ferentz Petition : [ powered by iPetitions.com ]
Okay, I haven't actually left yet; I had to stop to grab my bat so I can Nancy Kerrigan his ass...
This is some funny shit, paranoid scUMmers rule!


Anyone want to drive to Ferentz's house to see if he's still there? I have their address thanks to the directory on umich.edu

Can't you see a bunch of scummers knocking on KF's door and him answering in robe and slippers like "what the hell??"

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Some of my fav's

Really, people, how can Bill Martin be this fucking stupid? Fucking sonofafuckingbitch. Forgive the French, but this is the shittiest news on the planet if this hire happens.

That motherfucker better not lose a single quarter of single fucking game.

Wow, this really sucks. Can anyone say ANYTHING that would give me an excuse to get excited about having this jerkoff as our coach? I was a big Carr supporter, and the only thing that made his retirement easier was the thought that we would bring this program into the next century with a great coach (or Les Miles).

So, before I jump out of my 40th floor window, can someone tell me anything that would make me not hate Ferentz?
gobluemich | 11.26.07 - 8:41 pm | #

What a fucking joke. Brian, I hate you. I hate you for providing this information. Ignorance is bliss. Now I must be bitter and nervous for the next 48 hours, then I can be angry. It would have been better to just be shocked and angry. Fuck you Michigan football for breaking our hearts again....The one exciting thing we have been looking forward to, and they hire Mr. Fucking Rogers to lead this program.
Bend It Like Gingell

Seriously though, is anyone going to the airport to see who was on the plane?
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