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Michigan Coaching Speculation

Jaxbuck;1008152; said:
I dunno....looks kinda flimsy.
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cincibuck;1007850; said:
How do you feel about thugs on the Michigan sidelines and wearing maize and blue?
Not a good fit.


You haven't beaten Ohio State primarily because your defense hasn't been able to stop their offense. So why would you promote Ron English?
I seriously doubt we would, at least not at this juncture. English and Mike DeBord are both being given opportunities to interview for the position, but certainly not because either is on the fast track to replace Carr. I'm sure Bill Martin's methodology reflects a willingness to consider all possibilities, and it strikes me as prudent to at least allow existing staff members a chance to state their case. Besides, this search will be conducted with a tremendous level of scrutiny, with attention to detail meeting or exceeding that of a congressional investigation. They'll leave no stone unturned.

Tressel was just about the last name on everyone's lips here. I was shocked that OSU couldn't name just about who ever they wanted? Michigan may be in the same situation and they may make a surprise choice of someone relatively obscure. But it's going to have to be someone who can work with a solid academic program, run a clean program and win. Not an easy task.
Definitely not, and I have to say Ohio State made the best possible choice with Tressel. I admire his approach, and the man just oozes class -- I just can't bring myself to dislike him no matter how hard I've tried. :biggrin:

JT: "Lloyd Carr is one of the true gentlemen of college football. His legacy is extraordinary and his leadership in the coaching profession is greatly appreciated. He made a difference in collegiate athletics."
Pure class.

I too would suspect in the end that we'll bypass the big-name candidates in favor of someone under the radar with an excellent track record, a hire Martin feels can make a long-term commitment to the program with strong emphasis placed on academics. As such, I imagine in the end he'll pursue someone like Tim Murphy (Harvard). If that ends up being the case, I'm sure there'll be much gnashing of teeth from the fans emotionally wed to Les Miles and eager to rack up the Ws, but the program will benefit more in the long run.
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I tell ya what, I wouldn't have minded seeing Houston Nutt get an interview if he hadn't been snapped up by Ole Miss within hours. Nutt rarely failed to take Arkansas to a bowl, and Arkansas is a tough place to win - have to compete with LSU, UT (both of them), A&M, Alabama, Auburn, and OU, among others, for recruits, not to mention completely psycho boosters.
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HailToMichigan;1008920; said:
I tell ya what, I wouldn't have minded seeing Houston Nutt get an interview if he hadn't been snapped up by Ole Miss within hours.

Ugh. No thanks. He fits neither our program nor Martin's criteria. Add to the mix too many off-the-field distractions, questionable dealings, little focus on academics... and I'd say he displays a few psychotic tendencies of his own.

Nutt giving the "Horns down" sign to Texas in the 2000 Cotton bowl = classless.

Speaking of his bowl record:

L 1999 Citrus: Michigan 45, (9-3) Arkansas 31

W 2000 Cotton: (8-4) Arkansas 27, Texas 6
L 2000 Las Vegas: UNLV 31, (6-6) Arkansas 14
L 2002 Cotton: Oklahoma 10, (7-5) Arkansas 3
L 2002 Music City: Minnesota 29, (9-5) Arkansas 14
W 2003 Independence: (9-4) Arkansas 27, Missouri 14
2004 season: No bowl. (5-6)
2005 season: No bowl. (4-7)
L 2007 Capital One: Wisconsin 17, (10-4) Arkansas 14

Pass! Surely we can do better.
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You sure about that? Michigan's last 7:

2006 Loss to USC 32-18
2005 Loss to Nebraska 32-28
2004 Loss to Texas 38 - 37
2003 Loss to USC 28 - 14
2002 Win over Florida 38-30
2001 Loss to Tennessee 45-17
2000 Win over Auburn 31-28

2-5 to Nutt's 2 - 5

Just messin with you. :wink2:
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WolverineTX;1009101; said:
Ugh. No thanks. He fits neither our program nor Martin's criteria. Add to the mix too many off-the-field distractions, questionable dealings, little focus on academics... and I'd say he displays a few psychotic tendencies of his own.

Nutt giving the "Horns down" sign to Texas in the 2000 Cotton bowl = classless.

Speaking of his bowl record:

L 1999 Citrus: Michigan 45, (9-3) Arkansas 31

W 2000 Cotton: (8-4) Arkansas 27, Texas 6
L 2000 Las Vegas: UNLV 31, (6-6) Arkansas 14
L 2002 Cotton: Oklahoma 10, (7-5) Arkansas 3
L 2002 Music City: Minnesota 29, (9-5) Arkansas 14
W 2003 Independence: (9-4) Arkansas 27, Missouri 14
2004 season: No bowl. (5-6)
2005 season: No bowl. (4-7)
L 2007 Capital One: Wisconsin 17, (10-4) Arkansas 14

Pass! Surely we can do better.

Holy shit! With that bowl record I'm surprised ND didn't go after him.
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