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Michigan Coaching Speculation

HailToMichigan;1008920; said:
I tell ya what, I wouldn't have minded seeing Houston Nutt get an interview if he hadn't been snapped up by Ole Miss within hours. Nutt rarely failed to take Arkansas to a bowl, and Arkansas is a tough place to win - have to compete with LSU, UT (both of them), A&M, Alabama, Auburn, and OU, among others, for recruits, not to mention completely psycho boosters.
The Big House seems like an awfully expensive stage for the circus.
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kn1f3party;1009353; said:
I wouldn't like that one bit. The last thing we need up there is a coach that would be hell-bent on changing the tides of THE GAME.
  1. I wouldn't like it either, but if it happens I will wear a grass skirt to work and post pictures of it in my sig.
  2. Any coach they hire will be hell-bent on changing the tides of THE GAME.
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NATIONAL REACTION: On Pinkel, Ferentz and other possible candidates

November 28, 2007

The latest press clippings with reaction of Lloyd Carr's retirement and the U-M coaching search:

Jason Whitlock, Kansas City Star: "I do not want to see this happen. But Michigan would be insane not to make a run at Gary Pinkel.
Yeah, Les Miles played and coached at Michigan. That does not make him the best candidate to replace Lloyd Carr. The Michigan program is stale. It could use an influx of new ideas. Pinkel knows the Midwest. He?s had major success at two programs. His spread offense would be a hit in Ann Arbor. He?s matured as a head coach. His Ohio roots would give him an understanding of the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry and what it would take to compete against Jim Tressel.

Now, I don?t expect Missouri to let Pinkel go anywhere. Tiger fans have waited too long for MU to be relevant again. With a five-star quarterback on the way and most of its offensive stars returning, Missouri will make another sizable investment in Pinkel, his coaching staff and the school?s facilities.

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Kelly isn't a Michigan Man, but he's the best man

By Matt Hayes -

I know this is going to come as a shock, a slap in the face to the Michigan Men of the world. But hear me out.
Want an end-all, be-all coach, a guy who encompasses everything and lacks nothing? Then take a page from history and follow Ohio State's lead.
Hire Brian Kelly.
Seven years ago, when Ohio State had become a team that couldn't beat Michigan, the Buckeyes went out and did the unthinkable: They hired a coach from the NCAA's lower divisions, Youngstown State's Jim Tressel.
Now that Michigan has become a team that can't beat Ohio State, Kelly -- whose first head coaching job was at Division II Grand Valley State -- would be the perfect fit. Not Les Miles, not some NFL retread, not some guy Lloyd Carr thinks is the Michigan Man for the job.
This is about hiring the best man for the job.

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Just thinkin'...

It wasn't so very long ago that OSU had a difficult time. They wanted to hire Eldon Miller to the basketball post. Eldon Miller wanted to be paid something close to what other major state universities were paying for a basketball coach... the problem was that Woody Hayes insisted that his salary be no more than that of the highest paid professor at the school.

I can't remember how they finally resolved the issue, but my point is that all Big 10 schools have tried to keep their coaching salaries out of the extreme range. I don't think such a limit exsists in the SEC, nor do the SEC member schools have as much control of sports as the Big 10 presidents do.

I would almost guess that if Les Myles took the job at Ann Arbor it would be for less than he can make at LSU. Likewise, I think it would take a significant chunk of change to get Pinkel.

Given the PC/damn-near-East-Coast-liberal-idealism that pervades the UM campus I honestly believe that there would be a shit storm of Katrina proportions if the athletic department rolled out the kind of jack a BMW coach would demand.

would love to hear from the blue posters on this.
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