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Michigan Coaching Speculation

korchiki;1000092; said:
It will be interesting to see if Bryan Kelly gets the attention he deserves...

The attention he deserves is zero. You are aware of what went down at CMU? I can't imagine the UM administration remotely considering him--regardless of what he's done on the field. Chris Spielman has a better chance of becoming the UM coach than Kelly.
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With ORD's indulgence :wink2:

ORD_Buckeye;1011496; said:
Chris Spielman has a better chance of becoming the UM coach ......

I thought this was the perfect thread to illustrate one common vector by which an internet rumor gains a foothold.

The first step is a careful, yet almost artless cut and paste quote ....

Several posts later after passing through at least one other intermediate board, this then becomes ...

Chris Spielman has a great chance of becoming the UM coach ....
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MaizeandBlue;1011455; said:
Miles has a long history with Michigan. He played for Bo, he coached for Bo, he left with McCartney and coached at Colorado, and he returned to coach for Moeller. Moeller?s staff had some huge divisions amongst the coaches where they just hated each other. Guys like Miles and Kirk Cameron were seen as extremely arrogant, brash and aggressive and that did not go over well with Carr, who was the DC. When Moeller resigned and Carr became interim head coach, Miles was out there door in an instant and Cameron wasn?t far behind.

Kirk Cameron coached at Michigan? They should hire him as head coach. Then maybe he can bring Leo on as DC. Might not be good for on the field results, but Michigan might become the first Big Ten team to win an Oscar.

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ORD_Buckeye;1011496; said:
The attention he deserves is zero. You are aware of what went down at CMU? I can't imagine the UM administration remotely considering him--regardless of what he's done on the field. Chris Spielman has a better chance of becoming the UM coach than Kelly.

Received a pm asking me about Kelly and CMU. For anyone who's interested, here's a link to the football beat writer for the Ann Arbor newspaper discussing it on a radio show. It's about half way into the interview.

MLive.com: Everything Michigan
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osugrad21;1011482; said:
The official horse of the WHAC is Les Miles....

Jaxbuck;1011490; said:
as in who they think will win or who they want to win?

Buckin' A;1011607; said:
Not sure I'm following....does this mean our guys want to stomp Les again?

No, it's who we're going to ride hard and whip down the home stretch every year until they put him out to pasture.
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ORD_Buckeye;1011496; said:
Chris Spielman has a better chance of becoming the UM coach than Kelly.

Jim Harbaugh has a better chance than Brian Kelly. :lol:

mross34;1011564; said:
Kirk Cameron coached at Michigan? They should hire him as head coach. Then maybe he can bring Leo on as DC. Might not be good for on the field results, but Michigan might become the first Big Ten team to win an Oscar.

The boosters would prefer DiCaprio, but Carr would prefer Russell Crowe.
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