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Michigan Coaching Speculation

cincibuck;1007385; said:
Zurp, unlike the SEC, university presidents have a good deal to say about the conference, they are on the Board. I know of no other instance where one school reached out to the other's HC and I think the Iowa president would have a caniption fit if Michigan got into his nest. Unless he wants to get rid of Ferentz... As for Ferentz, I'd guess that he missed his chance to get into a "Michigan type" job about two years ago when he might have been considered for Alabama, LSU, Florida or Notre Dame.

I understand that it's a shitty thing to do - for one member to take the HC from another member. But what's stopping Michigan from doing it? Other than the Iowa press writing stories about Michigan's AD pooping in his own shoes for the enjoyment of the president? I don't remember this much of a mess when the media had it in their minds that Ohio State was considering Glen Mason.

I think Ferentz is stuck at Iowa, also. I don't think Michigan would want him. I still think there ought to be someone at a smaller school to gank. Eastern, Western, or Central Michigan. Or are there any FCS schools in Michigan? Ball State or Northern Illinois? Toledo? Something like that. Akron, maybe?

I didn't think about Mike Sherman, and now I guess he's gone. But is there someone who's been a long-time NFL head coach, who's looking to get into major college football?
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I think Ferentz is stuck at Iowa, also. I don't think Michigan would want him. I still think there ought to be someone at a smaller school to gank.
It's pretty obvious they are very interested in Ferentz.
Ummmmm, I smell bad blood and a fast call to the commish... that shit just doesn't happen in the Big 10 where university presidents have a very big say in athletics.
UM stole Woody's disciple to use against him. Is this that bad?
Zurp, unlike the SEC, university presidents have a good deal to say about the conference, they are on the Board. I know of no other instance where one school reached out to the other's HC and I think the Iowa president would have a caniption fit if Michigan got into his nest. Unless he wants to get rid of Ferentz... As for Ferentz, I'd guess that he missed his chance to get into a "Michigan type" job about two years ago when he might have been considered for Alabama, LSU, Florida or Notre Dame.
Paying 3 mill a year for .500 seasons can't be that enjoyable... with Weis & Zook emerging (and scooping up ILL, IN talent) & Bielema keeping WI talent home, I have trouble seeing them returning to 9/10 win seasons with any consistency.
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BucyrusBuckeye;1007429; said:
Toss in another name; Marriuci, Not spelled right but isn't he a Mich man?
Mariucci has closer ties to Michigan State (his BFF Izzo.) Doubt his name is near the top of the list.

Or are there any FCS schools in Michigan?
No, there aren't. Closest candidate like that would be Chuck Martin at Grand Valley, but it's kind of a stretch to make the leap from D-II to the Big Ten. Nobody in the MAC has really sustained much success to put them in consideration.
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jwinslow;1007410; said:
UM stole Woody's disciple to use against him. Is this that bad?
I look at that as chalk and cheese.

Bo was hired out of the University of Miami (OH) - he had already established his own pedigree at a school other than Ohio State.

More to the point, it was not a direct Big 10 to Big 10 Head Coach hire.
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Yeah,What SANDGK says.

Bowling Green has given Big 10 teams a hard way to go, Miami has had a very difficult schedule to overcome, but there are two coahes who have done a nice job of taking over other people's programs. OUs Skorich has too many measureables going against him and I don't think you'd hire a guy that physically looks like Mangini just from the health point of view... do you want to risk a sideline stroke?

What about Baloney at Oregon? He blew you out in your own stadium and at his place (lest we should forget) knows how to win the big game at home... when his guys are healthy. Seems like the obvious choice to me.

I just gotta believe there are too many conditions that negate Myles... buying out a contract for more than you pay half your faculty, at The Harvard of the Midwest, having to meet his pay scale and probable long term contract requirements when you could end up with another Weiss... I think lots of ADs are looking at that situation and thinking, better to take the chance on a kid...
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sandgk;1007451; said:
I look at that as chalk and cheese.

Bo was hired out of the University of Miami (OH) - he had already established his own pedigree at a school other than Ohio State.

More to the point, it was not a direct Big 10 to Big 10 Head Coach hire.

What does chalk do to BKB's poop?
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cincibuck;1007462; said:
Yeah,What SANDGK says.

What about Baloney at Oregon? He blew you out in your own stadium and at his place (lest we should forget) knows how to win the big game at home... when his guys are healthy. Seems like the obvious choice to me.

Is that the same genius that allegedly asked A. Geiger if OSU v UM was always the last game on OSU's schedule?
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