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Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

Aw, c'mon, tell us how much you really love us...
Erm...my whole paragraph was regarding the Michigan game, it really had nothing to do with OSU...
Really, I'm trying to be a good sport here...:slappy:
In all honesty, any other year I would love to see tOSU run over Michigan, but I spoke the truth. Of course we stand to gain more if Michigan knocks off the Bucks at the end of the season. Its unlikely it may happen, but Michigan probably stands the best shot at this point. I stand by my other point as well, it definitly seems like a decent number of Buckeye fans can't be good sports and let the Fiesta win go. Sure, Weis can be cocky or arrogant, but people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones :wink: The media should drop off with the ND love fest at this point, so some normalcy should begin soon. Until those Buckeye fans quit obsessing over ND, or until this season is over, I'll still pull for Michigan to bring the upset :p
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Erm...my whole paragraph was regarding the Michigan game, it really had nothing to do with OSU...

In all honesty, any other year I would love to see tOSU run over Michigan, but I spoke the truth. Of course we stand to gain more if Michigan knocks off the Bucks at the end of the season. Its unlikely it may happen, but Michigan probably stands the best shot at this point. I stand by my other point as well, it definitly seems like a decent number of Buckeye fans can't be good sports and let the Fiesta win go. Sure, Weis can be cocky or arrogant, but people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones :wink: The media should drop off with the ND love fest at this point, so some normalcy should begin soon. Until those Buckeye fans quit obsessing over ND, or until this season is over, I'll still pull for Michigan to bring the upset :p
I'm sure you're just sitting there minding your own business when somebody dressed up in a brutus costume runs up to you and screams "617!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

poor innocent domer fans :roll1:
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basketball doesn't start till November, so it was OSU this week.

gotta try harder than that to flame me NDChump. I know the ass raping that Weis took hurt you too....since you're so far up there it's scary.
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NOTREDAMECHIEF;610106; said:
BTW 27! Who is your favorite team this week? HMM OSU or Syracuse?

Hey ND Chief, I got to thinking about your signature where you have "Charlie and the touchdown factory"

I think it would be appropriate to change that to "Charlie and the letdown factory" at this point. At least for a little while, until the Domers can prove that they belong. :wink2:
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ulukinatme;610097; said:
Sure, Weis can be cocky or arrogant, but people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones :wink:

OSU does not have an arrogant and cocky coach, so we can throw stones at Charlie if we want.

Arrogant and cocky fans? Yeah, maybe we've got a couple. :biggrin:
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HMM! Charlie and the just got our ass kicked factory or Charlie and the man we sucked last week factory?

My youngest went 3 for three and had the game saving (fantastic) catch today in fall baseball so I am feeling better! I LOVE MY BOYS!
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ulukinatme;610097; said:
Erm...my whole paragraph was regarding the Michigan game, it really had nothing to do with OSU...

In all honesty, any other year I would love to see tOSU run over Michigan, but I spoke the truth. Of course we stand to gain more if Michigan knocks off the Bucks at the end of the season. Its unlikely it may happen, but Michigan probably stands the best shot at this point. I stand by my other point as well, it definitly seems like a decent number of Buckeye fans can't be good sports and let the Fiesta win go. Sure, Weis can be cocky or arrogant, but people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones :wink: The media should drop off with the ND love fest at this point, so some normalcy should begin soon. Until those Buckeye fans quit obsessing over ND, or until this season is over, I'll still pull for Michigan to bring the upset :p

Bucky Katt;610120; said:
OSU does not have an arrogant and cocky coach, so we can throw stones at Charlie if we want.

Arrogant and cocky fans? Yeah, maybe we've got a couple. :biggrin:

I think he meant to say, "It's not fair to throw stones when the target is so big and round and easy to hit."
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Surprised at the number of posts here. Didn't we all KNOW ND sucked ass???

This was just a forgone conclusion for most of us. Granted, scUM looked good and seems like a quality program. But the fact that ND is just a MAC level program isn't really a surprise anymore. It's just the way it is.
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