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Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

ulukinatme;609630; said:
No, the other guy was right, Weis took the blame for the loss and didn't blame any of the players. He said it was his job to prepare the team for the game, and they obviously weren't ready. Before he did any of that, the first thing he did at the press conference was give a hand to Carr and the Michigan team for "kicking our butts" was the way he put it. No beating about the bush or sugar coating it, he spent the opening minutes giving them kudos.
After seeing the 47 points on the score board today, it was definitly a shock. You knew this was gonna be a tough game even after an ND win in Ann Arbor last year, almost all the same players were back and the outcome was totally different. Quinn handed Michigan a ton of their points today, the D actually held Michigan to just a field goal in the 2nd half. The TD and 2nd field goal came compliments of the Quinn interception and fumble. Oh yeah, his two INTs in the first half didn't help either, one was run back for another TD and I'm pretty sure a Manningham TD reception. Needless to say, in a day where the team got spanked on every side of the ball, somehow the defense decided to screw up the least.
While the chances of still playing in a NC game are still possible with 1 loss, they're definitly not probable at this point. Losing early helps, but if we play this crappy against USC again its not gonna be as close as it was last year. While we lose to MSU fairly regularly, theres enough ammo for the team to eek one out next week after the flag planting last year. UCLA may be the only other test besides USC.
Anyway, bottom line is ND played crappy, and Michigan played well and with a purpose. Their first win in South Bend in 12 years.

Aw, c'mon, tell us how much you really love us...

ulukinatme said:
Congrats mgb, definitly was a quality win. We played crummy, and your team played well and with a purpose! Both teams didn't look like the same ones that met in Ann Arbor last year, wow
Personally, I hope Michigan wins all the rest of their games for a couple reasons...first, it makes this loss look not as horrible as it really was, so it won't hurt as bad. 2nd, if anyone has a chance from this point forward to silence the OSU convicts, its Michigan. If it came down to Michigan or OSU going to a title game...I'm just hoping all that bad OSU karma costs them the game. They've been pretty cocky since January after their Fiesta win, and months later they still can't be good sports about it. [URL="http://www.notredamefans.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=12025"]http://www.notredamefans.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=12025[/URL]

Really, I'm trying to be a good sport here...:slappy:
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Thank God I won't have to listen to Pat Summerall and Bob Sitze on "the Notre Dame Network" for the rest of this season. Talk about wanting to puke! Homering is one thing, excessive homering on a national telecast is another. Forgive anyone who says anything unkind about Keith Jackson or Brent Musberger, for I have seen how much worse it can be.
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ND vs UM

Great outcome for the following reasons:

#1 Reason) Loyd should not get fired after this season! We have to keep him around.

#2.) Great win for the Big Ten. I am with CinciBuck where the B10 comes first regardless of if it's Michigan or not. Why not beat a top 5 Michigan team instead of a top 20 Michigan team.

#3.) Troy should now be a firm #1 in the heisman race. I am ready for another buckeye heisman trophy!


Stop the ND lovefest by the Media (wait, that's not possible, slow down the ND lovefest).

The Charlie Weis ridiculous contract extension was questionable after one over-rated year and now seems even more questionable. He sure did not look like a genius. ND is so desperate to be elite again and they just can't get it done. I don't wish that on any program but the arrogant and cocky domers.

I feel like a lot of the mistakes ND made against Michigan the buckeyes would not have made. Mostly the QB play but we all know that Tress is hands down a better game planner than Chuck and owns the dog-eaters.

Haterade Extras:
I wish I wasn't this way but I am a hater anytime a stud from OH-IO heads up North.

Super Mario is a player. That kid is going to be a gamebreaker and he is only a Soph.

Burgess and Crable: I kindof wrote them off as lost talent but they are going to be just fine.
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BuckeyeBiz;609825; said:
I feel like a lot of the mistakes ND made against Michigan the buckeyes would not have made. Mostly the QB play but we all know that Tress is hands down a better game planner than Chuck and owns the dog-eaters.

What are you kidding me? Give him 6 weeks to prepare and... oh that's right.
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Mr. Clutch;609301; said:
The Suck of the Irish


Charlie shouldn't wear his pants so tight when he is expecting...
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DocJohn;609626; said:
I can think of a game a little more recent than that??

Originally Posted by zincfinger
The NBC commentator just, "I can't remember a game in which the Irish were so thoroughly dominated as they were today against Michigan". He must have a pretty short memory; USC abused Notre Dame as thoroughly as possible not so long ago

I'd say the commentator either has a short memory or is in denial or both. I seem to recall a similar Irish ass kicking in a more recent Fiesta Bowl.

By the way......anyone seen the Chump lately?????
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