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Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

Definitely a MAC level team. Just like many MAC teams, you field a good QB who can make for some exciting play from time to time. But yeah, we don't normally put 617 yards on a B10 team. We win most of those, just not with gaudy numbers like that. That type of display usually shows up a against mid-level MAC talent like Cincy or ND. Yeah, you guys are MAC level. And Weis-guy isn't helping any. Good luck with your season, you'll need it. :biggrin:
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matcar;610148; said:
Definitely a MAC level team. Just like many MAC teams, you field a good QB who can make for some exciting play from time to time. But yeah, we don't normally put 617 yards on a B10 team. We win most of those, just not with gaudy numbers like that. That type of display usually shows up a against mid-level MAC talent like Cincy or ND. Yeah, you guys are MAC level. And Weis-guy isn't helping any. Good luck with your season, you'll need it. :biggrin:

Well I have to say you would know alot about MAC teams.
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And very little about the service academy teams.
C'mon, what positive streaks do we have going for us besides the traditional Navy beat down? We're already racking up a decent bowl game loss streak as it is :lol:
Actually, Air Force looks at least decent after nearly taking down the Vols. The Vols may not be back to the team they once were, but they're already better than they were last year. They came within a point in the Florida game and only beat Air Force by 1 after Air Force went for the win rather than the tie. Usually we don't play all 3 service academies in one year...dunno why it happened this year
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