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Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

matcar;610148; said:
Definitely a MAC level team. Just like many MAC teams, you field a good QB who can make for some exciting play from time to time. But yeah, we don't normally put 617 yards on a B10 team. We win most of those, just not with gaudy numbers like that. That type of display usually shows up a against mid-level MAC talent like Cincy or ND. Yeah, you guys are MAC level. And Weis-guy isn't helping any. Good luck with your season, you'll need it. :biggrin:

Whew, take-no-prisoners-time is it?

If there were a Geneva convention for things you may say to fans of a defeated team it would probably rule out relegating them to the minor leagues.

The quality of a win is measured by the quality of the opposing teams, so if you beat the shit out of someone who should be playing at a different level what have you accomplished? The Fiesta Bowl stands out because the Buckeyes pushed around a good Notre Dame team. If OSU went to the Fiesta to play the MAC champs it wouldn't prove a thing unless OSU was upset.
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Brady Quinn was this "big game guy" last year. He looks like a 12 year old sitting in front of an LSATs test this year. After the first sack of the game he has been shaky at best until halftime, then again the first sack of the second half and he is gone again. ND is a four loss team at best....
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jwinslow;610496; said:
does that count the bowl game? MSU is unpredictable, then there is a huge cupcake lineup before USC beats them. I could see them 10-2 heading into their bowl loss...
Agreed. MSU's ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and their Notre Dame like secondary makes them very suspect. Purdue has a hard time with the Irish even when they have Drew Brees around. this year They're way down. Boston college has given the Irish fits of late, maybe they can do it
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cincibuck;610519; said:
Agreed. MSU's ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and their Notre Dame like secondary makes them very suspect. Purdue has a hard time with the Irish even when they have Drew Brees around. this year They're way down. Boston college has given the Irish fits of late, maybe they can do it

Yeah but Michigan State is almost unbeatable until October...they seem to run up ND frequently, then fold like a tent in conference play. I would be surprised to see them take it to ND.
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It's hard to tell how Notre Dame will react to this week. Weis calling the players in to talk about personnel changes just tells me that he doesn't understand that he's dealing with kids here. They have higher and lower emotional response to crisis.

If Pillsbury does a head job on his own team and they come out flat, then I think MSU could take it to them and win by 14.

If he gets them back on track mentally, the game is a toss-up.

All in all, I like MSU by about 3.
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The ND boards have zeroed in on the problem. Just wait til next year when Charlie has his own recruits. Every team gets better when they graduate 17 senior starters including a four year starting QB.

I also like the ND poster who argues ND had a bad game and that if they played 10 times ND would win 5.

Yeh, that is pretty much what I saw.

There is huge pressure on ND next week. I really hope Charile makes that clear to his team. Pressure Charlie - real pressure.
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cincibuck;610302; said:
Whew, take-no-prisoners-time is it?

If there were a Geneva convention for things you may say to fans of a defeated team it would probably rule out relegating them to the minor leagues.

The quality of a win is measured by the quality of the opposing teams, so if you beat the shit out of someone who should be playing at a different level what have you accomplished? The Fiesta Bowl stands out because the Buckeyes pushed around a good Notre Dame team. If OSU went to the Fiesta to play the MAC champs it wouldn't prove a thing unless OSU was upset.
I stand by the statement because it is true. ND is MAC level. It doesn't tarnish the fact that we completely overwhelmed them. And if we want to make ourselves feel better because we think we beat a better team, then go ahead and feel that way, but I don't. ND is poor.
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daddyphatsacs;610116; said:
Hey ND Chief, I got to thinking about your signature where you have "Charlie and the touchdown factory"

I think it would be appropriate to change that to "Charlie and the letdown factory" at this point. At least for a little while, until the Domers can prove that they belong. :wink2:

How about, "Charlie and the turnover factory"?
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Oh8ch;610966; said:
The ND boards have zeroed in on the problem. Just wait til next year when Charlie has his own recruits. Every team gets better when they graduate 17 senior starters including a four year starting QB.

I also like the ND poster who argues ND had a bad game and that if they played 10 times ND would win 5.
Does that sound like a fan who thinks his team is top 2 or 3?? If it were the Bucks and I, I would say we would win all ten ranked n01
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