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Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

Oh8ch;610997; said:
It will be a mighty cold day when a MAC school takes PSU to the woodshed.

Sept. 2, 2000 in Happy Valley

Toledo 24, Penn State 6. The Lions only had 1 turnover and 10 yards in penalties; so they weren't done in by their own mistakes, they were manhandled. It was 24-0 when PSU got a long scoring pass. Total offense for Penn State without that one play: 104 yards.

Oh8ch, I'm not sure of the temperature in State College that day, but I'm sure there was quite a chill in the air.

.........................Toledo....Penn St
First downs............25........ 9
Passing yards........140......136
Sacked-yards lost..2-11....7-39
Return yards..........10........54
Time of possession.40:19...19:41
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BB73;611008; said:
Sept. 2, 2000 in Happy Valley

Toledo 24, Penn State 6. The Lions only had 1 turnover and 10 yards in penalties; so they weren't done in by their own mistakes, they were manhandled. It was 24-0 when PSU got a long scoring pass. Total offense for Penn State without that one play: 104 yards.

Oh8ch, I'm not sure of the temperature in State College that day, but I'm sure there was quite a chill in the air.

.........................Toledo....Penn St
First downs............25........ 9
Passing yards........140......136
Sacked-yards lost..2-11....7-39
Return yards..........10........54
Time of possession.40:19...19:41

ARGGGHHHHHHH IT'S the old dagger to the heart trick!!!!
:groove: :groove: :groove: :groove: :groove: :groove:
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BB73;611077; said:
I did enjoy that. I also noticed a weak effort by Samardzija going after Burgess on his second interception runback.

he didn't want to mess up his hair

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Samardzija is either getting focused on by defenses, or he doesn't want it as bad this year. Rhema McKnight has the most receiving yards on the team at this point, although he was the go to guy before he got injured in the Michigan game last year and missed the rest of the season.
I think the team will be more focused after the flag planting last year by MSU, supposidly they've been thinking about it all year. I expect the defense to play with more emotion than last year after giving up some 40 points. I don't expect the offense to put another 40 points on MSU after the performance last week, but I think they'll work on controlling the ball and not turning it over 5 times. I think the game will be close, but ND may eek it out this time.
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ulukinatme;611088; said:
Samardzija is either getting focused on by defenses, or he doesn't want it as bad this year. Rhema McKnight has the most receiving yards on the team at this point, although he was the go to guy before he got injured in the Michigan game last year and missed the rest of the season.
I think the team will be more focused after the flag planting last year by MSU, supposidly they've been thinking about it all year. I expect the defense to play with more emotion than last year after giving up some 40 points. I don't expect the offense to put another 40 points on MSU after the performance last week, but I think they'll work on controlling the ball and not turning it over 5 times. I think the game will be close, but ND may eek it out this time.

Appears they were thinking about it last week too.
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smithlabs;611114; said:
Do turnovers count for touchdowns? If we can count Quinn fumbles and INT's than he scored a bunch of touchdowns.
well, he threw one TD to TSUN. he fumbled one TD to TSUN. and he threw another pass that set up TSUN with a first and goal, so he has that going for him...
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