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Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

Very Nice. I feel dirty, but it was nice to see Michigan jump all over Notre Dame right out of the gate. If Henne doesn't make that bonehead throw over the middle under pressure, UM would've been up 28-0 in the 1st. Good win for the conference, plus we can officially flush AJ Hawk's brother-in-law's Heisman candidacy down the toilet.

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(11) Michigan 47, (2) Notre Dame 21
In Biggest of Big Games, Michigan Is the Best

Joe Raymond/Associated Press
Prescott Burgess (left) intercepted Brady Quinn on the second play of the game to set the tone.

Published: September 17, 2006
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Sept. 16 ? The football bounced off the hands of Notre Dame?s John Carlson and into the grasp of Prescott Burgess, a Michigan linebacker who closed in on the opportunity like a big truck tailgating a slower one on the Indiana Tollway.

With nothing between Burgess and the Fighting Irish end zone, he sprinted in from 31 yards to give the Wolverines a surprising lead in the first minute of yesterday?s game. The rest of the day went much the same way as Michigan stunned the Irish, 47-21, a result which:
?Left Michigan with a record of 3-0 and on the rebound after a 7-5 season that drew harsh criticism toward Coach Lloyd Carr;
?Damaged the national title aspirations of second-ranked Notre Dame (2-1) and, to a lesser extent, the Heisman Trophy hopes of quarterback Brady Quinn;
?Showcased the receiving of Michigan?s Mario Manningham, who caught 4 passes for 137 yards, including 3 touchdowns.
Manningham appeared to injure his right wrist on his third touchdown catch when he crashed into the Michigan band behind the corner of the end zone with 2 minutes 30 seconds left in the first half. He did not play again until late in the third quarter, but re-entered, briefly, with a bandage on his right wrist.
Chad Henne, the Michigan quarterback, completed 13 of 22 passes for 220 yards and 3 touchdowns, and he exposed the pass defense of the Irish, who were defeated in much the same way that Ohio State embarrassed them in January in the Fiesta Bowl.
Mike Hart, the Michigan tailback, carried 31 times for 124 yards and a touchdown. Henne?s touchdown passes to Manningham were for 69 yards, 20 yards and 22 yards.
Quinn finished with 24 completions in 48 attempts for 234 yards and 3 touchdowns. He connected for touchdowns with Ashley McDonnell for 3 yards, Jeff Samardzija for 4 yards and Rhema McKnight for 28 yards.
Quinn, though, was punished all game. He was sacked several times by Michigan defenders and hit frequently after releasing the ball. Two of his passes were deflected. During a Notre Dame drive in the final five minutes, Michigan allowed the Irish to continue down the field with personal-foul penalties. But the drive ended in a Michigan touchdown when Lamarr Woodley scooped up a fumble by Quinn.
The Irish trailed, 34-7, before scoring a touchdown in the final minute before halftime, and they made the second half respectable. But they made many mistakes all day. Quinn overthrew receiver McKnight on a deep pass when McKnight got behind the coverage. Later, McKnight dropped a pass while in the open.
Darius Walker, the Notre Dame halfback, dropped two short passes out of the backfield. The Notre Dame return men, David Grimes and George West, appeared to contest each other near their goal line on a Michigan kickoff, with West winning the competition and returning the ball 13 yards.
More significantly, when Grimes fumbled a kickoff return, Michigan recovered at the Irish 27 and scored a touchdown six plays later to go up by 20-7.
Quinn?s first-drive interception was his first in 143 attempts. In the third quarter, Burgess again intercepted Quinn to set up a 20-yard Michigan field goal by Garrett Rivas to give the Wolverines a 37-14 lead.
The Irish had defeated the Wolverines in their previous two meetings and had won three of the last four. But Quinn said before the game, ?Every year it?s a dogfight.? Charlie Weis, the coach of the Irish, said: ?They?re coming in here on a mission because we?ve got the best of them the last few years.?
For Notre Dame, it was the second of four consecutive Big Ten opponents. The Irish visit Michigan State next week. For the Wolverines, it was the first tough challenge after relatively one-sided victories over Vanderbilt and Central Michigan. The Wolverines will play host to Wisconsin next Saturday.
While current coaches and players are likely to be careful with their words, the tongue of former Wolverines Coach Bo Schembechler was a bit looser. Schembechler recently told The Detroit Free Press that Michigan should not even play Notre Dame.
?We don?t need Notre Dame,? Schembechler said. ?They need us more than we need them.? Schembechler said that when Penn State came into the Big Ten, Michigan should have stopped playing Notre Dame.
The Irish-Wolverines series has been sporadic since 1887, with Michigan holding an 18-14-1 advantage. Although the schools are less than four hours apart on interstate highways, they played only twice between 1909 and 1978.
?I would rather have an intersectional game than a Midwest game,? Schembechler said. ?Play Southern Cal, I don?t care; play Texas, somebody like that. But not Notre Dame.? In his 10 games against the Irish, Schembechler was 4-6.
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MrMan0202;609273; said:
Uhh, what games were you watching?

They have one of the top 3 defensive lines in the nation and the best one in the Big Ten in my opinion. They have a real fast front 7 and when Crable and that kid Jamison were lined up in packages they were flying right past ND's OT's. Notre Dame has one of the better offensive lines in the entire nation, and Michigan's defensive line handled them.

The same one you were Mr Man. Let's not go tripping over Michigan's cock after a win over Notre Dame. Michigan has shown a knack for underachieving with a lot of talent, I'd expect nothing out of the ordinary this season.

You see, in college football it takes a whole season of good football for your team to be considered a success.........not 3 losses.
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MrMan0202;609310; said:
I'm not talking them up at all. Just calling it how I see it. The Michigan trashing isn't warranted. Notre Dame is a pretty good team, a Top 25 team, not top 3 team, and Michigan just went into South Bend and beat the living shit out of them.

And we as a Buckeye fan were very proud of them for that effort......no doubt. My advice to you is not to come to an OSU board and start talking shit after Michigan wins a few ballgames early on. That song has been sung many a time.......There used to be a guy who hung around here by the name of Bretgoblow.......or blue or something like that. He had your same approach, and after the last 2 seasons he hasn't been around much. Wonder why?

Consistency........ Tell Lloyd to take notes.
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daddyphatsacs;609378; said:
The same one you were Mr Man. Let's not go tripping over Michigan's cock after a win over Notre Dame. Michigan has shown a knack for underachieving with a lot of talent, I'd expect nothing out of the ordinary this season.

You see, in college football it takes a whole season of good football for your team to be considered a success.........not 3 losses.

Do you have to act like that? First off, I'm not a Michigan fan. I'm a BUCKEYE fan. Secondly, I watch Michigan closely, heck scratch that, I watch college football closely. Michigan's defense and defensive line in particular have been consistent for 3 games straight. They've done the same thing to every offense they've played. Shut down the run, and knived right through offensive lines like butter every game.

This isn't a Herman Michigan defense. This is a different ball-club. Michigan was rotating their defensive line all game and getting pressure with 4 guys with ease. They were in Quinn's face all day. Woodley actually had an off-game and the line still knived right through Notre Dame. This is a pretty scary front 4. Amongst the very best in the nation without a doubt. The only reason they had 5 sacks instead of 20 was because Notre Dame's offensive line was just about tackling their defensive lineman. I saw more holding in that one game than I've seen in any all season long.
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MrMan0202;609387; said:
Do you have to act like that? First off, I'm not a Michigan fan. I'm a BUCKEYE fan. Secondly, I watch Michigan closely, heck scratch that, I watch college football closely. Michigan's defense and defensive line in particular have been consistent for 3 games straight. They've done the same thing to every offense they've played. Shut down the run, and knived right through offensive lines like butter every game.

This isn't a Herman Michigan defense. This is a different ball-club. Michigan was rotating their defensive line all game and getting pressure with 4 guys with ease. They were in Quinn's face all day. Woodley actually had an off-game and the line still knived right through Notre Dame. This is a pretty scary front 4. Amongst the very best in the nation without a doubt.

Rrrrrrrright. A lot of Buckeye fans make it a habit to come on this board to perform fellatio to the Michigan front 7. You seem to know a hell of a lot about the Wolverines for being just a normal Buckeye fan who follows Michigan closely. Why not come clean and admit that you are not the Buckeye fan that you pretend to be, and call yourself a Michigan fan......I'd probably respect you more if that were the case......

Edit: Dude, I went back and looked at your post history. The only threads that you have posted on have been Michigan related threads. Not typical of your run of the mill Buckeye fan. Quit being a pretender and come clean.
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Whatever. It's obvious you are like in 9th grade. I'll just turn the ignore button on.

Anyway, Weis was throwing his guys under the bus from what I saw in the press conference. He was blaming Quinn and their return guy who fumbled, David Grimes, for the loss. Weis came out and said that Brady made a bad throw on the reciever's wrong shoulder that went for a pick 6. Which to me was bull, because the pass went right through the tight ends hands. Weis also said the other turn-overs were Brady's fault and his fault alone because of bad throws. It sounded to me on tv like he went out of his way to say that Quinn's bad throws were the reason they lost the game.
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daddyphatsacs;609392; said:
Edit: Dude, I went back and looked at your post history. The only threads that you have posted on have been Michigan related threads. Not typical of your run of the mill Buckeye fan. Quit being a pretender and come clean.

I thought the exact same thing...
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MrMan0202;609402; said:
Whatever. It's obvious you are like in 9th grade. I'll just turn the ignore button on.

I'd advise you to do so then. I also think it's humorous that you didn't try to defend your claim that your a Buckeye fan. FWIW I'm not in the 9th grade......actually it's 6th....just thought you would like to know. :wink2:
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