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Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

Steve19;609122; said:
but, that is very, very good for us.
Trust me, much as you may think the media loves UM it is nothing compared to how much they love ND.. Look for Michigan to rise a biut and for ND to be right behind them. I mean, those were Big 10 officials calling the game...
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Hey guy's not to rain on the parade here, but the love fest for Michigan can end now. :biggrin: They are back to being enemy number 1.

They beat an average ND squad today.......That Irish squad is going to lose a handful of games if they don't figure out how to protect their QB. Perhaps Weis can insert his fatass into the o line and give it a boost...

Regardless, good win by Michigan.....but I'm pretty confident in saying that it is the last time that I am rooting for them this season.

Fuck Michigan. :biggrin:
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Personally, I'm not cheering or congratulating scUM at all...I'm just laughing my ass off at Jabba the Pouter getting outcoached by LLLLLLLLoyd and the Heisman highlight reel that Ron Powlus the 2nd put up today...
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Bucklion;609221; said:
Personally, I'm not cheering or congratulating scUM at all...I'm just laughing my ass off at Jabba the Pouter getting outcoached by LLLLLLLLoyd and the Heisman highlight reel that Ron Powlus the 2nd put up today...

:slappy: My hat goes off to you Lion, you worded that so eloquently. :biggrin:

Let's still not lose sight that Weis has actually been identified as Touchdown Jesus.
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Irish :roll2: Eyes

Notre Dame hack picks the Irish to win, 24-17; says that this win will put the Irish over the hump. :slappy:

Post of the day at Irish Eyes:


DelusionalIrishFan said:
Cleaning up Willinghams's mess will take a few more years...
Don't say Weis hasn't turned this program around, and that he hasn't accomplished more than Ty. He's taken bottom of the barrel talent and turned them into a National caliber team. This is still going to be an exceptional year, but until Weis gets through the mess Willingham left ND in, it's going to be a struggle. Take all the cheap shots you guys can get, because within 2 years our program will be untouchable for a very long time. Go Irish..
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"Oh Shit, an actual defensive pass rush. Not to worry though, coach was the offensive coordinator for the Patriots"

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Ok I gotta say, I havent been this happy about an outcome since the bowl game last year, and it's close. I enjoy 2 things in life. Watchin the Bucks win, and watchin ND get their media-bloated asses handed to them on their own field. I now have a permanent smile on my face. Might need to have it surgically removed :biggrin:
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Henne looked like shit too when Notre Ame manages to get some heat on him... which wasn't much. He reminds me of Dorsey the way he tosses it into the ground or at the other team the second someone gets in his face. He sure as hell doesn't look like a third year starter, which I like.
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daddyphatsacs;609231; said:
:slappy: My hat goes off to you Lion, you worded that so eloquently. :biggrin:

Let's still not lose sight that Weis has actually been identified as Touchdown Jesus.

So if Weis is TD Jesus, what does that make Quinn today? Turnover Jesus? Picked Off Jesus? Fumblerooni Jesus?

And how about the defense? 600 Yard Jesus? Running Lane Jesus? Fade to Mario Jesus? :slappy:
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Cicero;609114; said:
The amazing thing is that scUM is not that good a football team. So we lose an over-rated Notre Dame only to be replaced by a now over rated scUM.

Uhhh, they looked pretty good to me. Chad Henne still doesn't impress me that much. Made a bonehead decision early on but bounced back a bit. Mike Hart is one of the best backs in the nation. Their defensive and offensive lines won the battles up-front, and the only weakness I see on their team is the pass protection and the corner opposite Leon Hall. Other than that they are a really solid football team, as good as any in the nation.
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Buckeye86;609239; said:
Henne looked like shit too when Notre Ame manages to get some heat on him... which wasn't much. He reminds me of Dorsey the way he tosses it into the ground or at the other team the second someone gets in his face. He sure as hell doesn't look like a third year starter, which I like.


Michigan isn't some sort of world beater squad. Notre Dame is just that damn bad right now..........I love it!

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MrMan0202;609246; said:
Uhhh, they looked pretty good to me. Chad Henne still doesn't impress me that much. Made a bonehead decision early on but bounced back a bit. Mike Hart is one of the best backs in the nation. Their defensive and offensive lines won the battles up-front, and the only weakness I see on their team is the pass protection and the corner opposite Leon Hall. Other than that they are a really solid football team, as good as any in the nation.

Thanks for the laugh, I needed that.

Let's not lose sight of the fact that the Irish have a shitty offensive line....and Michigan recovered a couple of turnovers deep in ND's territory. They are possibly a top 10 team, but not anywhere near a top 5 squad at the moment. I'll give you the Hart argument, he's a good back. Their defensive is still too slow to compete with the big boys......so I guess that makes ND's offense that much slower.
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