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Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

The NBC commentator just, "I can't remember a game in which the Irish were so thoroughly dominated as they were today against Michigan". He must have a pretty short memory; USC abused Notre Dame as thoroughly as possible not so long ago.
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11 yards rushing? Don't you just love it? Shut down the run and make Brady win the game. 99.7 QB rating just weren't good enough there cowboy!

It's 1 am and I am going to bed a very happy man!:osu:
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I hope they show that fumble on his highlight video when the networks (all of them) are still pushing him for the Heisman...of course when he racks up 575 yards and 12 TD passes against Army, I suppose we'll hear he's the greatest college QB ever again...
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zincfinger;609160; said:
The NBC commentator just, "I can't remember a game in which the Irish were so thoroughly dominated as they were today against Michigan". He must have a pretty short memory; USC abused Notre Dame as thoroughly as possible not so long ago.

Ya think? :slappy:

Uh, I can think of another game since USC where they got their arses handed to them as well :wink2:
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Steve19;609174; said:
Ya think? :slappy:

Uh, I can think of another game since USC where they got their arses handed to them as well :wink2:

You all don't get it...when ND loses a game, the networks and ND fans all then pretend it never happened. The only college football games that actually have been played were all ND wins. It's like Cryami fans with "the probation era"...their losses just don't count.
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Bucklion;609156; said:
:slappy: :slappy: :slappy: :slappy: :slappy: :slappy: :slappy: :slappy:

I'm sure ulikinatme and all our ND friends will be over here now....not

Not until late tomorrow or Monday. Then, there will be all kinds of rationalizations about how they can still win the NC and just had an off day.

I really, really want Michigan State to take it to them. That happens, I guarantee that the "show them my ring" crap from Weis will lose its recruiting bite and you might just see a few kids rethinking their commitments over there.
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zincfinger;609160; said:
The NBC commentator just, "I can't remember a game in which the Irish were so thoroughly dominated as they were today against Michigan". He must have a pretty short memory; USC abused Notre Dame as thoroughly as possible not so long ago.

or the Fiesta Bowl.
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Steve19;609183; said:
Not until late tomorrow or Monday. Then, there will be all kinds of rationalizations about how they can still win the NC and just had an off day.

I really, really want Michigan State to take it to them. That happens, I guarantee that the "show them my ring" crap from Weis will lose its recruiting bite and you might just see a few kids rethinking their commitments over there.

Problem is at ND they now get rings for beating Stanford...there have been some lean years, after all :slappy:

Hey...how do you make Notre Dame cookies? Put them in a bowl and beat them for 3 hours :slappy:
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