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Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

OSUBuckeye4Life;602487; said:
Michigan at Notre DameSEPTEMBER 16 The Irish looked scary good in ripping Penn State, while Michigan has been less than impressive in its wins. The Wolverines will get up for this one, but ND is just too much for Lloyd Carr's bunch.

Notre Dame 40, Michigan 17

After seeing that I HAD to make a thread.

We're one ND fg away from that score. :p
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Post #3879
[/URL] What happened to Quinn?Reply Total respect to UM fans as I think you guys played lights out today. But what in the crap happened to Brady Quinn? He looks horrible. He just regressed 1.5 years.

A total disappointment. This isn't just an "off" day. He flat out stunk it up.

The first INT wasn't his fault, but since then he has been in a panic.

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And now, IVoyd Cooper begins to play it close to the vest and ND makes the score look a lot more respectable. Damn it IVoyd, run the score up on this bastard, just like he would do to anyone else.
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ND brings 10 guys on a run blitz on 3-1 and scUM runs it.

Ah, check off at the line or call play action right there to put a dagger in their heart.

Weis takes these big chances and dumb coaches let him get away with it time after time after time.

If he gets some deep talent at ND, they could do some things in the future.
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ZachDumas;609103; said:
ND brings 10 guys on a run blitz on 3-1 and scUM runs it.

Ah, check off at the line or call play action right there to put a dagger in their heart.

Weis takes these big chances and dumb coaches let him get away with it time after time after time.

If he gets some deep talent at ND, they could do some things in the future.

But then, IVoyd is so bloody predictable!
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