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Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

OregonBuckeye;608907; said:
Come on Notre Dame!! Get it together!

Sorry, but I just hate scUM too much to ever root for them.

You can't be for real... are you listening/watching the NBC blow job on an entire school? Is that what you want to hear on Monday and every day after that. Trust me. If Lazurus should some how rise up from this we will see OSU ranked behind these clowns.

I hope Michigan lays 5o on 'em and shuts them out the second half.
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cincibuck;609007; said:
You can't be for real... are you listening/watching the NBC blow job on an entire school? Is that what you want to hear on Monday and every day after that. Trust me. If Lazurus should some how rise up from this we will see OSU ranked behind these clowns.

I hope Michigan lays 5o on 'em and shuts them out the second half.

So do I, because you are right. If they come back, Quinn has won the Heisman today and they will be chomping at our heals!
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I think it's pretty safe to say that Notre Dame doesn't belong in the top 25. I think Quinn is realizing how much he's missing Fasano, who was his safety blanket last season.

Michigan isn't that good, they are blowing by the Irish with fade routes, the Irish just have a terrible secondary. No to mention, they can't protect up front. That's a recipe for disaster.
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sandgk;609008; said:
Quinn's QB rating at the half - 108.3

Smith's full game rating - 149.4 on 21 of 30 and 2 TDs - no INTS :biggrin:

Come on down Heisman voters :osu:

That last drive really helped him. IVoyd must get the defense to rise to the same degree of intensity in the second half.
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daddyphatsacs;609019; said:
I think it's pretty safe to say that Notre Dame doesn't belong in the top 25. I think Quinn is realizing how much he's missing Fasano, who was his safety blanket last season.

Michigan isn't that good, they are blowing by the Irish with fade routes, the Irish just have a terrible secondary. No to mention, they can't protect up front. That's a recipe for disaster.

make that top 50

lousiville pumping miami
ND'S BIG WIN against ga tech killed troy who gave Florida state a tough game
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