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Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

Steve19;609122; said:
but, that is very, very good for us.

Yes it is. My one concern was defense, but 26 points in three games tends to ease that fear a bit. Hopefully scUM can run the table from here and come into Columbus with high aspirations. I can't think of a better way to clinch a trip to Arizona than smashing scUM's season on the way.
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So, Correct me if I am wrong, but did genius Weis really just call 3 TO's within a 13 SECOND span when scUM had the ball with over 6 min left? I'm just tracking the game on gamecast, so I dont know exactly what is going on.
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Cicero;609125; said:
Yes it is. My one concern was defense, but 26 points in three games tends to ease that fear a bit. Hopefully scUM can run the table from here and come into Columbus with high aspirations. I can't think of a better way to clinch a trip to Arizona than smashing scUM's season on the way.

I couldn't agree more.
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Buck-eye;609132; said:
I hate Michigan but this will shut up the ND fans and Brady Quinn's Heisman Hopes. Brady Quinn has been sacked 4 times hit 10 times against Michigan.

Add a fumble to that, but the ND apologists will find a way to keep Quinn in the talks. Especially after having huge games in October and early November against less than stellar opponents.
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BB73;609135; said:
Another Heisman lowlight for Quinn. The ball slipped out of his hand, it got kicked around, and Woodley went 54 yards with it for a TD.


I always thought TSUN would kick their arses today, but I am surprised how the defense shut them down. It looks like about 30 yards rushing? Five turnovers?

Now, when Michigan State beats 'em, we'll see the beginning of the meltdown of Charlie Weis. He has been so rude to Notre Dame adminstrators and alumni, the swords will come fast and furious. Let's see if Jabba loses a bit of weight from the stress.

What I really want to see is Notre Dame slip out of the top 25.
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