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Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

BuckBackHome;609236; said:
Did the Irish have a bunch of recruits there for the game?

Joseph Barksdale
Greg Little (visiting OSU next weekend)
Jimmy Clausen (must have loved the potent ND offense that he'll inherit from Quinn)
Gary Gray (top CB prospect from South Carolina - at least they can promise him early PT)
Malcolm Smith (LB from California)

All on official visits - I wonder how personable Weis will be after this game? Will the "ring thing" still work... :biggrin:
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Nobody can get no sleep,
There's someone on ev'ryone's toes
But when Quinn the Domer gets here,
Ev'rybody's gonna wanna doze.
Come all without, come all within,
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn

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daddyphatsacs;609249; said:
Thanks for the laugh, I needed that.

Let's not lose sight of the fact that the Irish have a shitty offensive line....and Michigan recovered a couple of turnovers deep in ND's territory. They are possibly a top 10 team, but not anywhere near a top 5 squad at the moment. I'll give you the Hart argument, he's a good back. Their defensive is still too slow to compete with the big boys......so I guess that makes ND's offense that much slower.

Uhh, what games were you watching?

They have one of the top 3 defensive lines in the nation and the best one in the Big Ten in my opinion. They have a real fast front 7 and when Crable and that kid Jamison were lined up in packages they were flying right past ND's OT's. Notre Dame has one of the better offensive lines in the entire nation, and Michigan's defensive line handled them.
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LordJeffBuck;609258; said:
Joseph Barksdale
Greg Little (visiting OSU next weekend)
Jimmy Clausen (must have loved the potent ND offense that he'll inherit from Quinn)
Gary Gray (top CB prospect from South Carolina - at least they can promise him early PT)
Malcolm Smith (LB from California)

All on official visits - I wonder how personable Weis will be after this game? Will the "ring thing" still work... :biggrin:

Aside from the test-tube QB aren't all others are in play with tOSU or other teams?
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The Suck of the Irish

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sandgk;609295; said:
Aside from the test-tube QB aren't all others are in play with tOSU or other teams?

Joseph Barksdale- probably going to drop them after that.

Greg Little - heard he's a pretty big North Carolina lean, and this didn't help them out today at all.

Jimmy Clausen - I'm thinking USC might come into play if they can dominate Nebraska tonight and wipe the floor with ND at the end of the season.

Gary Gray - I doubt he leaves home after that. Probably will re-commit to South Carolina.

Malcolm Smith - heavy USC lean.

ND's recruiting weekend blew up right in their face. Sure that the high school kids also aren't going to like that Weis throws his players under the bus at press conferences after losses.
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MrMan0202;609273; said:
Uhh, what games were you watching?

They have one of the top 3 defensive lines in the nation and the best one in the Big Ten in my opinion. They have a real fast front 7 and when Crable and that kid Jamison were lined up in packages they were flying right past ND's OT's. Notre Dame has one of the better offensive lines in the entire nation, and Michigan's defensive line handled them.

Get with the program please, this thread is all about humorously dousing the candles in Notra Lame's candelabra,

unless you want to continue talking up the macho men of Ann Arbor.
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sandgk;609308; said:
Get with the program please, this thread is all about humorously dousing the candles in Notra Lame's candelabra,

unless you want to continue talking up the macho men of Ann Arbor.

I'm not talking them up at all. Just calling it how I see it. The Michigan trashing isn't warranted. Notre Dame is a pretty good team, a Top 25 team, not top 3 team, and Michigan just went into South Bend and beat the living shit out of them.
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MrMan0202;609310; said:
I'm not talking them up at all. Just calling it how I see it. The Michigan trashing isn't warranted. Notre Dame is a pretty good team, a Top 25 team, not top 3 team, and Michigan just went into South Bend and beat the living shit out of them.
I'm just advising a lighter tone, OK :biggrin:
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