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Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

Just over at the ND board to see how things were being spun.

The board is shut down. Not enough mods and too many emotional posts. Just a note telling everyone to go have a beer and cool down.

I can understand the emotion. Half their arrogant fan base probably mortgaged their homes to bet on this game.

The next few weeks are going to be so much fun it just ain't fair.
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Oh8ch;609410; said:
Just over at the ND board to see how things were being spun.

The board is shut down. Not enough mods and too many emotional posts. Just a note telling everyone to go have a beer and cool down.

I can understand the emotion. Half their arrogant fan base probably mortgaged their homes to bet on this game.

The next few weeks are going to be so much fun it just ain't fair.

The board was shut down? :slappy: Classic!
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Oh8ch;609410; said:
Just over at the ND board to see how things were being spun.

The board is shut down. Not enough mods and too many emotional posts. Just a note telling everyone to go have a beer and cool down.

I can understand the emotion. Half their arrogant fan base probably mortgaged their homes to bet on this game.

The next few weeks are going to be so much fun it just ain't fair.

That is just hilarious! :biggrin:
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Michigan's win today was so important for Ohio State, on so many levels:

1) Good win for the conference, and for Michigan when we host them and kick 'em squa' in the nutz.

2) Gets Lloyd Carr off the hot seat, and ensures his job security. :biggrin:
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I love it when the Fat Guy sings... Has IVLoyd learned how to play Tressel Ball? I mean he really took the air out of the ball when they got up 28 - 7 putting the game squarely in the hands of the defense.

How bad is Penn State? I guess we find out this week.

Now if MSU can do the samething we can put the Irish away for the year. I want to see them sitting around, trying to decide if they'll accept the bid to the Motor City Bowl... and then loosing that one too.

Can you tell I really don't like Notre Dame?
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617 yards?

I can think of a game a little more recent than that??

zincfinger;609160; said:
The NBC commentator just, "I can't remember a game in which the Irish were so thoroughly dominated as they were today against Michigan". He must have a pretty short memory; USC abused Notre Dame as thoroughly as possible not so long ago.
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sandgk;609385; said:
Here is the official UND site article with the post-game presser:


He lays most of the blame on himself, explicitly gives credit early to scUM.

Yep. Those marketing research folks at the PR consultancy can really help you sound almost like you mean it. I think he gets closer to the truth when he says "you can pick any name out of a hat, I mean". It's all their fault. Forget about the mea culpa about his coaching. And it you are a recruit, just remember, this guy will throw you under a bus without a second thought.

Geez, I really hope Stanton and the guys can pull it off this week.
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Anyway, Weis was throwing his guys under the bus from what I saw in the press conference. He was blaming Quinn and their return guy who fumbled, David Grimes, for the loss. Weis came out and said that Brady made a bad throw on the reciever's wrong shoulder that went for a pick 6. Which to me was bull, because the pass went right through the tight ends hands. Weis also said the other turn-overs were Brady's fault and his fault alone because of bad throws. It sounded to me on tv like he went out of his way to say that Quinn's bad throws were the reason they lost the game.
No, the other guy was right, Weis took the blame for the loss and didn't blame any of the players. He said it was his job to prepare the team for the game, and they obviously weren't ready. Before he did any of that, the first thing he did at the press conference was give a hand to Carr and the Michigan team for "kicking our butts" was the way he put it. No beating about the bush or sugar coating it, he spent the opening minutes giving them kudos.
After seeing the 47 points on the score board today, it was definitly a shock. You knew this was gonna be a tough game even after an ND win in Ann Arbor last year, almost all the same players were back and the outcome was totally different. Quinn handed Michigan a ton of their points today, the D actually held Michigan to just a field goal in the 2nd half. The TD and 2nd field goal came compliments of the Quinn interception and fumble. Oh yeah, his two INTs in the first half didn't help either, one was run back for another TD and I'm pretty sure a Manningham TD reception. Needless to say, in a day where the team got spanked on every side of the ball, somehow the defense decided to screw up the least.
While the chances of still playing in a NC game are still possible with 1 loss, they're definitly not probable at this point. Losing early helps, but if we play this crappy against USC again its not gonna be as close as it was last year. While we lose to MSU fairly regularly, theres enough ammo for the team to eek one out next week after the flag planting last year. UCLA may be the only other test besides USC.
Anyway, bottom line is ND played crappy, and Michigan played well and with a purpose. Their first win in South Bend in 12 years.
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:slappy: :slappy: :slappy: :slappy: :slappy: :slappy: :slappy: :slappy:

I'm sure ulikinatme and all our ND friends will be over here now....not
Haha, maybe so? :) I came straight to the board after the ND loss to OSU in the Fiesta Bowl, as did some other decent fans. I suppose I should have gone to a Michigan board instead, but I don't know any and would rather not step in one win or lose :wink2:
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