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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

OH10;1777312; said:
I'm not holding out hope for that. I'm actively praying to baby Jesus for that to happen.

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He'll fuck up and pull a Braylon Edwards or even Donte Stallworth at some point. No way he makes it 7 years on Souf Beach without getting in trouble. It would be awesome if someone could kidnap him for a weekend, get him addicted to Meth, and let him go.
I agree that his image in Ohio would still be good if he had never been drafted by the Cavs. If he had back-stabbed the Pistons like he did the Cavs we would probably all be laughing. Of course the Pistons would have won 5 titles if they had drafted Lebron instead of Darko.
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exhawg;1777560; said:
He'll fuck up and pull a Braylon Edwards or even Donte Stallworth at some point. No way he makes it 7 years on Souf Beach without getting in trouble. It would be awesome if someone could kidnap him for a weekend, get him addicted to Meth, and let him go.
I agree that his image in Ohio would still be good if he had never been drafted by the Cavs. If he had back-stabbed the Pistons like he did the Cavs we would probably all be laughing. Of course the Pistons would have won 5 titles if they had drafted Lebron instead of Darko.

The Pistons would've won 5 titles if they drafted you instead of Darko. He added absolutely nothing to that team. Except the occasional smack on the ass to 'Sheed.
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BuckeyeTillIDie;1777592; said:
I'm sure he'll have some sort of "injury" so he won't have to travel there.

i disagree...hes such a idiot and still believes everyone in NE Ohio still loves him besides a few bad fans, that he will show up for sure because he is that arrogant and retarded
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JCOSU86;1777595; said:
Reading that crap is why I hate Twitter. Those responses are the biggest bunch of no-educated, confusing, trash that I have ever read.

Not to mention mention these people are not exactly creating a great image for OSU fans. Memo to Cavs fans, not all Ohio State fans are also Cavs fans. Stop making this an Ohio State/Cavs/Lebron issue.
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Colvinnl;1777600; said:
Not to mention mention these people are not exactly creating a great image for OSU fans. Memo to Cavs fans, not all Ohio State fans are also Cavs fans. Stop making this an Ohio State/Cavs/Lebron issue.

Not from Cleveland and Ohio State always comes first for me. But I can tell you that my choice to support Cleveland sports teams when I was younger had a lot to do with the kinship between the City of Cleveland and Ohio State. They love the Buckeyes up there (unlike Cincinnati).

Maybe not every Cleveland fan likes Ohio State and I'm sure not every Ohio State fan is a fan of Cleveland, but there's a strong enough crossover to make the connection.

Plus, he's a fucking clown. We should be embarrassed that he claims to be a Buckeye fan.
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My biggest problem with Wade's Biach is a personal problem. It turned out that LeBron was not the player and leader I thought he was. I thought he was an Alpha like Jordan, Bird, and Magic. I thought he was a player that made everyone around him better. I thought he was the man to put the team on his back and carry them to the glory land. It turned out that I was wrong.

I don't blame LeBron for being a follower. I blame myself for thinking he was something that he knows he is not.
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1997Buckeye;1778127; said:
My biggest problem with Wade's Biach is a personal problem. It turned out that LeBron was not the player and leader I thought he was. I thought he was an Alpha like Jordan, Bird, and Magic. I thought he was a player that made everyone around him better. I thought he was the man to put the team on his back and carry them to the glory land. It turned out that I was wrong.

I don't blame LeBron for being a follower. I blame myself for thinking he was something that he knows he is not.

Magic made Kareem better? :slappy: Worthy? Also, neither Worthy or Kareem tried to bang Magic's mom, as far as I know.
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BUCKYLE;1778131; said:
Magic made Kareem better? :slappy: Worthy? Also, neither Worthy or Kareem tried to bang Magic's mom, as far as I know.

I would say that he did. It was a little early in my following of the NBA, but LA had been on an 8 year drought of Championships before magic arrived. They struggled with the the top Western teams. He may have been just a piece to the puzzle but I remember him being the leader of that team after his rookie year.

As for banging someones mom, it takes two to tango. If LBJ's mom wasn't into it, she wouldn't have done Delonte. LBJ needs to grow up if someone having sex with his mother affected his decision. He is supposed to be a professional. This just goes to show his lack of mental toughness.
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1997Buckeye;1778132; said:
I would say that he did. It was a little early in my following of the NBA, but LA had been on an 8 year drought of Championships before magic arrived. They struggled with the the top Western teams. He may have been just a piece to the puzzle but I remember him being the leader of that team after his rookie year.

As for banging someones mom, it takes two to tango. If LBJ's mom wasn't into it, she wouldn't have done Delonte. LBJ needs to grow up if someone having sex with his mother affected his decision. He is supposed to be a professional. This just goes to show his lack of mental toughness.

Bird, Magic, and Jordan all had at least one other 50 greatest players of all time on their squads.

If another forklift driver at my warehouse banged my mom, I'd do more than transfer to another warehouse.

I'd bet real money that if someone with neck tatts bumped uglies with your mom, you'd change professions.
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