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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

buxfan4life;1771348; said:
Yes, he was. I met him while we were both at Ohio State.

I will say he was a great RB for the Buckeyes. That is all I will say about him on this board, though.

RS is a good coupla light years in IQ points ahead of a certain MeatChicken poser ESPiN employs.

For my money, he has represented OSU outstandingly. He has poise, wit, obvious intellect, and a cheerfully balanced personality. He also has repeatedly referenced his association with the university in a completely positive manner. I think he's great PR for tOSU.
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localyokel;1772590; said:
RS is a good coupla light years in IQ points ahead of a certain MeatChicken poser ESPiN employs.

For my money, he has represented OSU outstandingly. He has poise, wit, obvious intellect, and a cheerfully balanced personality. He also has repeatedly referenced his association with the university in a completely positive manner. I think he's great PR for tOSU.

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:lol: :lol:

MajorKitana about 13 hours ago
@KingJames I'll suck your dick


ur a disgrace to the scarlet and grey. O-H-I-O hates you fucking quitter. and fuck akron u for allowing u to use the facility. At least OSU had some balls to tell u no for something

@KingJames its funny you have a #23 buckeyes jersey on. Too bad most buckeyes dont want you to wear it. Coach Tressel even asked you to stay. What a dis loyal Quitter. You sure your elbow will hold up in the football game or does it just flare up when you

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kn1f3party;1776966; said:
Based on how the fan wearing the Heat jersey had to be escorted out of the Indians game and the signs I've seen at Ohio State games, Miami @ Cleveland is going to be epic on 12/02.

I don't think anyone is ever going to feel hate like Lebron is going to that night. I will be shocked if that weak-minded piece of shit has a good game with all that hatred coming at him. I honestly don't think he has any idea what he has waiting for him when he returns. The only thing he has going for him is that he is going to get booed in every arena outside of Souf Beach so he will probably be getting used to it before he comes back to Cleveland.
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exhawg;1776972; said:
I don't think anyone is ever going to feel hate like Lebron is going to that night. I will be shocked if that weak-minded piece of [censored] has a good game with all that hatred coming at him. I honestly don't think he has any idea what he has waiting for him when he returns. The only thing he has going for him is that he is going to get booed in every arena outside of Souf Beach so he will probably be getting used to it before he comes back to Cleveland.

The reaction to Lebron will be far bigger than the actual game itself, which is good, because the Cavs stand a better chance of losing by 50 points than winning the game.

EDIT: And I would like to point out (once again) how much I wish we had never gotten Lebron in the first place. Unless he breaks his [censored]ing kneecap, we'll have to watch this guy hoist multiple Larry O'Brien Trophies. And that wouldn't have bothered me one bit (even may have cheered for it) if he never played here and teased us so much.

Its like dating the prom queen for 7 years, but she won't sleep with you. Then she realizes how much better she is than you and starts dating the starting quarterback; and flaunts the fact that she's sleeping with him.... only if were all on ESPN.
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