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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

WolverineMike;1769602; said:
I hope that sign was not there. On freaking 9/11 I would hope that nobody was throwing the word "hero" around so loosely.

Calm down. Just because someone used the word "hero" on 9/11 doesn't mean that person was slighting anyone involved with 9/11. If you're really that upset by a sign with those words, you're WAY too easily offended.
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buckeyesin07;1769956; said:
Calm down. Just because someone used the word "hero" on 9/11 doesn't mean that person was slighting anyone involved with 9/11. If you're really that upset by a sign with those words, you're WAY too easily offended.
Oh, I don't know... Mike survived his hazing as a visiting fan (and one for Scum at that) and has managed to keep his cool despite some of us going pretty hard at his favorite team.
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Bucklion;1771186; said:
Are you kidding? ESPN is now just like Vince McMahon. If somebody has "heel heat" they'll run with that to boost their own ratings...just like they will run with a popular guy.

Guess I should have watched some ESPN before making my comment. I thought they were in the "bury anything that has to do with a star" mode.
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