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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

billmac91;1765337; said:
LeBron and his handlers are trying to put together a 30 minute televison show (all donations to the Boys and Girls club of course) on whether he will attend the game on Saturday, and what bench he will view from.

The location of the special is in Tuscaloosa, immeditaley following Gameday. That right there tells me he likely he isn't coming, or will be on Miami's sideline. If he were going to be on OSU's sideline, the decision would be held from Columbus. Just a hunch...

The first part of this post sounds like a joke, a bit of sarcasm perhaps. The second paragraph sounds like you actually heard that this ridiculousness is actually occurring!!

Shirley you can't be serious.
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Zander42;1765504; said:
The first part of this post sounds like a joke, a bit of sarcasm perhaps. The second paragraph sounds like you actually heard that this ridiculousness is actually occurring!!

Shirley you can't be serious.

The fact that I need to clarify I am joking shows how far LeBron has plummeted. The guy is such a huge douche...

BTW, in other NBA news...everyone is talking about a possible trade of Carmelo Anthony to the Bulls.

Honest question...why is the main story about Melo' possibly going to the Bulls, and not the destruction of the NBA?? The players continue to call the shots, and NBA franchises get hung out to dry. The league is an absolute mess. Even if Melo stays in Denver this season, why would any sane person spend money in Denver to see Melo's farewell season.

The NBA needs the owners to unite and hammer these guys. Only problem is, if you're a major market team, why change the current system?? Every 3 years, the best FA's will want to team up in your city while the rest of the league sucks...

It blows...and this started with LeBron 3 years ago convincing Bosh and Wade to take less money so they could team up in 2010.
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y0yoyoin;1765145; said:
i dont know his connections with the university besides maybe donating money to the school...we did or still do wear the LBJ23 logo on our jerseys for basketball so maybe this is the tie for his connection for being allowed on the sideline

He's never given a penny to Ohio State. As for the shoes, that's more like Ohio State helping him out by endorsing his product.
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I have no doubt if the Buckeyes were to face Kentucky in the finals of the NCAA basketball tournament, he'd be pulling for Kentucky.

He's a front-runner, I sincerely believe he probably likes UK bball more than the Buckeyes. His fandom of our football program is only b/c they've been good this decade.

It really isn't debateable when his other favorite teams are the Yankees, Bulls, Cowboys....
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bucknut502;1765502; said:
I agree with Tress when he basically said, GET OVER IT!!!!!

I love how non-Cavs fans think its just easy to forgive and/or forget.

By the way, ignore Lebron people. All this guy wants is attention. Don't give him the satisfaction. I'm glad I'll be in C Deck where I won't have to worry about whether he's there or not... I'm there for the game anyway. Go Buckeyes!
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WolverineMike;1765369; said:
just when the Lebron mania calms down, he sticks his head back in the door to remind everybody he's still here.

crazyness. I really can't believe Tress would allow the sideshow. Why not give MoClarette a call and see if he wants a sideline pass too.
Turning him down would create even more attention...I promise you it would be ALL OVER e!spn for days. Hell, Mrs. Wade would probably challenge him to an hour long debate or some shit. He's handled this the only way he can.
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Drep88;1766060; said:
I?d like to take this opportunity to help get you familiarized with a couple things you shouldn?t do in Miami.
1. Never speak highly of Fidel Castro
2. Don?t get on I-95 between 5 ? 6:30pm.
3. Try not to drink more than two Cuban espressos before a game or you?ll end up doing some Ron Artest crazy person stuff.
4. Don?t ever get caught wearing a Jets hat.
Last but not least don?t admit that you like Ohio State?

Honeymoon Is Over; LeBron Says He’s Rooting For Ohio State

5.) Don't step in front of Donte Stallworth's car.
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OH10;1765137; said:
I would be disappointed in Ohio State if they granted a celebrity with no connection to the university (other than being a bandwagon fan) sideline access.

We're not USC. Our celebrities are Archie Griffin, Chris Spielman, Earle Bruce, Eddie George, Kirk Herbrstreit, etc... We shouldn't grant special favors to someone that has no more affinity or connection to Ohio State than Snoop Dogg or Will Farrell have to USC.

And we certainly don't need that distraction. Ohio State needs to just say, "thanks, but no thanks," and "please stay away for a while."

Will Ferrell actually graduated from USC.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1765016; said:
Cavs basketball and Ohio State football have virtually no connection whatever.

Bullshit. Ohio might just be more of a football state, but just because Lebitch played in Cleveland didn't make him an less accepted anywhere else thought Ohio. He (was) beloved for being one of us, exceptional and what we thought loyal or a sense of true dedication.

The Cavs are the only NBA team here, he's a son of Ohio, (was actually) that made a commitment to his team, the city of Cleveland, its fans and the residents of this state about bringing a title back here.

I realize in some ways Columbus natives might "distance" themselves from the idea of Cleveland, but that's the complete opposite feeling up here. We embrace the Buckeyes because most of us we're raised 'All Ohio'.

It was the same with Bitchmade. He was going to be the local boy that brought a professional trophy back home. Didn't work out that way.

His presence on the sidelines is foolish not to mention selfish considering the time-line of the events that unfolded. It will draw unwanted/unnecessary media and fan attention.

He turned his back on this state, not just a team, the city or a few people - it was the entire fucking state.

Fuck him.
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Buckeneye;1766188; said:
He turned his back on this state, not just a team, the city or a few people - it was the entire fucking state.

Fuck him.

I guess I understand your sentiment to some extent, but a lot of people don't really give a shit about the Cavs, the NBA, LeBron, etc. To say he 'turned his back on the entire state' is about as overdramatic and self-absorbed as LeBron is accused of being.
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Drep88;1766060; said:
Honeymoon Is Over; LeBron Says He?s Rooting For Ohio State

AUTHOR: bennyvargas
LeBron James posted on his Twitter feed Thursday that ?he?s considering going to Columbus, Ohio, on Sept. 11 to see the matchup between No. 2 Ohio State ? his longtime team of choice ? and No. 13 Miami.? penn
James then wrote that , ?O-State will prevail for sure. Will be exciting!?
Dear LeBron, I?d like to take this opportunity to help get you familiarized with a couple things you shouldn?t do in Miami.
1. Never speak highly of Fidel Castro
2. Don?t get on I-95 between 5 ? 6:30pm.
3. Try not to drink more than two Cuban espressos before a game or you?ll end up doing some Ron Artest crazy person stuff.
4. Don?t ever get caught wearing a Jets hat.
Last but not least don?t admit that you like Ohio State?

Honeymoon Is Over; LeBron Says He’s Rooting For Ohio State

Oh, ain't this guy cute. He still thinks Da U is relevant.....musta watched that insipid puff piece in 30 for 30 too many times.
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